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Mark Nothing

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  1. I distill my tap water using a one gallon countertop water distilling machine, 2,000 baht online. It heats the water and the steam recondenses into pure water, 0 reading on the <removed> stick. This method removes both the hard minerals and the other organisms from the water. Minerals can be alive and healthy for you, like the iron in an apple. Or dead such as the rust from a metal water pipe. Dead minerals stick in your body and cause health ailments according to natural health books. The bottom of my water distiller collects all the minerals. A rusted metal, cement stonelike consistency. The tap water reading at my condo is 130 <removed>.
  2. The Holy Bible has an interesting take on the earth that differs radically from science. We live on a flat plane called the circle of the earth within a giant dome firmament surrounded by water. In the book of Genesis verse 1:2, prior to God forming the earth, God hovered upon the waters, the earth being formless and empty. This implies the universe is water, not the delusional concept of outerspace our schools led us to believe. In Genesis verse 1:6 God decreed, let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, separating the waters from the waters. A firmament. For most of the history of the world this was the accepted truth.There are a lot more Bible proofs available for those not too busy licking the boots of their science masters.
  3. You appear not to understand how lucky you are. The goodies you craved didn't make you happy. They enslaved you. You are on the precipice of removing the chains and moving in the right direction.
  4. Yes, Moses parted the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus. But it goes much deeper than that. The Holy Bible is written using allegory, which means a story that can be interpreted to reveal multiple levels of hidden meaning. It's like treasure hunting, on a multi dimensional playing field. The results of which can enhance every aspect of life to unimaginable levels. An interesting component is the wisdom is unavailable to those too skeptical to take it in with an open mind. Kind of like your invisible thoughts, emotions and intellect, otherwise known as your soul, are an important component of human beings evolution. They can open this pathway or close it tightly shut. When the time is right, it is available.
  5. Your predicament is easily resolved. You are pursuing false idols and worshipping your money, alcohol, and prostitutes, with predictable results. The hollowness of your declaration of success indicates you yourself know it. You have bitten on the wrong hook and been ensnared by the trap. Are you going to keep thrashing on the hook? Or are you going to snap out of your self imposed enslavement and pursue another course?
  6. A walking street club turning down a drunk tourist has never happened during my stay here. Drunks are easier to fleece and welcomed with open arms. And men don't kick other men in the groin. Only a female does that. The English guy in the video didn't appear the slightest bit drunk. Very definite movements. He seemed highly agitated about something though. It would be interesting to hook the security guard up to a lie detector test machine. It would be screaming at his every answer. Drug test would also be helpful.
  7. I had a similar shoulder pain for years and thought it was from over doing it repainting my whole condo. Just like you are attributing it to too much use of your crutches. Did you consider another possibility? Have you been using your tablet or smart phone too much, holding your arms outstretched for long periods of time in a static way looking at your screen? One of my friends is a retired physical therapist and he said this type of should/arm pain is a very common problem now and gave me the following information. The human body is made for motion, not to be static. Knots form in the shoulder leading to pain. I think he called it tendonitis. He gave me two shoulder rubdowns identifying the painful spots and rubbed the tissue vigourously, which was very painful. This was to unfreeze the static knots. Like a drinking straw that has collapsed onto itself and no fluid can move, leading to the painful discomfort. The rubdown objective was to reopen the frozen knots in the tissue. So I quit using my tablet screen too much with outstretched static arms, kept a positive attitude each day that my shoulders would return to painfree and fully functional and it worked. I even repainted my room a few years later with zero pain.
  8. It would be intetesting to know what preceeded the punch. A few years ago a friend and I were on walking street and visited a gogo bar that was full of customers and the only table available was next to two big boom box speakers blaring out rap music, so we walked out. The security thug started taunting us and cussing us out and following us down the street, just itching to cause a confrontation. We ignored the imbecile and no violence resulted. But it could have easily turned into a similar scenario to this story.
  9. Congratulations on your success. The Harvard Health definition of the placebo effect is the idea that your brain can make your body believe a fake treatment is the real thing and stimulate healing. Why would you focus any time and effort on the fake treatment part? A few years ago a poster mentioned my magic bullet treatment to help prostate problems might be a placebo effect and I decided to analyze the situation further and found out he was right. The real power resided somewhere else. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to focus your efforts on the flip side? The fact that you have an innate ability to stimulate healing by using the power of belief in your mind. And learn how to hone this ability to use on demand and at will. It seemed to me there was much more meat on the bone by following this route, so I did. My experience wildly exceeded expectations and has been well worth the study time and implementation. A key component of this process is learning to stimulate your immune system on two levels. The physical body level with diet, excersise and doctor advice is the well known way. Then the nonphysical realm of your mind which houses your intellect, thoughts and emotions. Strengthening the mind in the right way seemed to transform the body. You can create a symphony of healing via invisible wavelengths of energy emitted by this nonphysical realm by using this correctly that has profound positive effects on the physical body. Some books I have read on the topic report 90%+ of the benefit comes from this application. One of my favorite Holy Bible verses is physical training holds some value, but Godliness holds value to all things. That is a hint to focus in a different direction then the peganum harmala seed from iran.
  10. This is legalized theft on patrons of the casino and is a horrible idea. But great for the owners. Fleecing the people seems to be all they care about anymore. Years ago I visited casinos requiring an entry fee and it was returned to you in different color chips that you were required to gamble with. If you won the chip color was changed and you could cash it in for money. This is a good way to force shy gamblers to take part.
  11. Thank you for the good articles. I would like to add a component to your analysis that I hope you find helpful. Do you remember playing sports in school and getting soundly beaten by the other team in the first half? What did you do at halftime? Did you lay down and play dead like a neutered liberal? Or did you learn the strategy being implemented by the opposing team so that you could counteract it and win the second half? I found some interesting data contained in an unlikely place, the Holy Bible. The kings and queens in the Old Testament loved to screw with the peasants by forming false idols for them to worship. Then plundering the suckers who fell for it. You have seen all the anomolies to know something is fishy already. The strategy to counteract the fear and turmoil was to have a better strategy. Enter the invisible realm of the human soul and how powerful it is. It can make you sick if you allow. And if you use it right it can make you healthy. Have you considered how powerful the fear of an invisble, contagious virus is when delivered by a trusted expert on the human soul? The invisible wavelengths of energy your soul creates seem to have profound affect on human body health. Enough even to make you sick, or worse. So I have been experimenting with using the opposite of what they have been bombarding us with using God as a superior to medical science and praying for health and vitality. And the results are a stunning success.
  12. You seem to have blocked your immune system from functioning by all these scary diagnoses and constant rehashing of problems. You seem to be psyching yourself out with the wrong signals. Your immune system has two components. Your physical body and your nonphysical soul. Good health, by design, combines both components. Your soul houses your intellect, personality, thoughts and emotions. You can create a symphony orchestra of health using these invisible wavelengths feeding and nourishing your body. Or as you have experienced, the opposite occurrs with poisonous invisible wavelengths. My breakthroughs occurred by synthesizing the two components together. Since we live in the physical world that part is pretty obvious, good diet, exercise, and sound medical advise. But the nonphysical spiritual world requires some activation on your part. Think of a smart phone and wireless wifi signal. If you send a good signal the phone works flawlessly. But if you cut the signal or an intermittent signal the phone doesn't work. The physical phone still has the ability to function, but the signal is the problem. Your health works like that too. Now apply this to your body and soul. You need to create the strong signal to energize your immune system to reset the body back to original factory settings, or full functioning health. The Holy Bible is the best way to activate your soul. The stories are allegories used to activate your soul's power. The soul relaxes knowing God is at work making everything function. This relaxes your emotions from fear of ailment to confience in health, strengthing the signal more. Once you know God created you for full health you can activate this power with daily prayers, such as, "Thank you God for full health and vitality." And "Thank you God for removing the stones from my flesh which resets my health." The Holy Bible is a treasure chest of knowledge which has profoundly positive affects on your health. I have been experimenting with this process for years and am constantly learning and applying new data with excellent results. You will learn the ailment doesn't matter, creating a healthy signal from your soul to your physical body does matter and it applies to every ailment I have tried. The ailments of the pharoahs will no longer affect you once you apply this to your life. This helps you understand Proverbs verse 1, "The begining of wisdom is the fear of God, but fools despise wisdom."
  13. In Thailand both private individuals and the police can bring criminal charges against anyone by filing a court case. She likely stayed in jail until her bail hearing. Each charge will have a predetermined bail amount that the clerks automatically charge to get out of jail. With multiple charges at guestimated 100,000 baht each it can really add up quick. Plus expenses of using a lawyer to work it out. Plus translation fees as all preceedings are in local language. After paying bail she agrees to come to court hearings which can take months or years. The court puts a freeze on her passport with immigration and returns the passport to her. She would then require a court order signed by a judge to depart country. If she departs country and fails to show up for a court hearing the bail money is forfeited and she will be blacklisted from returning by immigration. The businessman knows the system and played it to his advantage. If he plays it out to the max she will pay more in legal fees than the alleged debt.
  14. The Holy Bible is full of stories about what happens to the knuckleheads who demote God in favor of the flavor of the day, and worshipped their false idols. Severe punishment is always the end result of breaking the 1st and 2nd commandment. Even the peasants thousands of years ago figured it out, and got back to the basics, following the commandments and reading the Bible. The Holy Bible has an entirely different concept of health than medical science. One verse says the diseases of the pharoahs will have no affect on you once you learn this strength. The beginning of wisdom occurs when you access the correct data. Once you do, you adopt those proven concepts and can live the life you were born to live. I think the absurdity we lived through was a way for those of us with critical thinking skills to jumpstart us onto the right path. I think you know the wrong answers already and it is time to implement the right answers.
  15. The results you desire will more likely occur when you realise the human being is more than just a physical body. You need to do your job too and not just rely on a tablet or treatment. You also have a nonphysical soul emitting invisible wavelengths of energy such as your intellect, thoughts and emotions. These have a profound affect on your immune system that is instrumental to human health. The immune system works best by synthesizing the two components together. What is your job in this? To make a goal to have perfect prostate health with fully functioning equipment. Know your dream will come true and maintain a positive attitude. Then amplify the power with a daily prayer. Nikola Tesla said "The source of most disease is in the spirit, therefore the spirit can cure most disease. Albert Einstein said "Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the energy you want and by default it will happen." You can't observe this power with your 5 senses, but never the less, it is there. You can use it to your advantage. I have been experimenting with this strategy for years and have been pleased with the results.
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