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  1. "News", or straight up propaganda 90% of the time with a bias one way or another?
  2. I would call it entrenched, unelected bureaucrats who want to hold power regardless of which political party was voted in. That is the definition of the deep state with all the pet projects and money laundering that goes with it.
  3. We're all waiting with baited breath, what's the solution that's acceptable there roughie?
  4. Fantastic, let them figure it out for themselves without having to rely on big brother. Sink or swim, up to you!
  5. Instead of the ire about one child who died from "measles" perhaps the ire should be on the hospitals.
  6. Interesting..........................................................
  7. What I found appalling was Victoria Nuland and the US spearheading a coup in 2014 to bring in their puppet of choice after the citizens voted for someone the US didn't like.
  8. Here's a little more info about Victoria Nuland and her adventures. BTW, has everyone heard the phone call in question? It's on youtube.
  9. I think you forgot a few. Czech Republic Hungary Poland Bulgaria Estonia Latvia Lithuania Romania Slovakia Slovenia North Macedonia Finland Sweden
  10. Let the Euros take care of themselves using their own funds and defense.
  11. UKRAINE: Zelensky informs the EU that his refusal to work with the US to end the war will require them to pay $250 billion to keep the war going.
  12. Which "non American" are you referring to? The guy that puts rockets up is a citizen, so who are you talking about, Soros?
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