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Posts posted by Hellboy75

  1. 7 minutes ago, benHH said:


    after paying for electricity , nutrients, time spent growing it , then time spent trimming it , they'll be losing money at 25baht a gram 


    just my opinion , @stoner might be able to clarify 

    This is from farms in a line group where everyone is easy to verify 25k up to 80k indoor, quality greenhouse 6,800 up to 28,000. Limited numbers on certain prices & strains

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  2. 3 hours ago, Dioj said:

    Plenty of sellers in Thailand now offering 25-30 Baht a gram for B-Grade buds via the LINE App. I don't know if they are direct sellers, farms, etc, but not really important. 

    Also, some physical shops in Thailand now sell A-Grade quality buds with high THC at under 100 Baht a gram when ordering 100 Grams or more. Shops like these normally sell to both walk in customers and will also ship via post if requested. 

    Most LINE sellers have chat groups too so that you can see lots of photos from their other buyers and read discussions on quality. 

    Prices continue to come down. 200-300 Baht is a thing of the past. Any online sellers selling at prices that high are no longer competitive. 

    I completely agree. Like I said in some cases they're still trying to mark it up heavily, some fools must be buying it off them

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  3. 3 hours ago, Dioj said:

    Nearly 25 Baht a gram for brick weed is no bargain. You can get B grade buds for 30 Baht a gram. 

    In fact, anything around 250-300 Baht a gram is too expensive. So high much quality supply around now in the sub 150 Baht per gram price range.

    I think the price differences come from if you're buying straight from a farm or a seller. You can get kgs of quality indoor starting at 25k but if you buy from a dispo or online seller they will mark it up considerably in some cases

  4. 22 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Most of the ones I see around here are owned by Thais, who I think take them on for 'cuteness' factor and as status symbol. Many don't look that great after some time, which is sad for such gorgeous beings (the dogs, that is). One actually shared with us she was 'surprised' how big the dog ended up....

    Yes lots of Thais don't ever walk their dogs, but saying that I also know some who dote on them and spend ridiculous amounts of money on them. Anyone with concerns should Google huskies in hot climates. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Morch said:

    Cute as anything.

    Tempted, but current canine will object.

    Plus the climate must be hard on them. Especially when older.


    Best of luck finding them good homes.

    They're one of the most adaptable breeds in the world, any owners using common sense won't have any problems. Yes they are cute. Thanks

  6. 9 minutes ago, NextG said:

    There should be a few working links in the ‘cheapest weed’ thread. Squirrel Tail/Hang kra rog/ST1 might be better for him than GC. I imagine GC might keep him awake ???? Maybe even a CBD rich strain could be useful. 

    ST1 easily found for 9 baht per gram. 

    Thanks for the reply. I wrongly assumed that because GC was a hybrid that the Indica would KO him, I've never tried it myself. I'll admit I had a quick look through that thread earlier & came across a link for a Line shop which was offering GC at 20 grms 200 bht no pics & more premium flower at higher prices again no pics, I didn't see any ST. Is this shop likely to legit if posted in the thread?. Thanks again. 

  7. 10 hours ago, Michael Hare said:

    The ship that went down a few weeks ago off the coast of Japan bound for China, was from New Zealand, carrying about 5,000 dairy cows for breeding and milk production in China. 

    Yes & now New Zealand have stopped live exporting they banned export for slaughter a while back but have got around this by exporting for breeding

  8. 9 hours ago, IsaanAussie said:


    I hope so and wish you well but think this through. There are two sides to any market, demand and supply. What we know (really just assume) is the Thai supply side is increasing. Unless the demand side is increasing faster, then the price will go down, not up. Has anyone studied what the demand side is doing, or what the Thai supply side is achieving?


    Nobody knew that covid was going to happen & the result would also include relations between China & Australia souring so a country with a billion ppl is now cutting how much they import from Oz, China also culled all their pigs last year because of swine flu so the Chinese have spent a good part of this year without access to as much meat as they'd like with borders easing restrictions demand is up, who knows if it will stay up throughout next year? I forgot to mention a few weeks ago a ship with thousands of cattle from oz destined for China went down. 

  9. Heads up for everybody we just met with a Muslim goat & cattle exporter working with a viet they had a double trailer lorry with 50 cattle on board heading for Laos he said they had another order for 1000 cattle in 2 months time he said around New year he said they're not the only ones the price will go up after that. 

  10. As far as I can tell the price is still going up we've just been offered off the bat 98 bht a kg so I suspect it must be higher. Some people in our village came to our farm on Monday asked if I'd give 2 cattle a couple of jabs when we went there they had 12 charolais for fattening 2 they had bought in surin needed jabs the other 10 they had bought online from ratchaburi some were undoubtedly high blood but all of them were under 1 Yr old a few looking a couple of months old the price for these was 32,000 each lol

  11. 2 hours ago, kickstart said:

    Looking at those cows they are Brahman X's,the cross I would say would have been Indo Brazil,the long legs say Indo Brazil, is that her first calf ,she must be 3 years old .

    Is that cow for sale worth 40k,I would say no,but they are the market prices ,you could buy a heifer for a lot less, but you would have to keep it a year before  you get a calf .cost of rearing?

    That Charolais is nice a nice calf  should do well ,as long as mum is feed well.

    Wife's distant cousin who is a neighbour just bought a little charolais heifer for 28,000 I'd say it was a good few months before it could get pregnant but her costs are low they only get grass & hay, prices are ridiculous at the moment my wife's idea is that lots of people have moved back home from bkk and bought cattle & that and a few other things have driven the price up

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, kickstart said:

    Normale the guy buying the animal will pay on collection ,one of our buyer's  will come look at a beast agrees  a price, puts a deposit down of 500-1000 baht and pick the beast  up 2-3 days later  .

    When we reared dairy heifers one guy did this paid a 500 baht deposit,but never come back for the heifer ,we sold for a good price ,he was going to sell it on ,but he could not ,him selling it on to make a profit, price would have been  above market price, no buyers . 

    Yeah that's how its done around here if buying 1-2 but if your selling more I wouldn't want to take the risk I think the buyers are always going to come in the low end of the estimate its OK if you've got a fixed price per beast in your head and they meet it. Even at the markets these days some of them come with paperwork showing they were weighed they're generally the bigger higher blood animals. 

  13. 12 hours ago, IsaanAussie said:

    Amazing. When I was breeding pigs weights were contested to the kilo. The scales, the transport box and the animal, any way of reducing the cost.

    Now with these beef sales, a pickup arrives with a driver, loads up and leaves, just the beast and the driver, no "witnessed" weighing. 


    A Vietnamese buyer is visiting us on the 11th we've already stated that we don't want to sell so we're not going through the hassle of weighing them but if he makes us an offer we can't refuse he can have them all

  14. 1 hour ago, IsaanAussie said:

    I have seen a number of beef cattle come and go around here but I have no idea if they are being weighed to agree a price. I assume it is done on a weighbridge including the vehicle. Can someone fill me in? 

    That's the way we do it (no pun intended) vehicles weighed then loaded then weighed again

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, IsaanAussie said:

    A neighbour kept pigs and he would add a powder to the feed that made them as thirsty as hell just before a buyer was due. I believe it added some 5 to 10 kgs to the pigs weight.

    I suppose you could do the same thing to cattle.

    My wife told me with pigs they somehow load the cage that they're transported in with water this with ppl who bring scales with them weigh one cage that's loaded then drain it I'm not saying it's gospel but with cows we were told to feed them 5 kg of old bananas each the night before again I don't know if it works

  16. Seeing as in this thread a few ppl doing different things with livestock has anybody come across any methods where ppl have tried to con them?. My wife showed me a few photos the other day of a truck with a tank that had been fabricated underneath which held at least 200 kg of water which would obviously be drained  before being weighed again after loading, any other things we should all be looking out for? 

  17. On 8/10/2020 at 8:59 PM, kickstart said:


    Brunolem is right small farmers have very little effect on beef prices that is beef on the hook ,the price increase at this time is for beef cows ,and 12-20 month old stock brought for fattening, supply and demand ,they is a ready market so the price is going up .

    Hellboy's wife has brought some more cattle ,I take it she has sold the original few she had if she did,did she get 100 baht/kg ?, good if she did ,this time last year it would have been 120-130baht kg ,especially as they  are Charolais x's .

    If anything  margins are lower now as stock replacement  price increases selling price is lower ,and other costs go up, my feed just went up 10 baht /50 kg sack last week .

    Imported beef is sold at your Macro's  ect ,most Thai locals get their  beef from the local fresh market our market sells beef for 25-270 baht/kg been that price for 1-2 years ,not a big market.all  local stock .

    But,I did buy some Thai Angus rib eye steak at our local Macro ,mixed in with all the imported beef  very nice to, 250 baht for  less than 1/2 kg in weight that must have come from a company farm ,certainly not the end of our Soi, like a lot of things it will be the big company farms making the money from the control of imported beef not the local farmers .     

    She got 92 bht a kg only by having 2 competing buyers lots of ppl seem to think 90 is a good price now they started at 89 bht a kg she wasn't that happy with their weight a couple were huge but the average was in the low 400s so some were undersized this time round but no gut beer for 5 weeks and illness for a couple weeks meant they were only on grass and straw for a couple of weeks so that's nearly 2 months of them reaching maximum gains but that's how it goes sometimes smaller profit than she was anticipating on to the next lot

    • Like 1
  18. 18 hours ago, 473geo said:

    Possibly, the interest in improving cattle quality and turning paddy into grassland has been ongoing for at least a couple years, both Wagyu and Charloais have been introduced and pushed in our area. Maybe alongside the increase in prices is an increase in homegrown product quality for export.

    The price only really increased over the last few weeks the borders still aren't open and alot of the big holding farms are full we were told by a man we deal with in Surin that he thinks ppl have anticipated the borders opening and the price at the moment is the future price that said you still can get a deal lots of markets are shut because of disease so their's more sellers than buyers the only problem is the big farms pay whatever the price, a cattle trader we know from Roi Et was at the market he said he had various sizes in his sheds and to visit him on Wednesday he would do a better deal than he was offering at the market also the Surin man I mentioned said if we wanted a small market near him on Mondays none of the big farms visit you can buy at the old price I think my wife is happy with what we got and we didn't pay much over the odds for the sizes we got. 

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