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Stiddle Mump

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About Stiddle Mump

  • Birthday 11/11/1924

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    Ban Phon Yammie

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    Ban Thom

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  1. Cup draw done. Lucky Manchester; both at home. My teams to go through to 6th. Villa Cottagers Forest Palace Seagulls Cherries Clarets City.
  2. The quicker the symptoms can do their work the better. Wouldn't want the flu to go on longer than necessary would you? It is the body restoring itself to optimal health. Help it to do its work; not hinder it.
  3. Tommy, Andy and Tristan wouldn't even get a foothold if the authorities were not anti the people that voted them in.
  4. In the early stages Sir. Should encourage the symptoms to accelerate.
  5. "Covid can be vaccianted against though." Oh no, it can't. Have you not been reading my earlier posts?
  6. Bacteria are there to help us. They help break down dead and dying tissue. Malaria is not what we are led to believe it is.
  7. Hard to know what the specific symptoms were; "Like flu but ten times worse." The usual symptoms are; fever, headache, coughing, depleted energy. Can also have sore throat, runny nose and belly problems. Mucus abounds too. This is not a disease as such. For sure the symptoms make you feel terrible. But they are essential for the body to return to good health. The symptoms should not be suppressed, but helped. The following is for research only. Of course if one is ill; go see a medical practioner. One such help is to wear a plastic bin-liner** (an unused one) under a T-shirt/sweat-shirt, and go for a jog/run. This will encourage the body to sweat the toxins out and will speed up recovery. Drink lots of clean water (not from the tap) and eat nothing for a couple of days. After the run go to bed and rest. ** Cutting holes in it for the head and arms. Only do this early on; before the bed-rest stage.
  8. Prime Minister. Or POTUS. What ever side of the pond they decide they want to revolutionise. When they are allowed to leave Romania that it. Although I think Tristan can leave.
  9. It's BRUV. Tate in No 10 within the next few years?
  10. Now that LGBTWHUPNEQPR++ etc, has been dismantled; the future is BRUV.
  11. I know a lot about their disgraceful past.
  12. The Don will see to it they they comply. Sanctions?! BBC is a disgrace to humanity. Don't know too much about ABC.
  13. Great pics as usual. I particularly like the first one today; the water tower. And two crackers from yesterday. Thanks.
  14. Good article. Well presented. I particularly like the para: "Most governments in the world had come to be controlled by people no one elected and these administrative forces were loyal not to voters, but to industrial interests in media and pharma, while the intellectuals we had long trusted to say what is true went along with even the craziest of claims, while condemning dissent." Covid! Although it is somewhat of a turnaround, there are plenty out there who think we should have done restrictions, lock-downs, jabs stc,,,sooner. And I'm sure those same people would advocate for more of the same, when the dreadful WHO declares the next emergency. However! My take, is that the out-of-the-boxers and most independent outlets, are their own worst enemy. As far as covid goes; they are homing in on aspects - the seeds of which are often planted by those who want to retain the status-quo - that are reinforcing the whole rotten narrative. A lot of nit-picking out there! And all the while the alt-media are sicking to the idea/hoax/theory, that a virus is an entity that is not only real, but out to get us at every opportunity. Well, I've got news for them. There is no such thing as a virus that can cause illness. A virus cannot be passed from one to another, to cause the receiver to get the same perceived problem. We have to have this out. We have suffered enough at the behest of white-coats and money making interests. My musings inevitably point to vaxxes. What is the point of them if there is no virus to conquer? The answer, is no point what-so-ever. The quicker the independent media get to grips with this, and promotes this view, the quicker respect will come along. And the quicker the whole house-of-cards will fall.
  15. Well done The Pilgrims. Took full advantage of Pool's cockiness. Home to United would be nice.

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