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Everything posted by Clarkey611

  1. Not only available in Bangkok, it was also on sale at Robinsons in Sri Racha yesterday.
  2. "For a period of time, an uncontrolled sex industry stained the town's image, but with a joint Government and private sector initiative, Pattaya is now an attractive holiday destination that continues to grow." At which point, I suddenly stopped reading.
  3. Not only a loss of a Benz, but even worse, a loss of face for Phuri, especially after it is on here.
  4. As said by the General in charge and a nut in charge from the Construction Industry. The mind boggles!
  5. It looked very talented and there was a large selection.
  6. Cowboy was heaving over the weekend! There must be a large number of brown envelopes in circulation.
  7. You forgot to mention that the Government Lottery tickets are now sold at THB 80 per ticket. Great achievement!
  8. The wife and youngest have just returned after being incarcerated in the Krung Thep Palais for 10 days. Total cost of 106,000 for the wife and 94,000 for the youngest. Three people shared each room and there is a fee for the room of 3,000 per person per night. Somebody is making money on this together with the cost of the medicine (25.000 per person).
  9. Will these be paid for using the 300 baht international tourist tax?
  10. I don't think so! Did this value come from the TAT predictions' calculator?
  11. My wife is incarcerated in the Krung Thep Palais and she has said that there were 95 admitted alone on the 3rd.
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