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Everything posted by Billybaroo

  1. That is a big no if you mean to bring in cannabis from another country into Thailand. Especially, from the US. While cannabis make be legal in one state to transport into other states or over borders is a violation of Federal law.
  2. But, the entire point is global politics. Russia is waging war on Ukraine. They are basically a pariah to most of the world except China, North Korea etc. and the Thai government decides to give them preferential treatment over democracies in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. I would say Thailand's decision to do this is almost entirely an attempt to court Russia, especially after Srettha invited Putin to visit Thailand.
  3. Every shop sells cannabis bud which is usually >10% THC. I believe the .2% is confined to synthesized THC sold as edibles and oil.
  4. Unfortunately, one needs quite a high THC level to shut out chronic pain due to illness or nerve conditions. At higher levels cannabis operates like alcohol. You feel happier, but are usually quite bombed. Very difficult to function at that point.
  5. Up to a point. US citizens working abroad for more than 11 months out of the year are taxed far less than US citizens working in the US.
  6. Correct. Living outside the US for more than 11 months out of the year just changes how you are taxed as a US citizen, not that you are taxed. So, living in Thailand as a US citizen under that criteria would change who and how one is taxed as a US citizen.
  7. I agree. I already began to hear about the >180 day provision. Presumably, that would affect more foreigners on a retirement visa than just the average long stay tourist.
  8. There is still a lot more to the fine print, but even tourists could be impacted in the most broad terms. I am in Thailand 2 months out of the year. I wire money from the US to my Thai bank account. Will the wired funds get taxed during the transfer process?
  9. Courting Russia, courting China, suppressing democracy in their own country, the elites and military having a stranglehold in their own country...any surprises here? How much Thailand has changed in the last 30 years.
  10. That is exactly correct. The Senate firewall was built by the cronies to ensure that true democracy cannot take a foothold in Thailand and that they remain relevant despite being in the minority.
  11. If I read this correctly. Pita was suspended from office until the CC concludes it's case. So, essentially, the ombudsman is pausing the voting until the CC finishes its case against Pita. "The ombudsman also agreed to ask the court to order parliament to suspend the prime ministerial selection process until it rules on Pita’s renomination, to prevent irreparable damage which may result if the selection process is allowed to proceed."
  12. The end result will be that MFP will be out of the coalition, neutered by the Senators, because the latter will not approve a PT coalition with MFP in it. Waiting in the wings... The Junta.
  13. Next domino back to the same OLD thing. The Senator firewall installed by the Junta planted the firewall seed years ago. Next step, extend the appointments of the Senators. New Constitution?
  14. I am sure this has or will be commented on, but I doubt Pita will be around in 4 years. It is a virtual certainty that the CC will kick him out of politics for the next 10 years.
  15. Will the Senate try to have MFP removed by the CC over Lese Majeste?
  16. Technically, on American exchanges you can sell defunct shares of stock as "junk" for tax purposes. Capital loss. Not sure about Thailand
  17. Threading needles to comport to standards that are set by the people who don't want you to have a voice is hardly a mistake.
  18. Thailand really doesn't care about what Western Democracies think, except for the limited reasons of trade and tourism. Western Democracies, like the US, care that Thailand doesn't become a puppet of China. That is the balance. The question is what are the next steps of this fiasco. The next domino: what happens to MFP? The Senate has hinted (stated) they won't accept a coalition with MFP in it due to Lese Majeste. Junta is waiting in the wings: the creators of their own narrative to resume control.
  19. I was there in May 92' by sheer coincidence. I was returning back to the States from climbing in Nepal. I had never been to Thailand other than to transit. I took the train into Hua Lamphong. The military was point rifles at the cars. I had cameras on me after I stowed my climbing gear at the station. Some Aussie guy convinced me to go the Democratic Monument at about 10P rather than the night train to Koh Samui. The rest is history, and on film. I was at Lumphini on May 20, 2010. So, I just photographed the carnage left. and May 2010. Tough to compare, but 92' protests and the military response to them was unforgettable.
  20. So China as an ally is a better option?
  21. Two things are inevitable: He will step down and the nail in the coffin, he will be banned from politics. The fist will not be enough for the Constitutional Court and the ????s.
  22. Looks more like he will die of cardiac arrest than the death penalty first.
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