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Modern Coding

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Posts posted by Modern Coding

  1. 15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:


    George Anderssen, ASEAN NOW's COO





    Now this is no more wonder!

    I have always wondered, why Asean Now's "journalism" was of low quality; well, it is just Swedish Bonnier AB like!


    And Thaiger, which I have always compared to German Axel Springer SE "level", now pairing with Asean Now was purely logical!

    • Confused 2
  2. 11 hours ago, sambum said:


    I'm not a child, or even a baby "GOAT", but I do get bored with these "if you don't like it -  go home" posts.


    Nothing or nowhere is perfect, andf I don't expect it to be, but that still doesn't mean that if I'm not happy about a particular situation or statement, I should just "put up or shut up"!


    The world doesn't need whining entitled losers!

    If you are not happy with something, just make the best out of what you have or suck it up!


  3. 42 minutes ago, n00dle said:

    based on absolutely no facts. 

    well done sir

    Yet another idiot that needs to go back to school, still he cannot read - nor write - properly; indeed: well done Sir!

    I EXPRESSIVELY wrote "My guess is", not "Fact is"! What is it, that any 6-year-old kid would easily understand, and that you don't understand??

    Or is it that you have unstructured noodles instead of a brain, which would explain why you chose to call yourself "n00dle"??

  4. 25 minutes ago, jtrump said:

    "I find grumpy expats and entitled boomers always criticizing every sh*t even more annoying!"


      I guess you find yourself annoying as well since you are the one complaining.  Both you and the original poster have a serious lack of intelligence.  Please seek immediate medical attention.  Local traditions is not beating someone for honking a horn.

    OK Boomer!

  5. 12 minutes ago, craighj said:

    Big brave Thai men, they always prefer to fight with mates rather than one on one!


    I hope the Thai media and public complain as hard about them as they do about Farang's misbehaving!!!


    Isn't it the case in most countries?

    Never heard of women walking alone on the street being harassed by a group of "men"??

    • Agree 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Jonathan Swift said:


    Wahhhhh, unfair to falang, wahhhhh. This whining gets old. If you don't like the way Thailand does things go back where you came from. I don't blame Thai people for being angry at foreigners when they misbehave. They have every right to be prejudiced if that's the case, it's just human nature. You're all a bunch of intruders to them, they didn't invite you here. And from where I sit it doesn't look like you have much understanding or respect for them. (I'm not referencing this incident or these particular criminals, only the ones you generally imply are "so unfair") And it's the kettle calling the stove black - you're no less prejudiced, your prejudice against Thais is transparently revealed by all  your remarks. You have no moral authority to preach from. Nor do any of the rest of you. Who cares how the press covers it? There is little or no real journalism left ANYWHERE in the world. The rest of us didn't come here to listen to a bunch of doddering complainers. We know where we're better off - here - and we're grateful. I've managed to get through 10 years here without being treated so unfairly that I have to cry to the newspapers. Imagine that. If you want to change the world join the Peace Corps. And lastly, this is an example to prove all of you wrong - Thai people actually being arrested by Thai police, but that's not good enough, is it? Of course not. You enjoy complaining too much. 


    Personally, after witnessing Songkran, I don't hold much of it.

    There are many things that I find annoying, as someone who has to work 7 days a week.

    (I would probably see it differently if I had Thai children and no need to work).


    Nevertheless, I fully agree to everything you state: as a guest among hosts who actually did not invite me, I am not to judge local traditions, I am just to keep my opinions for myself, just saying to myself that next year, I will think about traveling abroad.


    While I find some aspects of Thailand annoying - but which country is perfect?... - I find grumpy expats and entitled boomers always criticizing every sh*t even more annoying!

    Like expats are normally told in every country I have been living in: if you don't like it, leave! Period!


    • Agree 2
  7. 17 minutes ago, proton said:

    Millions don't bother with this nonsense as well and stick to the traditional songkran.


    Well, it is a local tradition, and I respect the fact that the Thais celebrate this way. After all, we are not to judge local habits.


    What is nonsense, is when those westerners who forgot to grow up, do the same!


    Because, at least, Thai people will not target you if you are dressed for work like I was.


    (There are actually laws for this, but not sure if they are being enforced).


    But those stupid expats up north in Chiang Mai, they targeted everyone: the last thing you want is to be splashed by one of those, and then being denied in the Grab or Bolt you have been waiting for too long, just because you are wet! You also don't want to be splashed when you are on the way to the airport, because you don't want to get frozen by the AC of the airport or the airplane. And one of those western idiot had thrown a huge quantity of water inside the songthaew in which I was sitting when heading to the airport.

    • Confused 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

    You seem to be well versed after a one week stay I have been to Hua Hin a number of times over the past 20 years as yet I have never seen any trouble maybe I need to go to spec savers !

    Can't you read properly?? The one-week stay was meant for Chiang Mai!

    In Hua Hin, I have stayed 6 months, which was more than enough.

    And the fact that you have never seen any trouble has never meant that there is never any! This is just as stupid as if you had said "I have never seen any clitoris, maybe I need to go to savvy species".

    • Sad 3
    • Haha 1
  9. Let's go!


    Steve walks warily down the street
    With the pants pulled way down low
    Ain't no sound but the sound of his sh*t
    Water guns ready to go


    Are you ready? Hey
    Are you ready for this?
    Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
    Out of the doorway water strays rip

    To the sound of the sh*t, yeah

    Another one poops the dust
    Another one poops the dust
    And another one down, and another one down
    Another one poops the dust (yeah)
    Hey, he's gonna do this too
    Another one poops the dust

    • Sad 2
  10. 16 minutes ago, Hakuna Matata said:

    Correct. This is classified as "Murder Threat".




    Once I was charged for "Murder Threat" when I lived in Moscow, Russia way back in 2000.


    This is a serious crime in many countries. But it seems, not in Thailand. Are there any Thailand based lawyers here?


    Thailand has never lived under the Old Testament; there is no such thing as THOU SHALLT NOT THREATEN WITH MURDER!

    Besides, Thailand is also one of the few countries that does not require a police check.

    Means: gates are wide open for all criminals and offenders to get redemption and feel free to finish their business here!

    • Thumbs Up 1
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