I am from South Florida, USA, and the driving habits there are horrendous. If walking around Miami Dade and choosing to cross the street, it is advisable to use a crosswalk. Otherwise, you will be taking your life into your own hands. I have lived in Thailand for 10 years and still have not grown accustomed to Thai drivers; they don't mind tailgating, I mean, right on your ass. They will come racing up in the right turn lane and then cut you off to go straight. It is advisable to have a car cam; it will save you if needed. And then there are motorbikes. Someone must teach these idiots [I can't emphasize IGIOTS enough] proper riding skills with some common sense riding. I rode for many years living in South Florida and respect the rules and laws of the road. Here, they think they own the road and have no respect. Then, the Thai people and government wonder why there are so many traffic fatalities. Okay, I have said enough.