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Meat Pie 47

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Everything posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. I take Xarelto but I get those purple spots on my arms as well
  2. It is not really that hot in Thailand it is the humidity I am in OZ and we had temperatures above 40 plus for 15 days in a row plus one day of 50.7 but it is not humid I don't mind at all but in Thailand when it goes to 35 I am swetting
  3. Why? I am vacinated had my booster shot, the unvacinated don't worry me they are the ones who killing them selfs even if you vaccinated you can spread the virus
  4. https://www.9news.com.au/world/china-covid-19-shanghai-residents-wake-up-to-green-fences-as-coronavirus-lockdown-continue/e7c2813e-f66a-4aea-a191-588c79b7f298
  5. Being aged I do love cooking but it comes to a stage when cooking at home cost me more than buying on line, as you all know I live in the west now and I discovered a food supplier which cooks and delivered food for a fraction of what I would spend when I cook t home ,don't believe me? Of course this only applies to OZ residents. So the meal normally costs ist about 200 baht, I pay just 40 baht come one aussies challeng this, you just winge and complain about the government do it better, I am happy to live here
  6. So now we have bike porn and food porn when can we have just porn?????
  7. Just my opinion, Thai mangoes are not even the best, in OZ we grow mangoes in the north they are absolutely better than the Thai ones
  8. Why is anything relevant in this thread? It was just about a stupid sign in a toilet.
  9. Where I live you can buy $5000 worth of liquor you won't get a free bag, bring your own bag or suffer !
  10. How often have you been to a ladies toilet?
  11. Maybe you should move to Western Australia I had not many wrong forcasts I guess about 90 to 95 % are correct
  12. Where I live How much is a fine for using your phone while driving WA? If you touch your device while driving to do anything to start, end or change your navigation, even when secured in a mounting, you will receive a $1000 fine and 4 demerit points.
  13. I don't know about Queenland but in WA we have the lowest in the country with 3.6%
  14. get out of your Tuk Tuk and come to the west
  15. I was never worried about it even some times it annoyed me but now back in the west with a multi cultural society (which I like) imagin I say to a dark colored person (hi <deleted>) or to an Asian (hello slope head) what do you think what will happen to me?
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