Thai time is not Western time. Always remember this Thai word “beua”, bored. Work too hard, beua. Work too long hours, beua. Tight work schedule beua. Not enough money for living expenses, clothes, a couple of beers every night, and to party with friends, beua. Relationship problems in their non work life beua. You hear this word there is trouble and guaranteed your gonna have a runner. Hire 7 employees to cut workload. Don’t work them overtime unless true emergency and ask them for it don’t demand. If overtime, beer. Chang speaks louder than anything else. Hire women only for the easiest of jobs. Don’t pay them lunch money, have one of them run to local carts to get everyone lunch you pay. Different ones every week. Don’t demand change back. Have once or twice monthly parties, beer and hotpot. Always use a Thai middleman or woman. Listen to what that middleman tells you. Have middleman be part of hiring process and ask their opinion of any future employees. Never, never, never directly supervise your workers, but do work with them if necessary and I mean the down and dirty work. If unable to do that, make yourself scarce unless you are bringing them something nice, see above Chang beer. There will still be turnover but it will be a lot less. Another good idea is to show respect to their family, they say they are going home to visit, never hurts to supply a gift for their mother and always take it in stride if they are late returning (Thai time), and why a couple extra employees.