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Meat Pie 47

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Everything posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. I tell you what, no I don't live in England I am a pensioner in OZ and I live very happy I got every thing I need after I lost every thing in LOS I don't own a home anymore have no superanuation just live on my pension, have no problems with visas get a lot of help from the government with help to pay my rent and electricity and many other things free medical cover and hospital and I even used to come to Thailand twice a year (but not now as you know) in all the years I spend in Thailand I never ever went to a bar so don't call me a bar stool expert. So my opinion take it or leave it
  2. just had a message from a friend who is double vaccinated and has omicron and hanging on to life
  3. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/omicron-has-caused-higher-increase-in-u-s-daily-death-count-than-delta-variant
  4. You need a big pan to fry a zebra ????
  5. Todays details from Australia (like so many comment it is just an island ) NSW: 13,354 new cases, 2,693 people in hospital, 186 in ICU, 49 deaths. VIC: 12,250 new cases, 953 people in hospital, 114 in ICU, 31 deaths. TAS: 683 new cases, 17 people in hospital. SA: 1,740 new cases, 283 people in hospital, 29 in ICU, five deaths. ACT: 620 new cases, 61 people in hospital, five in ICU. QLD: 10,391 new cases, 833 people in hospital, 53 in ICU, 12 deaths. NT: 828 new cases, 111 people in hospital, 5 in ICU. WA: 23 new cases,1 person in hospital. Australias population 25.6 million Thailands population 68 million and just 8000 infections And yes the pope is catholic.
  6. Absolutely nonsense I just recoverd from a broken Ankle I slipped on some rubbish left on the street and no medical problems I know about 10 people who had broken ankles some young some old and no one had any medical problems but it is always easy to blame the victim.
  7. Well I had an English teacher renting one of my units and he left the place similar
  8. I get house inspection every 3 months in OZ and the landlord never get to see the bond it is paid into a government trust fund and gets refunded when I move out
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