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Everything posted by metisdead

  1. A post using ALL CAPS has been removed, please turn off your Caps Lock when posting.
  2. Off topic posts about Antifa have been removed. Some troll posts have been removed.
  3. Please note this topic is in the World News forum where other news from around the world is posted.
  4. An off topic deflection post about the Australian DVA Disability Compensation Allowance has been removed as well as an inflammatory reply.
  5. An inflammatory post has been removed.
  6. An off topic post has been removed.
  7. A post using a foreign language has been removed as this is an English language forum.
  8. A post using an aberrant trolling reference toward another political entity has been reported and removed as well as the replies.
  9. Some troll posts and the replies have been removed.
  10. A post with false and misleading information and a reply has been removed.
  11. As this is a 10 year old topic and out of date, topic is closed.
  12. A number of off topic deflection posts about global warming/climate change have been removed.
  13. An off topic post and a reply has been removed.
  14. A post with an aberrant spelling of a name has been removed.
  15. A post with a trolling meme has been removed.
  16. A post with a link to the Bangkok Post has been removed as per forum rules.
  17. Some off topic posts and replies about Amsterdam have been removed.
  18. Some troll posts have been removed.
  19. A troll post using profane language has been removed: 8. You will not post vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.
  20. An offensive post has been removed. A post in which the quoted content had been altered has been removed: 28. You will not make changes to messages quoted from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. Do not shorten any post in a way that alters the context of the original post. Do not change the formatting of the post you are quoting.
  21. Yes to all your questions. I did this on departure on June 5, no problems at all.
  22. Man charged with raping, impregnating 10-year-old Ohio girl entered US illegally The man charged with raping and impregnating a 10-year-old girl in Ohio — forcing the child to cross state lines in order to get an abortion — allegedly entered the country illegally, according to a report. Gershon Fuentes, 27, who was arrested Tuesday and charged with felony rape the following day, is an undocumented Guatemalan immigrant who crossed into the US unlawfully, Fox News reported, citing Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Fuentes was charged after he confessed to sexually assaulting the young girl at least twice, according to the Columbus Dispatch. Read more here: https://nypost.com/2022/07/14/gershon-fuentes-charged-with-raping-impregnating-ohio-girl-entered-us-illegally/
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