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Everything posted by Jeffr2

  1. Stunning how you Trump supporters bash Biden for his speech problems. I'm no fan of Biden, but shame on you. Disgusting. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-president-joe-biden-is-giving-hope-to-millions-who-stutter
  2. Kinda like when Trump called Nepal and Bhutan "nipple and button". You guys seemed to have missed the hundreds of times Trump was totally confused. Covfefe anyone? LOL https://www.indiatoday.in/trending-news/story/donald-trump-nepal-bhutan-button-nipple-1449172-2019-02-06 Donald Trump thought Nepal and Bhutan were in India. Called them Nipple and Button We're not kidding. Here's what the President of the United States once said about two independent South Asian countries -- both neighbours of India. (And what Twitterati said about that.)
  3. One of many instances of Gold Star family members going after Trump. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/gold-star-families-attack-trump-over-comments-about-ghazala-khan-n620671
  4. Jeez. Do the research. He struggled with it as a child and still does today. Amazing you aren't aware of this.
  5. Neither. The true numbers will never be known. But guaranteed, they are higher than reported. Even the Thai authorities agreed to this.
  6. Umm...do the research. It's owned by Murdoch. You should know the other dodgy news outlet he owns. Figures you'd gravitate towards this site. LOL https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-post/ Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks.
  7. You are aware of his speech impediment? Nice how some mock him due to this. Not!
  8. That talk is primarily on the fake news right wing media outlets.
  9. It's a moving target. We're on the road and no longer plan more than 2 weeks out. Rules keep changing. Sucks.
  10. https://www.forbes.com/sites/suzannerowankelleher/2021/08/18/covid-booster-countries-vaccine-expiry-travel/?sh=1d0b894d3dd2
  11. Several countries are now saying your vaccine can not be older than 8 months to be considered valid for entry.
  12. Exactly. They were not Biden supporters nor democrats. Thank you.
  13. Anyone who bashes Fauci has fallen for the right wing fake news.
  14. Why do all you Trump supporters think anyone who dislikes him supports Biden. Terrible ASSumption. Again, most voters are independents. But had to forget 4 years of lies and corruption with Trump.
  15. It was the only drain cover I'd see doing this during my walks up and down beach road.
  16. I'm fully vaccinated. As is my wife. No need to wear it at home. This recommendation was for those not vaccinated. But thanks for your warm thoughts.
  17. Good gosh. Not a Clue. Most voters are independents.
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