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    Hua Hin

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  1. How come fallang wives of Thai can work but fallang husbands of Thai cannot?
  2. Whatever happened to the inquest over the RTN ship that sank with loss of life?
  3. Can't be a crime because exporting heroin to Australia isn't? Oh wait, he wasn't ever charged with that half of the crime.
  4. I recall seeing a photo of a 5/6 year old pretty girl, camera zooms in to show that she seemed to have gone face first into a spiders web. Then a voice explained this was the result of endless plastic surgery & face reconstruction after going through a windscreen.
  5. The Ventury back seat row folds up leaving enough space for luggage.
  6. I have driven both commuters & ventury with friends & family, no issues. The main factor (I'm told) is the colour of the registration plate. The normal, for commercial purposes mini bus plate is yellow & incurs higher taxes. The blue text plates are family/private use but are not easy to get because of the lower tax.
  7. Recently I've done this trip a couple of times a month (in a pick-up). The lane changes because of the railway construction & unclear lane markings give an increased chance of a close shave. In a truck you have better visibility & are more visible. On a bike, in the rain, I would be in the wouldn't risk it camp.
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