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  1. Careful in Hua Hin . There has been more scams around there ...
  2. So what use has this overwhelming decision for Thailand πŸ˜‚ ?
  3. Ecigarettes and Vaping Devices are two different things . E cigarettes are still using tobacco but heated and no combustion. Vaping Devices are heating liquid with a % of tobacco. I think the Authorities should specify wich one is outlaw as the first is still tobacco like cigarettes.... Nah Good luck with that 🀣
  4. I told that vaping is illegal and people vaping are subject to up to 20 year jail and - or a fine .... ( 20 years sounded quite harsh to me ) . I hope that Thailand makes Vaping legal . It's far less harmful than smoking cigarettes 🚬.....
  5. So the fight was between 2 Old Brits and a Younger Brit and his Thai Wife ? And after Jail time the Thai Wife had her revenge ? Or did I got it wrong ?
  6. Never interfere with Thai Women and Thai Transgender , that its the lesson πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  7. I have been coming to Thailand and lived here since 10 years . I love that little bit of anarchy and freedom there is in Thailand . You can go back to Europe or America if you want law n order . Unfortunately things will change with OECD trying to bring their bs to Thailand . Hope Thailand keeps neeing the land of the Free . πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
  8. A little out of Subject ; If you want to go fish from the beach do you need a license in Thailand ?
  9. If they want to stop Foreigner beeing in Businesses that are " for Thais Only " just stop Foreigners to have the possibility to own 49% of those type of businesses. Foreigner can not own any % of Businesses only for Thais , Foreigner can not be Directors of Businesses " For Thai Only " . πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Half of the Thai Legal Firms would go on strike πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  10. I can't see what the guy is doing wrong ? He is snorkeling on the surface . He hasn't damaged any coral ! Or did he ? How did he get there eventually would be the quest ? Because boats definitely damage coral reef areas more than someone snorkeling . The usual new sport of Thais making video's of Tourists to get some attention on the web . ( "this is crazy" , he's making a point πŸ˜… ) .
  11. A little common sense from the British Influencer would have been good . You are a guest in this country , just avoid religious involvement.
  12. Wonder what she was thinking.... feel sorry for her beeing stupid or worst , desperate!
  13. I always tip the Guys a 100 bhat just to be make shure there is no misunderstanding. It works πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  14. Singapore & Macau are the big ones whom Thailand would compete to get the Cinese Gamblers , as that is the Target ... I think Thailand would catch a fair share of Cinese Gamblers who move with families as Thailand has a lot to offer to the target . I don't think they want to give the Thai Gamblers to the Big Corporations . To be seen which Big Gambling Corporations wants to invest in it without the Thai Gamblers in the picture . Time will tell .
  15. Seems Phuket is their favorite place ..... I rarely read about similar situations in Bangkok , Chang Mai or Pattaya πŸ€”
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