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  1. I'm not able to do a screenshot. However, at the bottom of the page. Arrow you can click to play the song, in the middle. Two icons to the left of that arrow. 1st one is "Previous". Next to that you'll find, "Enable shuffle". Hover your cursor over it.
  2. Hope the numbers keep falling. They're like a plague of locusts, my building is full of them. Very rude and unfriendly.
  3. Exactly. I live here, and go for daily walks. Often see them walking 3-5 abreast on the sidewalk, holding hands. Completely blocking the sidewalk, zero room to walk around them. Have to either elbow my way through. Or walk outside them in the street (very hazardous). And I often see them cross busy traffic, not even looking, as if the vehicles are invisible. Cars and bikes flying by inches away. Completely oblivious to it. I can only assume that must be the M.O. in India. I'm amazed more of them aren't mowed down here.
  4. The noise pollution here is horrific! And it can definitely spike stress levels of those subjected to it. Not justifying the violence, it's never appropriate. But it is certainly understandable.
  5. The illegitimate, fraudulent Biden regime was an atrocity. A dumpster fire from top to bottom.
  6. Do Thais ever fight 1 on 1? Seems like whether attacking farangs or themselves. It's always a dog pack swarming 1 poor sap. And not stopping until the victim is unconscious, stomping, kicking, punching. Disgraceful, cowardly behavior.
  7. Haven't tried them. I just buy a bottle of Saline solution at Fascino. Along with the appropriate size plastic syringe. Both are very inexpensive. Works perfectly. When the saline runs out. Can buy premixed packets on Lazada. Mix with bottled water. Perfect.
  8. Thanks for the info. They're in BKK? Was hoping for something more local (Pattaya).
  9. Not advised for the elderly. At least not for anything beyond very occasional use (last resort). Studies have linked its use to memory loss / dementia. A commonly known side effect.
  10. Been living in a cave for the past 4 years? Start with Tony Bobulinksy, "10% for the Big Guy". Crooked Joe makes Al Capone look like a Boy Scout.
  11. BPH quoted me 30k baht for an overnight sleep study (approximately $1k US). I'd had a recent study done in the US, which was free on my plan. Confirmed sleep apnea. Brought a print-out of the study with me. Would not accept it, insisted on doing their own. I passed. It's not severe, most nights I sleep OK (no snoring, or gasping for air).
  12. Yet another disaster occurring under the fraudulent Biden regime. Worst administration in US history. Ending just as it began.
  13. You're stirring up a hornet's nest with the rabid, leftist Trump haters on AN! Incoming in 3-2-1...
  14. Agreed. And just the tip of the iceberg. He is an incredibly corrupt super villain. Evil to the core.
  15. I've had premium for years. Definitely has the shuffle option, I'm looking at it now.
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