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Everything posted by DaveCW

  1. Actually the precious metals are real money, Fiat money (your paper notes) is government-issued currency that is not backed by a physical commodity but merely by the stability of an issuing government. All it takes is for that stability to evaporate and so does your fiat currency, as many countries in both ancient and modern times will attest to. But the metals will still have a physical value.
  2. Totally agree - I've been staking gold and silver for many years - and at the moment are many percentage points up - but, that's not the reason for staking - the global financial system is in turmoil with no normal price discovery in any of the markets (Big thanks to the central banks and MMT) and getting worse, so as mainly as a hedge I sleep very well at night and I expect the metals to do very well in the coming year or so. I've also been buying here in Thailand, love the very low premiums, ease of buying and selling. Buying silver In the UK one has to pay 20% tax on top of spot and premiums, here its only 7% so I already consider that a great saving (for the future) and have begun buying. Although silver is not very popular in Thailand as locals prefer gold, I believe that may change when/if the prices rise.
  3. HI I've been buying/selling Gold/Silver for a number of years, I have some Gold in Thailand, but think its time to buy some silver as well. A quick search and I found the Bangkok Assay who sell and will buy back your bullion. Also a found Bowdins (bowinsgroup.com) they seem to have cheaper fees My question is: Has anyone used Bowdins and can comment on their experience or have any other recommendations for bullion suppliers who will also buy back? Many thanks
  4. haha - sure thing
  5. Just like who ever blow up the pipeline - That surely was an act of international terrorism? Unless of course it was the Ukrainians (unlikely by themselves) as they are the only ones who at war with the Russians
  6. I have a good friend in China - He tells me often that there are many protests each year, typically at local government level. The idea that the Chinese cannot protest is something promoted by the west - Also, (if you ask the Chinese) many people have been content with the government handling of COVID - Agree or not - I think one has to see this from a Chinese point of view - similar to how we need to understand "Thainess" before getting involved in their issues.
  7. It's all just a misunderstanding...
  8. Being in a bank may be a private space and they may set their policies - But you are free to close your account and bank elsewhere, if enough folk did that, they might get the message. It's strange how the mask thing attracts such passionate responses - But I don't see very many folk telling people to get off the road for not wearing a crash helmet on their motorbikes - or go express themselves to others breaking the many laws - People need to put some perspective on this.
  9. Exactly - and of these "New" jobs, how many are part-time or quality jobs with decent earnings? - Also, how many folk having to work two jobs to keep household finances going?
  10. I thought Thailand was putting in an application to Join the BRICS Nations, if so all PR and photo opportunity.
  11. Are these real weapons or BB guns? - I see in one of the pics a CM.355 gun box - this is a bb gun - how many others airsoft type guns?
  12. Of course, part of the problem is that folk are accustomed to the RTP asking for (or taking) money to see problems disappear - so perhaps that what these folk were thinking, maybe a clever scam after all ????
  13. Girlfriend will put him in the Dog House now... ????
  14. And is there dual prising for farang?
  15. Why the big budget (loan?) when the TAT are of the sound belief that tourists will be flocking to Thailand? Given this, it seems a bit of a waste.
  16. Premium tourists lined up to watch - Its what they came to Thailand for...
  17. I wondering; how long will it be before a Thai is in the same location, selling the same durian?
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