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Mark Nothing

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  1. The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor ensnaring the harlot. Those like Fon are a dime a dozen. Never prepay for anything here.
  2. The beginning of wisdom is reverence for God. The Bible tells us the diseases of the pharaohs will not affect you if applying the 1st commandment. It seemed like politicians and medical scientists were attempting to be false gods during corona lockdowns. The resulting calamity would have been easily avoidable had citizens followed the 1st commandment. We the people played a significant role in the shenanigans by being illiterate. I think the powers that be are trying to show us stubborn, pigheaded, secular citizens how dangerous the results of following false gods can be. And turn us back to the right path.
  3. The Kennedy family dynasty was right in the thick of the beginnings of our current day medical system. Treating Robert Kennedy Jr, grandson of Joe Kennedy born 1888, as an outsider is preposterous. Just a slight of hand trick to make us think improvements are coming. The only likely changes will be more absurd theories generating even more profits for those monopolists in charge. The flipside of the coin will be more marketing gimmicks used to lure more gullible citizens into the slaughterhouse. I treat the medical industry as a terrorist organization and only interact with them if being forcefully extorted while attempting to exercise my freedoms. Like when thousands of dollars were required for nonsense tests and quarantines to visit family.
  4. The USA Constitution makes citizen's right clear. Citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble, and Congress shall not infringe on these rights. The police force should enforce laws they swore an oath to uphold, not their feelings.
  5. I found an interesting concept in the Bible that I think applies to this scenario. Over and over again the Bible discusses the negative punishment received by those people who worship false idols and their theories above God almighty. So if the theories of medical science are indeed a false idol the Bible warns us about, the result by default requires punishment. I think the possibility exists that the powers that be are hoping to push us in the right direction towards revererence for God. One Bible verse even says the diseases of the pharaohs will not affect those who revere God. Exodus 15: 26. This implies the non physical mental aspect to health flows to the physical body and is critical to a fully functioning immune system which results in full health and vitality.
  6. When entering the arena with an opponent it is beneficial to know the strategies employed by them. Arthur Schopenhauer, a german philosopher was right on the mark with his analysis on women. "As the weaker sex, Women are driven to rely not on physical force, but on cunning, and their inborn tendency to tell lies. This fundamental defect gives rise to treachery, falsity, unfaithfulness, and ingratitude. She uses dissimulation as her method of attack. This means she hides her thoughts, feelings and character acting with false pretenses." Arm yourself with knowledge and the fruits of your life will be sweeter.
  7. Dear Rabbit, You have made an important breakthrough realizing taking Tramadol doesn't work for you anymore and it is time to make adjustments. Have you considered that you are receiving a wakeup call to boycott your false idols and the poisons they dispense and move onto another path? You are involved in the classic struggle between the physical body's carnal cravings and your nonphysical soul's preprogrammed power. You have twin brothers inside you competing for power. You have allowed the wild brother to seize control of your decisions resulting in the unpleasant consequences. An anology is helpful to understand the situation. The horse (your physical body carnal cravings) has gone wild leaving the jockey (nonphsical soul which is the seat of your intellect, emotions and personality) powerless holding on for dear life. You, the jockey, need to regain control of the wild horse. To do this make a goal for what you want. Attach positive emotions to it and use your willpower to follow through. Day after day. Week after week. At the same time attach negative emotions to continue voluntarily poisoning yourself. Respectfully thank God for turning your objective into reality. And the magic results you request will happen almost by default. This has been my method and the results are permanent.
  8. Life experience has taught me not to believe anything a woman says. The video shows two obnoxious street vendors acting like deranged embeciles. The police should sentence the two to a week at a feminine beauty school where they could learn to dress and act feminine. Maybe learn to comb their hair or apply makeup.
  9. The anti vax bible is a book called The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean. She makes the case that the entire concept of invisible, contagious viruses was created as a marketing gimmick to sell product with made up research. Very compelling read which is in simple, straightforward, easy to understand language. She says the exact opposite of what the hynotized hypochondriacs do. The Holy Bible also is a valuable tool to solve this riddle. One verse is the diseases of the Pharoahs will not affect those who don't believe in them. In other words Black magic does not affect those who do not believe in prepostorous theories. It means you are very powerful and you have the ability to control your health. Learn to use it.
  10. You hit the nail on the head with your analysis. Women should not be allowed to enter politics. By nature, women are intellectual inferiors who are intended to raise and interact with children. They are susceptible to emotional irrationality in decision making leading to catastrophic consequences. One example in the Bible was Queen Athilia who usurped the throne and to maintainpower attempted to kill all her family.
  11. Only 81 of the party animals had bribe money available for negative test results. Next time the other 219 need to cut back a little on their drug intake to have free cash available to obtain a negative result.
  12. Moving to a country where you have no ranking in the pecking order will eventually turn into a nightmare as you realize the fake smile is in reality a display of total contempt. Natalie will have to learn the hard way.
  13. Expand your horizons. You seem fixated on one theory. Medical doctors call urine a useless waste product and when the consistency changes, a uti. They assume we are only a physical body and treat that symptom, ignoring the soul. The Bible refers to urine as living water, God's panacea, a gift to good health and vitality. The glue connecting body and soul. A consistency change in urine is simply your immune system making adjustments for optimal health. So you will experience quite a different result to your health depending on who your God is. This is a big reason for the 1st commandment. My treatment is a prayer and drink a glass of urine fresh from the tap which the immune system responds well to. The urine therapy books discuss this topic. One such book, Your own Perfect Medicine, by Martha Christie explains in greater detail.
  14. I am about 80% cashless now. Year by year my vendors require cashless. Even though my condo has an office with staff they will not accept cash for fees and utilities anymore. My airplane vendor charged me $200 because my bags were overweight on the last overseas trip. Cash denied. They only accepted credit cards. While overseas I attended a ballgame concession stand ordering the $20 hotdogs and beers for a group of 5 and cash rejected. Only cashless allowed. The noose keeps tightening.
  15. Is writing a nice letter responding to the ticket worth your time? If so, The letter might point out that your overseas friend was driving the vehicle on this date and to contact him or his group of 10. It was not you behind the wheel. The camera evidence appears fuzzy. With millions of pickup trucks on the road you sent the ticket to the wrong vehicle license tag address. Or a camera does not have the ability to testify and lacking a proper witness to witness the camera photo is mistaken requiring the ticket be ing voided. The blood suckers keep pushing their luck. Our job is to push back.

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