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  1. I have responded to a number of MAGA supporters the response is always, defection and so on to refute facts. Not going to waster any more of my time with replies. BTW anyone being proud to support an individual will trump's track record of abuse and insults, IMO, needs to take a long look in the mirror.
  2. Unless you have totally closed off your mind you will be well aware of the facts regards fascism, white supremacy etc in MAGA world. Accordingly I'm not going to waste my time, you're a MAGA supporter and will only come back with deflection, misinformation, all the usual nonsensical reply.
  3. From your link: self-described anti-fascists and antifa members violence that they participated in was in self-defense against right-wingers' intent on harming people, including white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups It is the likes of neo Nazis and white supremist who are among supporters of trump. Indeed one of trump's senior advisors is a known white supremist, Stephen Miller and a contributor to the fascist leaning Project 2025.
  4. Antifa is anti fascist, therefore anti Nazi. Though their may be parties who have opted the outward trappings of Antifa demonstrators https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifa_(United_States) I thoroughly dislike Nazism, but as far as I know the Nazi Party is not banned in the USA; another weird aspect of US policy.
  5. Please name those in Congress who have confirmed support for Hamas, with links. Expressing concern for the thousands of civilians killed, health issues etc caused by Israeli actions is not "support for Hamas", but calling out humanitarian issues and release of hostages by negotiation. So far Netanyahu' has made it clear he will not cease fighting until all Hamas are killed, thereby creating a situation Hamas will never release the hostages. Whereas senior military & diplomats have clearly stated the only way to end the killing is through diplomacy; you cannot kill an ideology.
  6. You are using MAGA tropes. Harris was never the Border Czar, she did not have responsibility for the Border, nor Immigration. trump, as predicted, is claiming Harris represents the extreme far left and will destroy USA in a year of gaining power. Complete bigoted nonsense. Harris is not a Marist, nor a supporter of Marxism, more nonsense. BTW it would be interesting to read a definition of "far left extremism" from a MAGA supporter. Following is a link to a paper on Marxism and whether it applies to the US political environment. The problem with describing BLM, Antifa, and like-minded movements as Marxist is that they hold little in common with, and much in opposition to, the ideas that we find in Marx’s writing. Marx extolled the achievements of capitalism as an extraordinary improvement upon all previous economic arrangements. https://historyreclaimed.co.uk/are-black-lives-matter-and-antifa-really-marxist/
  7. Do you ever check your claims? Have to give it to you, your claims are a copy of the lies and misinformation emanating from MAGA world. For a starter Harris never held a position of responsibility for Border or Immigration control; a lie out of trump's mouth, just one of at least 33,000 lies since trump entered the Presidency. https://www.voanews.com/a/harris-was-never-border-czar-experts-say-despite-republican-claims/7711579.html Fact checking false claims about Kamala Harris. https://time.com/7001670/kamala-harris-fact-check-false-claims-citizenship-black-willie-brown-montel-williams/
  8. With over 100 ex trump staff, including his senior policy adviser Stephen Miller working on the policies, which do mirror some of trump's prior rhetoric, I find it unbelievable trump has had no input nor supports the Project 2025 policy goals. trump is a well known liar as well as indulges in misinformation, disinformation practically every few minutes he talks in public. It's just incredible how much trump BS his followers adsorb and regurgitate. To support trump's disinformation Miller has now distanced himself from the project - lol https://abcnews.go.com/US/pro-trump-group-asks-removed-project-2025-advisory/story?id=111896330
  9. Excellent, Harris is fighting back against MAGA BS... In her first campaign rally as the presumptive Democratic nominee to face Donald Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris took aim at her Republican rival and a widely derided Trump-linked platform that provides a blueprint for the next GOP administration. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kamala-harris-campaign-rally-trump-project-2025-b2584694.html
  10. Apologies a cut and paste. Yes, but were not actually socialists by way of political agenda
  11. There are some ex US military volunteers in Ukraine as well as British, Australians, French etc
  12. They are all credible sources. Obviously pointless trying to have a dialogue. For the future I will not respond to you or susanlea. FYI Google following bye The right needs to stop falsely claiming that the Nazis were socialists The Nazis hated socialists. It was the governments that rebuilt Europe that embraced social welfare programs.
  13. Trust you will reciprocate; some example: https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists https://www.abc.net.au/religion/nazism-socialism-and-the-falsification-of-history/10214302 https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/09/05/were-nazis-socialists/
  14. This is getting ridiculous. both Nazism and Italian fascism were primarily right wing with some similarities to trump's senior advisor Stephen Miller ideology. BTW I usually vote centre right, occasionally centre left if centre right starts attacking the less well off / minorities as has occurred in Australia.
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