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Kenneth White

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  1. You said if legally registered they have the same rules as motorbikes. HaHaHa...what rules? These idiots here have no rules. They believe they own the roads. Some examples: Ride in the opposite direction, have no turn signal, pull in front of you on the right at a traffic light when turning right, never use their mirrors, and then pull into your travel lane. I had an ATV and told they are not street legal.
  2. I remember Sex on the Beach was an alcoholic drink you could order. After a few of these, you were unable to get it up for any extra fun on the beach or not. 😉
  3. Maybe the old guy was sleepwalking trying to find his bathroom. I don't care if he was Thai or foreigner it takes balls to walk naked out in public. He might also be prode of his package...Just showing off. 😁
  4. As I said in the article "Krackdoowm on foreigners" by police and other agencies. You are playing the blame game and have put a target on our backs.
  5. When you resort to playing the blame game, you lose. Yes, some foreigners come to Thailand with bad intentions and need to be shown the door, and then some are just complete idiots. The fact you are targeting foreigners makes us targets; I have many good friends, shop owners in the city, and village people, but what bothers me are the Thai people I don't know. They will put their spin on this and become abusive or even become violent.
  6. When you resort to playing the blame game, you lose. Yes, some foreigners come to Thailand with bad intentions and need to be shown the door, and then some are just complete idiots. The fact you are targeting foreigners makes us targets; I have many good friends, shop owners in the city, and village people, but what bothers me are the Thai people I don't know. They will put their spin on this and become abusive or even become violent.
  7. This all seems pretty innocent to me. Mom always said if you make a big deal of something, it becomes a big deal, which appears to be what this has turned out to be.
  8. I have been living and banking in Thailand for over 10 years; I sure hope I don't need to make any changes to my bank account. I am 77 years old and cranky as hell.
  9. Some blame the Thai nationals for committing more crimes than foreigners. Well, duh, there are more Thais than Forenirs. You must be shown the door if you come to Thailand with bad intentions. Some Thai men tend to intimidate foreigners, which escalates into violence. I have personally experienced this. The police crackdown nationwide should hopefully help curb and slow down crime among Thais and foreigners.
  10. I have lived in Thailand for many years and spend my retirement income here. I purchase what I need from local shops and online. I support local mom-and-pop stores first, then online (shopee) and big-box stores.
  11. If he is still here and detained, he needs to be made to clean the entire area where he peed. And pay a heavy fine. He is disgusting.
  12. I am from South Florida, USA, and the driving habits there are horrendous. If walking around Miami Dade and choosing to cross the street, it is advisable to use a crosswalk. Otherwise, you will be taking your life into your own hands. I have lived in Thailand for 10 years and still have not grown accustomed to Thai drivers; they don't mind tailgating, I mean, right on your ass. They will come racing up in the right turn lane and then cut you off to go straight. It is advisable to have a car cam; it will save you if needed. And then there are motorbikes. Someone must teach these idiots [I can't emphasize IGIOTS enough] proper riding skills with some common sense riding. I rode for many years living in South Florida and respect the rules and laws of the road. Here, they think they own the road and have no respect. Then, the Thai people and government wonder why there are so many traffic fatalities. Okay, I have said enough.
  13. I agree, Card. It is none of their business. I spend a lot of money here on groceries, fuel, Global House, the farmers' shop, etc.
  14. I want to add to my first reply. If the Thai Revenue Department wants more money to spend, it should investigate the thousands of unregulated food stalls, roadside vendors, etc. These vendors are paid cash, and I would almost bet they don't pay any tax. If they do, they don't claim all of it; they skim off some and report only a tiny amount.
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