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Meat Pie 47

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Everything posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. Well come to OZ in WA we just banned all plastics from next month no plastic at all
  2. Most people in Thailand don't have an oven let alone they know what it is, it looks like you live in a house like I used to do, when I build my kitchen nobody knew what a oven was and I don't think a lot of people living in condos have an oven or even allowed to install one, so an air fryer is a handy little oven to have and a bit more healthy as well. And if you live alone they quiet handy and don't take up to much room. I don't use mine every day since I live alone now, and yes for a single person it is OK just a small one but for a family with children you can go for the bigger size, kids love KFC which you can cook in the air fryer. But every body is different. So I say it is up to you. By the way since I used my air fryer I lost a bit of weight, but I have not cut down on my wine consumption at night. This is just my opinion OK
  3. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a35256979/air-fryer-chicken-parmesan-recipe/
  4. Not realy for only small portions depends on the size you buy the bigger ones you can also have a rotisserie attached
  5. picture from the net but I finished eating mine but they looked quiet similar
  6. video of a Russian pilot apparently admitting he had been ordered to bomb a civilian target has been widely shown on Ukrainian media. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-putin-pilot-shot-civilian-1687191
  7. wrong https://www.rachelcooks.com/air-fryer-french-fries/
  8. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a27169627/air-fryer-chicken-wings-recipe/ https://www.delish.com/cooking/g4711/air-fryer-recipes/?slide=1 You will be surprised what you can cook in an air fryer you can even bake a cake
  9. I guess the UK is similar to OZ we have roundabouts but there is never a problem (unless a road rage) every body stops on a traffic light if it changes to amber (yellow) nobody crosses a pedestrian crossing if pedestrian about to cross even without lights. I do feel much saver here than I ever felt in Thailand. 123 here comes the Thai appologists
  10. No I am not, but lived there for many years
  11. I rather stay in singapore I know it is more expansive but much more to see and very clean
  12. On 12 March 2022, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia carried out the mass execution of 81 imprisoned civilians including 7 Yemenis and 1 Syrian and 37 Saudi nationals, convicted for loyalty to foreign terrorist organizations and for holding deviant beliefs. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=executions+in+saudi+arabia
  13. Yes on facebook he claims to be a full time teacher, then can some body explain to me how he can post from different places from Phuket to Bangkok to the east, to the north every possible restaurants with all the delicious foods he claims to eat ?
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