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Everything posted by Jeffr2

  1. Sadly, he's not. That's the typical thoughts from Trump's hard core supporters. And ones who only read the fake news right wing media outlets.
  2. The storm drains there always had water gushing out of them after a rain. Flooding the street there. That is some really black water. Terrible.
  3. Many wh'do try this drug are about as smart as a horse.
  4. More of the population in Israel were vaccinated than that and look what happened. Many countries rolled back restrictions just to see cases rise again. I hate wearing masks also. Best of luck to you. We'll see if this works out or not. I've been in several countries lately with similar vaccination rates. No removal of mask mandates. Quite the opposite. Seems some countries don't think DK is doing well. Travelers from Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania and San Marino will face increased restrictions when coming to the Czech Republic as of next week. These countries will move from medium-risk orange to high-risk red on the latest Czech Covid-19 travel map, which goes into effect from Monday. https://www.expats.cz/czech-news/article/denmark-sweden-and-belgium-go-red-in-latest-czech-covid-19-travel-map
  5. I'm not a Biden supporter. Just support the truth and facts. Something Trump supporters could care less about. Obviously.
  6. Ummm...because they are not wearing them properly, not wearing quality ones, not wearing them at parties, not wearing them at home, etc, etc, etc. Plus, the article didn't say they completely eliminated transmission, just reduced it. Maybe read the article first.
  7. Don't reply. Just report fake news websites like this.
  8. And how many are in the pipeline? Answer: a bunch
  9. Wow. You know what happened when all the experts with way more information don't. Stunning.
  10. If efficiency starts at 60%. Drops by 50% in 40 days. It'd be 30%. Now stick with me. If it drops another 50% in 40 days. The efficacy would be....right....15%. Not zero.
  11. One of many. Including the couple who tried it to enter Thailand and are now blacklisted . I'm in Europe now. Been in several countries and have had our vaccine cards checked many times.
  12. I spent a month in Bangladesh. Traveling all over independently. Houses are packed with many sleeping on the floor right next to each other. The capitol city is one of the most densely populated areas I've seen. Train rides are insanely packed. As is pretty much every mode of transportation.
  13. Faux news, like other media outlets, can be ok. If you avoid the ridiculous opinion bubble heads. Stick with the news. Which should be free of opinions.
  14. "Democrats " have nothing to do with it. It's called the truth. And not an opinion.
  15. Fox news hosts were also promoting it, along with a bunch of other fake news right wing media outlets. Sad some fall for their lies.
  16. Just saw this on Richard Barrow's feed. ???? IMPORTANT: In accordance with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), passengers are prohibited from wearing masks with ventilation valves from today onwards. NOTE: This was shared by Airports of Thailand (AoT) on their Facebook page but I haven’t seen an announcement by CAAT making this compulsory for all airlines. Only AirAsia so far https://www.facebook.com/1444560869129611/posts/2921954318056918/
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