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Everything posted by worldview

  1. As with all of these government predictions, they are way too optimistic and take no note of the fact that a worldwide recession is probably on our doorstep. Recent announcements by major companies indicate massive layoffs in the coming months. As usual, Thailand is never very realistic. Optimism is good, but reality is better.
  2. This response from Khun Don is in line with the gutless response from the other ASEAN Nations - except Singapore - ASEAN is a weak and ineffectual organization and always will be - they can't/won't even condemn atrocities among their own members (Myanmar), so they certainly won't be criticizing Russia - or China - for that matter - I can't help but be reminded of Martin Niemoller's poem - "First they Came"
  3. I applaud the effort to revive the Thai tourism industry with new initiatives to attract foreign tourists. However, every time the government announces some new initiative, they come up with these grandiose figures of what these initiatives will generate in terms of income and the number of visitors. They have never even been close to the numbers they project and won't be this time. I am still waiting to see how close to the 200,000 arrivals they projected for February?? Anyone making investment decisions based on government figures will be sorely disappointed.
  4. How asinine! With all the problems that Thailand has had reviving the tourism business here, they are now worried about people importing too many masks! Do these government officials have ANY common sense at all? What on earth are they thinking??
  5. We have been hearing/reading these overly optimistic predictions every time something changes regarding the Covid restrictions. Just because they say it is going to happen, doesn't mean that it will - and it probably won't. If one faces the risk of testing positive on the first, or even the second test, and they run you into a hospital for 10 days - who wants to take that risk? There are other places to travel that don't place one in that jeopardy. Once again, we have a lot of wishful thinking in regard to a miraculous recovery for tourism in Thailand.
  6. This is not really a resumption of 'Test n' Go' - it looks more like the 7 or 10 day AQ that is currently in place - but they have reduced the days to 5?? - it is amazing that after all these months of dealing with this issue, that they still make things 'clear as mud'
  7. I have just returned to Thailand following a 6 month stay in the USA. I left in order to ensure that I received my vaccinations (I am now fully vaccinated, and have my booster). I had tried to get back earlier, but had trouble finding medical insurance, as I am over 75. I had intended to move back to the USA in October of this year, but due to the continuing unknown situation here in Thailand, I have decided to permanently move back to the USA within the next 60 days. Traveling inside and, especially, outside of Thailand will continue to be problematical, so there is no reason to stay here any longer. I love you, Thailand, but after 22 years it is time to go home!
  8. Is there not enough misinformation going around without adding to the confusion? Does not sitting around over a cup of coffee have the same effect?
  9. This government's incompetence continues day, after day, after day. They are grasping at straws and seem to have no plan or program. They are like a fart in a windstorm and just go whichever way the wind is blowing. No plans, no program, no leadership - Prayuth and Anutin are more like the Marx Brothers - a comedy act by any other name!
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