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Everything posted by Jeffr2

  1. Insurance is key. Specifically one that also covers asymptomatic sickness. Some won't cover your hospital stay unless you're sick.
  2. True. And the difference between the US and many other Western nations isn't that much. They're all overweight. It's a global problem.
  3. 100% debunked by peer review here: https://www.sciencemediacentre.org/expert-reaction-to-a-preprint-looking-at-the-impact-of-lockdowns-as-posted-on-the-john-hopkins-krieger-school-of-arts-and-sciences-website/
  4. I've seen studies that said lockdowns had minimal impact on business. Hard to tell with so many differing studies
  5. Except the last who inherited a country doing extremely well. The current one wasn't so lucky. P.S. I'm no fan of any of the recent presidents.
  6. Agreed. But it is serious if you have an immediate need for a hospital bed now. They are all taken by unvaccinated patients. This just happened one of my friends. Serious!
  7. I read a good article on the spanish flu pandemic. I think it was the 4th wave that was just as bad as the first. People had gotten tired of battling the virus and let their guard down. It wasn't a more dangerous variant, just easier to infect people because of their actions. We've seen that here. Waves after Songkran, etc.
  8. That recent study in LA published by the CDC is quite good. And covers Omicron. Net? You're way better off vaccinated than not. Amazing anyone is still arguing this fact. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7105e1.htm?s_cid=mm7105e1_w
  9. Molakai isn't what it use to be! My friend lives there and says it's beautiful!! LOL
  10. Ummm...I said it's a once in a life time thing. Didn't mention vaccinations. Why try to read so much into it????
  11. Nobody can predict the future right now. Nobody. But according to the experts, it will be bundled with the yearly flu jab, which many of us have been getting for years. Not sure why this round has been such a big deal....It's just a vaccine, like the others, to help protect you.
  12. Actually, it was a terrible strategy as each state did things according to their tribal politics. Republicans shunning science in favor of re-election odds.
  13. A lot of the low vaccine states are also heavy republican states, with lower levels of education. Which follow the misinformation spewed by their leaders. Arizona isn't that rural, IMHO. Phoenix is a massive city now. But yes, many parts of the state are just desert. Totally unpopulated! LOL
  14. The level of public health in the US isn't much different from the UK or Europe. Same with hospital services. Vaccine coverage isn't good, mainly due to politics and misinformation. But some are admitted with a serious disease, find out they have covid, it gets worse, and that's the cause of death. It's complicated. But in the end, covid is our enemy. Time to end this pandemic and get every one vaccinated and boosted.
  15. My friend's uncle lives in the middle of nowhere Montana. Guess what? He go covid right away. Where from? Playing golf with buddies.
  16. Not spent much time in NYC, eh? Total misrepresentation of a great city. P.S. Most hard physical work in the US is done by immigrants. That's well documented.
  17. The true nature of the deaths in the US is not open to debate, to say the least. Sad some try to downplay the significance of the pandemic. Sure, some go to the hospital with a broken arm, are found out to have covid, but what's your point? If they die of covid, that's the cause of death. Not a broken arm. This is a once in a lifetime pandemic, hopefully. So yes, we can have one standard just for this virus. Like nations have been doing for 2 years now. Don't compare a cold with covid. That's ridiculous.
  18. There's a huge difference between an IDL and IDP. The former being worthless if confronted by the police. The latter being recognized. And required in many foreign countries. You can normally still rent a car without one, but if involved with the police, problems can arise. You can only get an IDP at the land transport office. And not required in the UK as our licenses here have English on them.
  19. It does help prevent getting the virus. The key word here is "incidence". https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7105e1.htm?s_cid=mm7105e1_w As of January 8, 2022, during Omicron predominance, COVID-19 incidence and hospitalization rates in Los Angeles County among unvaccinated persons were 3.6 and 23.0 times, respectively, those of fully vaccinated persons with a booster, and 2.0 and 5.3 times, respectively, those among fully vaccinated persons without a booster. During both Delta and Omicron predominance, incidence and hospitalization rates were highest among unvaccinated persons and lowest among vaccinated persons with a booster. What are the implications for public health practice? Being up to date with COVID-19 vaccination is critical to protecting against SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization.
  20. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00104-8
  21. It's actually not much different in most of the civilized world. And as we know, many cases and deaths are not reported at all. Especially in Africa.
  22. A bit heartless for those in dire need. Like ones with hereditary diseases or those in accidents. I'd say this is a good way to use the resorces. Save lives.
  23. And therein lies the problem. Those who refuse science and don't trust their government. And thus, the pandemic extends.
  24. In the US, the death certificate is a legal document signed by a doctor stating the cause of death. It's a big deal. If covid was the trigger, then it will be listed as the cause of death. If it wasn't the trigger, then it won't be listed as the cause of death.
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