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Mark Nothing

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  1. The results you desire will more likely occur when you realise the human being is more than just a physical body. You need to do your job too and not just rely on a tablet or treatment. You also have a nonphysical soul emitting invisible wavelengths of energy such as your intellect, thoughts and emotions. These have a profound affect on your immune system that is instrumental to human health. The immune system works best by synthesizing the two components together. What is your job in this? To make a goal to have perfect prostate health with fully functioning equipment. Know your dream will come true and maintain a positive attitude. Then amplify the power with a daily prayer. Nikola Tesla said "The source of most disease is in the spirit, therefore the spirit can cure most disease. Albert Einstein said "Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the energy you want and by default it will happen." You can't observe this power with your 5 senses, but never the less, it is there. You can use it to your advantage. I have been experimenting with this strategy for years and have been pleased with the results.
  2. The trick here is to flip the script. You control your emotions, not others. It helps to control your mood rather than allowing someone else to. Those who do better here adapt to the ideosynchracies rather than expecting the other way around. Another helpful strategy is to try to eliminate those situations that annoy you as much as possible. Which is most things. Far and away the most helpful strategy is to start the day with a prayer of thanksgiving for the ability to control your emotions to enjoy your life. And it happens, stress free.
  3. If you idolize science as your god you will be fooled into believing the globe earth theory. However if you read the Holy Bible and follow the first commandment all doubts will be erased and you will know the earth is flat.
  4. The reason some of us did not get covid even though exposed is because the medical theories peddled on us as true, are in fact, flat out false. The Holy Bible teaches us what happens to those who worship false idols, which was clearly on display, by the 70% of hypochondriacs who were hypnotized by their medical deity and would have gone to any length of obedience to make their false idol happy. The solution I chose was a daily prayer thanking God almighty for health and vitality and ignored the fear drivel. The immune system kicks into full power by combining the mind body connection, making the body impervious to the nonsense. The Bible says the diseases of the pharoahs will not affect those who follow the principles of the Bible. This means you are the author of your own health, and by changing your thinking you can change your health.
  5. See what happens to those who worship their medical science idols? Health suffers and wallets get emptied. The remedy is to disregard the nonsensical false theories and say a prayer of thanks for your health and vitality. And enjoy the benefits.
  6. There are flexible kitchen faucet 360° extenders on lazada for 47 baht. You just untwist the endpience of the faucet head and screw on the extender. My friends use and like them.
  7. Feminism is one more theory that should be discarded into the junk pile as a complete and total failure. Women were not created to be equal to men. They were created to be submissive to men. A feminist reporter traveled to Africa and asked a tribal elder why women are not involved in local politics. He laughed, and said "Because everything would fall apart."
  8. My real estate agent contacts report many new condo buyers desire sitting tennants for the income stream. It can take years or decades to sell a condo. Enjoy life and don't worry about what is not likely to happen.
  9. The tone of your questions indicates you lack confidence in the bph treatments and it sounds like you don't want to get financially fleeced or permanently maimed. You seem to be balancing on a fence unsure which way to jump. I chose to jump on the opposite side of the fence from your urologist. I could not accept the treatment theories or prices of those who can't even explain what causes bph, so disregarded the info they provided as useless knowing the correct answer was available. My personal strategy was to make a goal to permanently fix the bph, keep a positive attitude, and persistently make it happen. Previously I assumed my dietary changes and magic bullet were the key. Helpful, but not where the true power lies. The true power lies in the nonphysical realm. Along the way I found the Holy Bible to be the best, most powerful health book I have ever read. The theory is we are a soul housed in a physical body and to fully activate the immune system both components require active stimulation. So now I say a daily prayer thanking God for full health and vitality, plus a good night of uninterrupted sleep. And combine it with proper diet and exercise eliminating poisoned food and water. The bph is no longer a nuisance, just disappearing into thin air. The best selling book of alltime was written over 2,000 years ago so this information is not exactly new and tells me the current medical industry used to be unecessary as we are all endowed with the ability to control our own health, should we choose to activate it. As a consumer, I demand permanent results and am happy to report being a satisfied customer. This method is simple, free with no side affects. Interesting the Biblical punishment for worshipping false idols, like some do the medical industry, is stoning. As in calcified stones growing inside the body to include bladder and prostate, leading to bph. Another prayer I found helpful is "Thank you for removing the stone from my flesh and replacing it with a heart of flesh".
  10. I got three of these red spots on my stomach one year, about 5 years ago. At my coffee shop I remembered seeing a black jumping spider, not much bigger than a housefly, crawling around the underside of the table but just ignored it. And never felt any bite. It lasted 10 days then went away. Completely. No scar. No pain or itching. But the skin hardened under the red spots. I treated it with urine twice a day. One of my friends just got a similar size spider bite and three months later it is still purple. On his leg by his knee. He went for pharmacy creams and ointments.
  11. Pay for play girls love getting new tattoos because it is another income stream for them to milk tourists. The morning after, she takes her customer to her husband's tattoo parlour and receives a commission plus a new tattoo. Two for one. Unaware she is lessening her value in the marketplace. Young and virginal is more desirable to customers then used goods. Tattoos indicate they have been around the block multiple times.
  12. I quit all alcohol cold turkey about 10 years ago. My reason was primarily due to the alcohol tax making a bottle of wine or spirits not worth the price tag. Some years newspapers reported tax decreases but it never materialized on the store shelves. Retail prices kept rising. Overall it has been a positive to my health. But at social events it make some of the drinkers very uncomfortable to be in the presence of a non alcohol drinker.
  13. Look in the mirror. The irritant causing the bronchitus is you. Which means with a simple adjustment you can fix it. In the opening statement you make the comment "I have somewhat delicate lungs". And you wonder why you have bronchitus? Your mind is creating the exact perfect breeding ground for your bronchitus to flourish. Nikola Tesla said most health ailments in your physical body originate in the intangible world of your mind (thoughts, feelings, emotions.) To fix the problem, fix the mind. Flip around your internal dialogue via a prayer thanking God for giving you strong healthy lungs, 3 times daily. Then link it to positive emotions of feeling healthy and not having to deal with the unpleasantness of bronchitus which gives you more energy to benefit your students. Tesla reports the wavelengths of energy created by your mind reverberates to your body which blindly obeys the invisible commands. Just like wavelengths of light and sound and water are unseen. Healthy thoughts leads to healthy body. Make it happen on purpose, by plan. Tesla says the secret to the universe is frequency, vibration and energy. By adjusting the inner dialogue of your mind to health your immune system will obey as commanded and the bronchitus disappears altogether. Have you seen the frequency change experiments with grains of sand changing patterns on a plate above a speaker? By changing the frequency wavelengths of your mind via prayer, you can change the makeup of your body leading to perfect health, at your will. It's fascinating to create your desire.
  14. Prior to 1920 women were not allowed to vote. This story is a perfect example highlighting the gigantic mistake made allowing those incapable to participate in voting. The oldtimers were right on the money, again.
  15. You are preaching to the choir. The solution I selected was to use my international friends to communicate at a normal level discussing topics as adults do. You are seeking a solution to an issue that likely has none. Unless you are able to just accept the limitations. Learning thai language only made me realize we had nothing in common and no similar interests and I had to eradicate it from my brain. You are attempting to insert a square peg into a round hole, and from my experience the effort defines futility.

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