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Everything posted by Bobydog

  1. And here I am thinking that the Thai system was based upon a "We have nothing to hide" which translates to "Whoops, but that would cost money to secure official/confidential files.. here again, no real surprises.
  2. Given that the CCP don't give a tinker's cuss about their own people their "Furious" card is just smoke and wind
  3. I Wasn't aware Dress White's were an Army uniform or is this just another pretend dressup party.
  4. No mistake in procedure, ABUSE OF PROCEDURE would come closer. How long since the Thai Government Executed one of their own?
  5. Ok Thai Gov, How much is the Poxy CCP paying you to promote this crp ?? That combination is only going to impress the monkeys in the zoo.
  6. They could try running Songkran 2022 celebrations again on top of their success this year NOT! Keep the present performance up and they will have even less people to care for. They need to go.
  7. Sadly in some cases many but that doesn't mean that it's right. Would you prefer another heading, " Like the excitement of being murdered? Come to Thailand"
  8. This promoted a flurry of negative comments about the group not caring about Thai society or the fact that the island is in the grip of the pandemic that is sweeping Thailand. Oh really, Thai society should be more concerned about the irresponsibility of "their Government " in regards their utter lack of care for the Thai people over the current infection rate and supply of vaccines. So a small group of people werent wearing masks. What is the military government guilty of?
  9. Right on ! Looking at tourists purely as a source of income is fundamentally flawed.
  10. Bottom line, people will not holiday in a Country that clearly doesnt have a clue how to look after their own people. The Gov't of Thailand has been see globally as a bunch of money grabbing opportunists that simply cannot be trusted.
  11. Heh heh heh, those other people may not have heard the news with all the grandstanding that has gone on MMMmmm
  12. Quite so, he forgot to tell every one the time span, this year, next year 2025???
  13. They could try offering cheap shares in Thai Airways as a penalty offset.
  14. No surprises there, and exporting AZ???? I have to wonder how much is finding its way into admin pockets..... instead of vaccinating the people in/of Thailand. We know skimming oportunities are less but in all faith, how can you hold your head up and look your people in the eye.
  15. All members of the Military Junta that took over Thailand and got rich in the process should be stripped down and handed to the people for Judgement before they flee Thailand for an extradition free country with their ill gotten gains.
  16. These "Clowns" should be stripped down to their board shorts and given to the people of Thailand, it's only fair after all, it's their country that has systematically been gutted for their own benefit by these "Clowns" and intimately consigned to the bottom of the heap. It will be many years before Thailand rises up to come close to where she was in 2019 . The "Clowns" have to pay!
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