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Everything posted by Bobydog

  1. Or keep their collective snouts in it as the case may be
  2. A meir drop in the ocean, and then only hand out probations, somethings never change lol, a stirling example of getting tough.
  3. Think again mate, problem is they all survived lol, back to the range to qualify "How to hit what you are aiming for " heaven forbid they shot an innocent bystander....
  4. I enjoy a good laugh but there isn't a lot they have done one could call humourous
  5. Could well have been a press conference, my "Point" is still the same
  6. Nice to see the Immigration officers dressed in their Millitary uniforms lol, just to remind the pesants who is in control.
  7. Good question, there was also a poll taken a couple of years ago that said that "Most Thai's didnt want Foreigners " so hows that working out.
  8. That Guy still confuses me, is he an Member of parliament or an army osifer, talk about double standards, a good nip&tuck would be a good move.lol
  9. But they still got caught out. The problem arises if Thailand is receiving money from the "Leak". Especially with the no refunds in place,, lol.
  10. Unless he was expecting to pickup the rifle from "RTP Discounts"
  11. One has to take into account that it is people like this character that provide off the books income for others MMMmmmm
  12. Just an observation from personal experience, to just walk will help with blood circulation etc but without putting some effort into walking, other benefits would not be gained. With that in mind, seeing a Monk walking briskly in public would not be a good look and jogging is totally out of the question.
  13. Sorry Mate but at her age she shouldn't have been on the bike, nothing to do with cell phones, they are just the icing on the cake of life, so to speak
  14. What is the age a person must be before they can have a licence to ride a "Motorcycle"???? if it is over 14 then that one is on the Father>
  15. Is that a Naval Uniform the "General" is wearing or costume.
  16. No surprise there, first the Gov would have to make a trumped up announcment pertaining to come from a newspaper and then employ a clever accountant (Not Thai) to hide their personal take from the investors lol
  17. RTP and others have the cash collection market pretty well organised, covering wide areas of sources and look like they are trying to limit the outside competition
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