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Posts posted by Trolling4warlords

  1. I am honestly not sure where TAT gets it's economic data from. 

    The global economy is in dire straits right now. With the US banking system on the edge of another Global finanial crisis, Commercial real-estate crisis, Regional banking crisis, Deflation threats. 


    China's economic engine has stopped completely. No new orders are coming in, factories are closing down left and right, Large manufacturers have left the country. Once, the back orders are fulfilled, there won't be enough orders to keep the Chinese economy from a deflating, it's already deflating. China is the canary in the coal mine, if China's economy is suffering from lack of orders (and the trucking, baltic dry index, PMI data all support that thesis), that's because Western Europe and America does not have enough money to place those orders, that should tell you these countries in the West do not have discretionary spending anymore.

    Once, the American people's savings are tapped out and that's going to happen very soon as soon as September when Student loan repayments start again, China will have no longer have a economy. This is why China is trying to turn to their local population into consumers. 

    If you really think about it, the tourism statistics show Russians and Chinese were the highest in terms of tourism for Thailand. Russians because their economy is destroyed, the Russians are fleeing war, Fleeing not travelling for leisure and their Ruble has been decimated. The Chinese travelled to Thailand because they were cooped up in a cage for 3 years, had good savings. However, the Chinese real estate crisis, lack of jobs will eventually tap into those savings and when that runs out, there won't be much tourism going on. 

    This goes for Americans as well. When the American's savings are tapped out and by December at the latest, if the retail numbers don't go up, corporations are going to start laying off. So you got three really huge factors at play here, diminishing savings, Student loan repayment and No discretionary spending, all funds are going to maintaining their mortgage and car loan payments. 

    I don't see where and how tourism is going to boom late 2023

    • Sad 1
  2. "At least it's better than nothing". TELL that to the Thais that are having a tough time putting food on the table. At least you tried right? That means you are now absolved of all responsibility. You can now go back to your multi million dollar homes from all the "brown envelopes" from the bribes you've been taking. 


    They claimed they tried everything. They haven't tried common sense. 

  3. Government of Thailand. Please spend 5 minutes thinking before you act. If I was a multimillionaire in my country WHY would I want a WORK PERMIT in your country?!!!!????? Do you think I am going to work in Thailand? The only time this would work is if I open my own business and I am the CEO of that business. 


    You are coming up with schemes and tricks, not strategic plans for recovery or growth.


    On 8/10/2020 at 4:12 AM, Baerboxer said:


    And how many murderers in Chicago, Toronto, or London don't get charged or investigated properly because of who their family is and/or large brown envelopes?



    It's obvious Thai police are easily corrupted and swayed by brown envelopes. But let's not forget western countries are pretty much the same. Epstein is a great example, he got away with raping and trafficking children for decades, so did his handler, maxwell. U.N. UNICEF, child protective services etc. Are all well known international child trafficking organizations. 


    We do get angry when murderers like "Boss" get away or the murder of this young lady but we have to keep a perspective the only reason why most of you don't know about the satanic child trafficking organizations that exist now is because of the news media and journalists. They are paid off with brown envelopes too and their job is to keep quiet. 


    I get angry too when a murderer gets away but i try to keep a fair objective view. Western crime is no different, just more sophisticated, international and collusion than Thai. Which makes it much harder to defeat. 

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  5. Professional assassin. This assassin recce'ed his target for awhile. Cheap thugs paid to kill do not have the calm mental fortitude to pick up brass after murdering someone. Not only did this assassin slip in completely unheard, he did it on a metal roof. Which can make alot of noise. His pistol either had a brass catcher like the other poster said, it's a revolver. If not, he literally picked each brass up by hand. That in itself is a feat as anyone that has adrenaline pumping through him knows fine motor skills with adrenaline is hard. Picking up brass in a unfamiliar environment where it can go under the bed etc. Is tough because your mind is running a mile a second, wanting to flee.


    A lot of talk about silencers. I take nobody here knows how silencers work. They still go bang because of the primer being hit and the bullet must travel under the speed of sound, like a 45 caliber bullet. A western professional assassin uses 22lr caliber with silencer, you will only hear the hammer strike, no bang. 


    Silencers don't work like the movies. You have to sacrifice killing power for sound suppression. You can't have both. A 22lr won't kill unless you aim for the eyeball. Shooting the skull may not penetrate. 


    Either way, it's likely a revolver. But slipping in undetected and slipping out is where the real professionalism comes in. Not shooting point blank.

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  6. Covid19 has always been a lie. The reason there is no proof BLM violent rioters is because it's not time to say it yet. When it suits the agenda "aka. Second wave", then you'll start seeing data coming out that gatherings spread covid. That is because its election time in USA and they don't want Trump to win. Lieing "experts" will suddenly come out and say gatherings are deadly but 2 months ago these "experts" said it's safe to protest BLM but protesting g against lockdown will spread covid.

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  7. There is an obvious agenda here. The government has always stated they wanted Thailand to move away from being known as a sexcation location for tourists. They have tried to shut down walking street and bars for years. They will use this plandemic to drive the nail in the coffin. There won't be any bars left, no more freelancers. The old Thailand is gone. Exactly as planned

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  8. I wonder if the international airline companies could take this advice too. Since you can never apply "social distancing" measures in a plane. Why don't the global airline industry just look for something else to do? The advice given by the government is foolish. A massive chunk of Thailand's GDP is mostly from tourism. To say the bars just "look for something else to do" is asinine. 


    To do it, you need a nation wide re-education program, long term de-scaling from tourism to other markets like electronics or other production. Thailand could take foreign manufacturers that are leaving China. India is doing it. 


    Why aren't the Thai government aggressively marketing Thailand as the new production center in Asia? Take some of China's current foreign manufacturers that are actively looking outside of China. 


    This requires long term planning and a love for their country to grow and prosper but it requires hard work. I suspect it's not done because it DOES require hard work. 


    Cuts into government official "recreation" time. 


    So patriotic.

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