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Everything posted by Clarkey611

  1. TAT to produce a new slogan for the new reduced ASQ: "One night in Bangkok". Now where have I heard that before!
  2. He still does not appear to have been appraised of the details of the plan to open up the country by his boss. Please can someone tell him and the man from TAT that no one is coming!
  3. Pleased to see that he is again commenting before being appraised! On another subject, according to the internnet, the Krystal Club will be open tonight from 8.30 pm
  4. I think the major problem is in the use of the word "if". As a betting man, there is no chance of having to worry about this problem for the next 20 years.
  5. Surprise, surprise! China is clearly under reporting, as a couple of ports have been closed for more than a week due to something or other.
  6. I read that the first time as well, but it has now been changed to 170 million. Maybe a nut in charge was doing the editing.
  7. I have not paid anything for the COE, but the COVID Insurance.... that's another matter!
  8. Having visited most of the dairies in Thailand, I would confirm that Meiji maintains the best GMP and HACCP standards for pasteurised milk..
  9. Unfortunately sound generates "waves", which will spread out, collecting the virus on its way and infect all the listeners. Simple!
  10. The furlough scheme was very effective according to a large number of businesses
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