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Posts posted by eek

  1. Dear AII,

    ApoIogies if this has been asked a miIIion times before, just seems there are so many visa changes im not quite sure which has the correct info anymore.

    Im 34 years oId and from the UK. I arrived in ThaiIand 2 months ago on a tourist visa (one entry), I am staying in Chiang Mai, and just extended my visa today for another month.

    What I wouId Iike to know, if someone couId pIease advise, is how I can go about obtaining a new 2/3 month tourist visa, without having to return to the UK? WouId it be poss to obtain one from a neighbouring country?

    If so, can you pIease Iet me the best way of going about it (feeI very ignorant at aII this.. :o )

    AIso..if there is anyway of obtaining a Ionger stay visa, pIease Iet me know :D

    (P.s: I am not working iIIegaIIy, everything is above board. I have savings and taking a Iong sabbatical. I aIso have a degree and teaching experience, and recentIy compIeted a CELTA as a poss career change and means of remaining here.)

    Thank you in advance for your heIp :D

  2. Hi all!

    Newbie to the board and soon to be moving to Thailand.

    I cant tell you how great it is to discover this site :D AND a female section!..woohoo! (er anyway..im done gushing..*slaps self*..)

    Looking for some advice pls..

    I had reallllllly long curly hair, but after a terrible permanent straightening job in Argentina 18months ago (that slowely turned my hair into straw) I had all the straighted part cut out. Going to be having curly hair extensions put in soon as i miss the length and curls and want to stop straightening my hair so my nat curly hair to grow back healthy (fickle, i know!).

    Well..heres the thing..

    Is there any decent salon that can refit/replace my extensions every three months until im happy with my length again? Obviously dont want a hack job, and will pay what i have to pay(eek) in order to have them done correctly without damage to my hair. Also need someone who knows how to handle curly hair (im half italian with mad curls, if my hair is too short it just gets HUGE! Like scarey huge!! ).

    I read that that salons seem to be a bit hit and miss with western hair :o so is my request a major long shot?

    Appreciate any advice.

    Ty! x

    p.s. Intially I will be in Chiang Mai, but willing to travel every three months to the best place.

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