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Everything posted by Clarkey611

  1. Chinese and Russian Cybersecurity?
  2. My Dad, who had Dementia, was in a private Care Home in Frimley Green and the cost was over £ 6,000 per month. 75% of the staff were from the Philippines and the rest from African countries. The staff from the Philippines were hard working and slim. He was looked after very well and I am sure that people arre looked after in Thailand. My mother is looking seriously at moving overseas soon as nearly all her friends have passed away and she is reliant on carers either living in or coming in mornings Monday to Friday.
  3. The boys at TAT will be celebrating, as they always do.
  4. He has been in a stable condition since he landed. No change here!
  5. I bet that all the prawns are happy!
  6. How far is the Police Hospital from the Police Club?
  7. Unfortunately, I have had first hand experience of the establishment in Phattanakarn and that is why I provided a comment.
  8. But the Thais going there do not know what is good food. However, they will learn when GR comes to town!
  9. Or some more numbers. 555555555555555555555555555555555
  10. When I started laughing out loud, my wife came runing to see what was going on. Now we are both laughing. ????
  11. Johnny Covid has been knocked off the front page? Wow!
  12. Is Thaksin really sick? No!
  13. Are they going to have a pre-lunch G & T at the Police Club?
  14. It looks like he has been given a "Get out of Jail Free" card from the person that we cannot mention to pay off an old debt.
  15. Stop in the desert by Mustaffa P. A new Arab book.
  16. Isn't someone at the top somewhat in debt to Dr. Thaksin?
  17. Now he has set a bad example, I worry that soon everyone will be doing it!
  18. Is anyone able to point me in the direction of said list?
  19. Where is the man who "put the bang into gang"?
  20. How many of the ties have been photo shopped for colour?
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