Who knows - but I thought that would at least pay for medical insurance for tourists. Was I wrong? Wasn't that the plan ? 300 baht X 300 million visitors - that's a sh**load of money.
Xi and his demented zero covid. As they say 'always get max political mileage out of a pandemic'. I can see the Chinese locked down for years with this lunatic at the helm. The west tried it, but freedom and democracy and sound reasoning stopped this nonsense. Best they can do now in the west is say 'ooooh ahhh get scared everyone - we have a new variant'.
That's not the the point. Even if you are boring - don't get swept along like a nice little obedient sheep. There is a big reason banks and governments like a sleeping, trusting Joe. They want power over you - even if your are Mr Boring.
You will complain when your rights are infringed upon. You will gnash your teeth and wail ....'oh why was I a simpleton that allowed it to happen gladly without a complaint' . Even if it is convenient don't ever surrender you rights and privacy to banks and governments. Look at China... cashless and accounts are stopped at the press of a computer button.
Another perving government (they are being taught by big brother Xi). Next we will have them spying on it's citizens with millions of cameras and the threat of imprisonment when we use too much toilet paper. Cashless means NO PRIVACY. How do we pay bargirls anonymously??
Too late now, the stable door has been opened, the horse has bolted to graze on the weed, and a country full of pot heads now. Imbeciles. PS they idiots may as well legalise drinking and driving as well.
Yeah - About effin' time. I guess they figure they can't get away with strong arm tactics, to restrict people's liberties too long. Many other places like Bali still haven't let go of they Peduli apps and all the other.... What a bloody pain. Two and a half years on and still restrictions. Unbelievable !!!
Fact: Many 'idiots' do travel to SE Asia and elsewhere without any insurance. It would be easy to implement compulsory universal coverage levies on the airline ticket at POS.
Well B300 won't break the bank, and if we as tourists get some value from a comprehensive travel insurance coverage I'm all for it. BUT if these pr**ks are just charging us to bolster up their coffers they can pi** off.
I don't blame you. The concept that Scandinavian woman are all bombshells with blue eyes and blonde hair is a big myth. Mostly horrible emancipated feminists, with an axe to grind with all men. They were there to spread their contagion to Thai women. PS lots of Scandinavian men are wimps and cuckolds.