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Posts posted by Bangkocker

  1. 11 minutes ago, newnative said:

          I think we need to put posters like the one you have been sparring with firmly in the Lost Cause column.  Nothing you, or I, or others say will ever convince them that, yes, tourists do come to Thailand for something other than sex.  And, yes, tourists do come to Pattaya for something other than sex, too.  Just today, on another thread, yet another clueless poster stated that Pattaya only had sex to offer a visitor.  With covid keeping international travelers away, we are seeing Bangkok weekend visitors coming to Pattaya in fairly good numbers that are helping to sustain some of the businesses.  

         As a corollary, most of these posters also seem to be of the opinion that there are only western tourists--or, perhaps, only western tourists count.  How else to explain the many posters who insist that 2019 was a disaster for tourism in Thailand, despite the record numbers?  They weren't, apparently, seeing record numbers at their favorite western bar so, automatically, that translated to a disaster of a year for tourism.  Haul out the 'Pattaya is Dead' thread.  

        Just as an aside, my four sisters visited Thailand a couple years ago and they had a wonderful time.  They are still talking about their trip and they even made a little book of photographs and memories of the places they visited.   For a first-time visitor, Thailand has much to see and discover--I would have liked a longer visit so I could have shown them even more of Thailand.

    I was going to respond with a rebuttal. But you and the other gentleman have bored me to such an extent, with your quest to deny reality and attempt to shame, that instead I'm going on-line to see as many red light districts in SE Asia - to awaken and invigorate me; from all the would be saints lurking in the undergrowth and stalking me. May I suggest you join me ??

  2. 3 minutes ago, mike787 said:

    WHY not, come on...don't give up...let's do this.  You will feel better.  A new found sense of purpose. If we all combine our retirement pensions we can help Manny, maybe not all but many.  You would be surprised. 

    And how long do you expect a one off payment of your retirement pension will stretch. Seriously?? Are you trying to enlist accomplices on this bottomless pit venture ?? How many selfless people do you expect to enlist??

  3. 3 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

    That last sentence says a heck of lot about you, indeed the last 3 sentences..


    Sweden have taken their own path, they are not acting out lunatic conspiracy theories, theories that are completely impossible to be true.


    Serious people are trying to balance their economies with the risk of the virus, it is absolutely the only way to go. 


    You carry on buying David Icke books, someone has too cause even loonies gotta eat.

    Oh really !! and your scientific and medical credentials?? which serious people ??  You mean the countries that are not disciplined to play steady as she goes with lives - and not economies. And thank your for your compliment about my last three sentences. Yes, let's face it tourism in Thailand attracts rabble like me and millions of others looking for some 'tenderness' - although I guess you are aged for the likes of tenderness and just settling for temple visits and some beer with your mates. The world will open up sooner or later mate. Just don't get into a pickle about the economies going down the gurgler  - as I'm sure everyone knows what is best for all.

    • Sad 1
  4. 47 minutes ago, ifeelitall said:

    Every country in the world will eventually end up taking the Swedish approach. Those who do it willfully will emerge the quickest, and the least damaged.

    A waste of 26 words. My crystal ball isn't tuned in to your response. As for the 'Swedish Model'. That lunatic country have gone entirely cashless. So they have relinquished control to governments and banks. Men are also punished for 'renting a girl' as well. And even if you can rent one you need to pay her with a credit card. That would look charming when the missus reads the bank statement hahah

    • Sad 2
  5. 1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

    I dont disagree with anything you say but its not only about keeping Covid out , its also about supporting the economy.

    The countries that will be least affected by this pandemic will be those who manage to strike the correct balance.

    Doing nothing until the virus goes away or the entire world is vacinated is unworkable , the economic damage might cripple Thailand for a decade.

    Caution I can understand but there needs to be a realistic plan to re-engage with the rest of the world.

    And what is YOUR realistic plan to engage with the rest of the world?? That the scientists and politicians have missed that is ??

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  6. 5 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

    russia will begin vaccinating doctors and teachers.........tomorrow.


    mass innoculations to begin in october.

    vaccines to be free of charge.

    haha!  take that, big pharma!





    And maybe when all the men become sterile, get cancer, have missing left balls and can't walk them big pharma will say 'oh dear why didn't they test the vaccine longer'.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    The message I'm trying to get across is the rather than trying to trivialise this virus (which is not my intention) but that the flu is just as devastating for the the victims has been around a lot longer and has many times the number of fatalities over it's history and shares many similar attributes and even with all the advancements in medical ameliorations,to borrow your term,is still just as deadly and should therefore be just as deserving of a similar effort as is afforded to the present pandemic.I hear so many say "imagine the 1000's of coffins" and my retort is "imagine the 400,000 coffins each and every year for the past 100 years".Do you get my drift now?

      Also imagine if the same effort was made to save the precious lives of flu victims each and every year?We would be well and truly up that oft mentioned odorous creek without a propulsion device economically speaking. It seems to me to be slightly hypocritical to save the lives of some but not all especially when considering the disproportional amount of young that die from the "common flu",just because it's "common" doesn't in my opinion make it less deserving of equal opportunities!Some people seem to be trivialising the flu but I won't mention who that might be as that's not what I'm about.I thank you for recognising that my ideas are "far flung" I honestly take that as a compliment,so cheers.

      To say it in a few less words I think the response is disproportional.I feel the discussion must take place so thanks for the opportunity to do so.I am open minded about it all and if see a valid argument against my far flungness I do in fact take it in it's how I learn.

    You habitually and incessantly bring up the seriousness of the flu - and somehow you feel we are neglectful as to not include it into the overall death rate stats. As if they are somehow mutually exclusive. My friend we are not talking about the flu, or heart disease or cancer or diabetes or the 1919 pandemic .... or.... or..... We are talking about the seriousness of the Covid-19 pandemic. A pandemic that has extinguished over 500,000+ lives. Of course all illnesses are deserving of attention but at the moment CO-19 is causing great economic and personal grief - globally. It is extremely contagious and spreads very rapidly and challenges the life support systems in hospitals. When was the last time you heard that in America, undertakers are digging 1000 graves for people that have died of the flu - in a single day - N E V E R

    Why are you being so magnanimous now about saving lives of the young, old or middle aged. You still haven't explained why you are so invested in this notion. You are very blinkered and really haven't taken in what a catastrophe this pandemic is. I'm thinking you just like to talk for the sake of talking. I'm sorry - you just don't make any sense. Bye now. I won't respond. Finished mate.

  8. 1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    Yes well done I'll pay the far flung comment!Unfortunately your destined for the wooden box as are we all but I respect your aversion to it being caused by Covid-19 and here's a little excerpt from wikipedia about the Spanish flu.Please note that like this present pandemic the Spanish flu was new at the time.

    As the "common flu" as you call it disproportionately kills the very young and the very old I think it's worse than just killing the very old that covid-19 does but that's just my far flung opinion.Why are the very young that are killed by the "common flu" not worth a similar effort to save?Do you not care enough about the very young victims of the "common flu" to make the same sacrifices you are prepared to make for the covid-19 victims as they are all victims?


    The Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus. Lasting from February 1918 to April 1920, it infected 500 million people–about a third of the world's population at the time–in four successive waves. The death toll is typically estimated to have been somewhere between 17 million and 50 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in human history.[4]


    Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill the very young and the very old, with a higher survival rate for those in between, but the Spanish flu pandemic resulted in a higher than expected mortality rate for young adults.[5


    Glad you are accepting of my witticisms but, albeit interesting; Wikipedia is NOT a medical journal. The pandemic you talk about is ancient (historically over 100 years ago). A time when there were very few modern medicines available to ameliorate the side effects of that pandemic. Fast forward 100 years and we have a multitude of interventional drugs and procedures. Such as antivirals and endotracheal intubation to prolong life. In any case we are seeing 1000 people die DAILY. Can you please take this in? This pandemic is real and if you equate it and trivialise and state that the flu knocks off more people annually  - that may or may not be the case. Open your mind and visualise 1000 people in coffins every day (as a direct result of CO-19) - the likes of which the world has not seen. What are you getting out of this poppycock. Are you that desperate to see your woman over in Thailand and feel frustrated?? What message are you attempting to relate to us ignorant people that we haven't grasped. OR more likely YOU haven't yet grasped.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 8/10/2020 at 2:22 PM, FarFlungFalang said:

    The flu is still 30-50 times more deadly than covid-19,remember the 1918 pandemic? 

    No !! I don't remember the pandemic of 1918 - do you ?? For me I'll gladly take the common flu any day.

    As I  have a severe allergy to being in a wooden box like the 1000 / per day that are buried in USA as a result of CO-19. Politely - your ideas  are rather far flung for me and many on here.

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    • Haha 1
  10. 25 minutes ago, Sharp said:

    Nailed it !

    Huh  - well it looks like many here have lost possession of their faculties. Spanish flu, It's just the flu, world wide conspiracy, not as serious as anyone is claiming, Bill Gates stands to win and caused this, don't have the vaccine, as it contains nano particles and your tool will drop off OMG. Bye now. Go take a big deep breath and a stiff whisky everyone. Don't worry your darling will wait for you and remain faithful like she promised (if you keep paying her the monthly stipend) Sheesh !!

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, pookondee said:

    I didnt think any other country would ever match the sheer stupidity, manic paranoia and absolute dictatorial nanny state abuse of its "sheeple" than that of my own home country.


    Amazing Thailand: quickly looking like the lost identical twin of Australia.

    Oh Really !! Try Australia (borders are locked at least until end 2020) & New Zealand. NZ is virus free and won't let anyone one in/out. And manic paranoia ??- Yeh right. paranoia ??? With 500,000 losing their lives OMG !!!

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, bodga said:

    But  not the  7800 that would  normally have occurred  during the last 4 months on the roads that no one bats an eyelid at. 

    These experiences are not mutually exclusive. You are just throwing in a red herring. "no one bats an eyelid at 7800 road deaths" Really ?? Of course the road toll is serious. But we are talking about c-19. The road toll is another issue that the authorities need to grapple with. A few hundred carriers of C-19 can infect hundred of thousands. Just relax !! Thailand will open up SOON.

  13. 17 hours ago, essox essox said:

    what EMERGENCY ??

    2971 infections....only 58 deaths out of a population of approx. 65 million...!!!????

    Huh ?? Well it would be an emergency, if you were laying on your back, on a ventilator  with the possibility of gasping your last breath - Right ?? You are trivialising 58 deaths that have families, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, wives, extended relatives. The only positive has been the containment by Thailand by imposing severe restrictions. 2971 infections can become thousands mate. Like other countries. Sounds a bit callous to me.

  14. 1 hour ago, Greg O said:

    Yes the Social Intercourse is sooo risky here. You just may be loved to death! Or stay home where it's "safe" but it should be a personal choice not some irrational government edict. Did anyone ever care about us getting the Flu or a sniffle before this hoax ? They simply have no experience in this matter and will never admit any fault "save face" at any cost but only after another 14 days until the next stage of "easing" such buffoonery...

    Ummmm hoax ??? Now maybe open your mind to all the deaths globally. Just ask the relatives of all the people that have lost their lives, and suggest 'it's just a hoax'. It's NOT the flu !! I thought everyone knows that. This is a vastly more serious disease that has killed over 400,000 people and has caused misery and financial devastation globally. Are you kidding ??? The flu or a sniffle doesn't impact like that.

  15. 32 minutes ago, BigStar said:

    Yay mongers. But their heyday is over.


    Remember: Pattaya has been pronounced "dead" yearly for the last decade or so. Monthly, now. ???? Though in reality it isn't, of course, nonetheless a large new economy based on a far different sort of tourist has been a-building for some time now. Where was high season this year? North Pattaya. Your logic would be similar to that in any claim that the economy of present-day Liverpool is based on trade flowing through the docks.

    Pattaya dead for the last decade? Really? and others have claimed that the BKK 'entertainment' scene is dead also. Funny, I was there but 9 months ago and it was business as usual in all the entertainment areas (wall to wall people having fun). Now, maybe the overpriced gogo's and bars are a little impoverished (due to the greediness of the purveyors). But it's wise to disregard all these armchair experts and their prognostications. I'm convinced that those that don't partake / are unable / unwilling / have an axe to grind with the industry that attracts 30+ million people to Thailand; like to impart dis-information (with their own peculiar melancholy) about how alive and thriving it really is. My advice to people is to find out the reality for yourselves.

  16. 13 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    I actually know 2 Thai ladies who dont want to live in Thailand both married to Farang, prefer to live in Farang land

    Oh dear - naive` husbands ?? Then when they arrive in farang land the women will become workaholics and send money back home (just for a rainy day hahah). Even though the exchange rates are low - farang money still buys heaps for a thrifty Thai. They will learn the farang legal system - that favours women  - and eventually screw their husbands - then return home as wealthy women. Tsk, tsk.

    • Confused 1
  17. 20 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    I've noticed that people like you who ridicule others do it to make themselves feel better about themselves, it's a kind of coping mechanism. They pay sex workers, hate that they do it and convince themselves they are better than the others

    Hmmmm Maybe !! But why do they hate themselves for paying sex workers? Doesn't make sense to me. It's just another purchase (like buying bread, food, beer). If it invokes such strong self hatred, then the solution is simple. Use you own hand, don't suffer guilt and save baht, and grow hair on the palm.

  18. 17 hours ago, BigStar said:

    The fleabags around Soi Buakhao you're familiar with, mainstays of beer bar mongers, now bring in only a small percentage of total revenue among hotels in Pattaya. If you'd ever visited the lobbies of the better hotels during high season (for research purposes), then you'd know about their clientele. 

    Yes, I did for research purposes and I saw bigstar types that turn their noses up at clientele that are not befitting of their deluded impression of themselves. These bigstar types are the ones sitting in Soi Buakhoa bars, that buy one beer and sit on it all day. Or worse still,  talk in a cockney accent and say 'I'll ave arf'

    • Like 1
  19. 2 hours ago, micmichd said:


    It is simply beyond Farangs' imagination that a good-looking Thai lady could be something else than a prostitute. 

    A farangs imagination would reflexively be "If shes go it, and flaunting it" most probably she is capitalising on 'it' financially; with some horizontal gymnastics. Prostitute is such a coarse word ! A lady amenable to entertainment is more suitable.

  20. 3 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

    Its all a nonsense way to manage this if you ask me. The liklehood is that the coronavirus is with us forever and we will hopefully have a vaccine sometime soon. So I think the world is going to have to get used to the risk associated with the virus, especially should a virus become widespread because no vaccine is 100% guaranteed. 

    Yes agree. C-19 will eventually become like a dose of the flu. Like we now regard H1N1 & H1N2. Hopefully a vaccine soon so we can reasonably move on in life.

    • Like 1
  21. 19 hours ago, andre47 said:

    Thailand has already a list with countries of low risk.

    China with Hong Kong and Macau
    South Korea

    maybe they will add

    New Zealand

    Europe and USA for sure not, they are still high risk areas and this probably will not change until we have a vaccine

    Huh China ?? They started this pestilence. They should all be quarantined for 14 days. Also, they must sign a document that they will spend up big when they get here. Hhahahha that's a joke.

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