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Posts posted by jubby

  1. That makes sense Stu. forgot about that KSR.

    A 6K service of my KLX isn't rocket Science So it'll be all good for me.

    So anyone up for a ride to Nan , over nighter it'll have to be so I can smell the roses cruising about 90 kmh.

    thinking about monday.

    Some of the best roads on this planet and planet Zonk I here .

  2. Quite a Mix of Symptoms.

    I can and do get huge hangovers after just a couple of Beers here.

    I put it down to getting Older and the Chemical content of beer over here.

    I've almost given up social drinking because of it. I do like a couple of beers on a hot day though.

    Alcohol is definately a depressant , don't like the sound of the panic attacks or Palpatations I think you mentioned.

    Don't what ever you do substitute the beer for Coke, Pepsi , it makes me feel even worse and the Caffeine or whatever Hit won't do you any good.

    You clearly enjoy it , maybe try switching to the local Rum with lots of Soda after a couple of beers. You'll most likely not be putting the same amount of Alcohol away .

    That would be my thoughts for what they are worth.

  3. The folk who own Kawasaki in Chiang Mai will open a dealership in CR soon so those with Kawasaki big bikes won't have to ride down to CM for service/repairs and those interested in a Kawasaki also won't have to go to CM to buy one. Of course it is a lovely ride down there but it'll be nice to have the choice :)

    That is good News. Its a lovely ride but can be inconvenient.

    I'm not far off a service myself might just clock up those last K's early next week with a blast to Nan if the weather holds.

    I heard a rumour that they won't be selling Big Bikes, but they don't exactly have a lot of small bikes in the line up.

  4. Ain't that the Truth Biff.

    I guess your both right in your own ways.

    I would suggest a Bussman's Holiday or something. Biff & toybits swap lifes for a few months.

    It would be interesting to see if biff after a few months starts to complain about sidewalk access and if Toybit's manages to survive a few months without an array of fines for trying to be an upstanding citizen but failing miseraby like the rest of us :)

    My money will be on Biff, but I've been wrong many many times.

    I'm just contemplating a short return to Biffs domicile and wondering how many parking fines, Fixed penalty tickets for running red lights and parking my bike in the window of 7-11 I can expect within a few short months. B)

    I know that last time I was there some BIB jumped from behind a bush at 4am in the morning whilst I was in my opinion doing a reasonable speed at such an hour . It was unfortunately going to be a court appearance but luckily it didn't materialise. I did suffer the stress of waiting for the summons for the several months though. Sleepless nights and the rest. I still suffer from paranoia and nightmares because of my Sins.

    I guess I need to repent my Sins and find some sort of contentment

  5. Thanks for sharing that Nice positive attitude Annilicious. The only advise I could perhaps give is try to find Volunteer work that you don't have to pay for. That way you'll have more money for yourself and family.

    The studying in Japan sounds like something to look forward to. What Nationality are you ? can't remember if you said before !?

  6. late Tuesday nite a expat tried to park his Blue Honda Wave licence # 13 in the Store Window of the 7-11 near the Nite Baizzare...... :o

    So much for foreigners respecting the sidewalks :rolleyes:

    Edit to include the video

    thats progress I guess !

    Drive thru 7-11's ..... its only a matter of time.

    that few meters between pavement/sidewalk and the counter , and in some form of pedestrian mode is a bind; especially if your only after another Bottle of Chang :(

  7. I had to chuckle to myself this morning when I parked my Motorbike on the pavement. I did notice perhaps millions of Motorcycles parked on the pavement too. Never see anyone walking here unless its the few metres from the motorbike to 7-11 or something. Except for Tourists ofcourse :)

    maybe its just a more efficient use of the space :unsure:

    Indeed , where would they park the motorbikes if not on the Pavement :)

  8. This rain season up here seems to have been particularly hard on the roads. can't vouch for this road , but I have noticed a lot of roads up here are in a dreadful state. The worst I've seen. Roads which were actually resurfaced last year. Be careful if on slick road tires.

  9. Could try these too, I know someone with some on a KLX250 and loves them, think they were only around 3500baht as well http://tyrethailand....spx?prod=030046


    I looked at the Dunlop tires, but the D604 is way too much road orientated, the D605 with 50/50 road/off-road looks promising but the profile looks a bit more rough compared to the Pirelli


    They are the Tires fitted standard to the KLX. The pirelli's are a bit more refined and better on road, but still very capable off road. I will be changing mine when they wear down a bit.

    The Guy I mentioned does indeed have the MT90's . he says they are a superb tire.

    Having watched him keep up with a group of Thai 650's a few weeks ago on some twisties in the mountains I would have to agree

  10. I think a lot of Cobra's are likely to spit you in the eye before Biting.

    So I guess Sunglasses or glasses would be a help.

    Not sure about how effective Kd's Shaolin Crane style Kung <deleted> would be :D

  11. I just love how someone always gets away from the police in these confrontations. It appears the cops never have a back-up plan or enough personnel to conduct the operation. But, at least they try and don't give up. Glad the cops weren't hurt.

    I see a lot of Border patrol Police on my travels. They seem to have regular army and the Guys in Black with them too.

    when they are out, they are out in force and armed to the teeth. Automatic Rifles for sure, but Saw'n off shotguns, and what I can only describe as an Elephant Gun.

    Not sure they are active 24x7, It does appear to be a show of strength and I do sometimes wonder if everything stops for Lunch or at 5PM.

    certainly wouldn't want to be within a few Kilometers of a resulting Gunfight . Neither would my Elephant.

  12. Thanks for sharing the photos! I would have commented on the blog but I didn't see a place for comments, so I'll comment here.

    Great blog, hope there's more to come!


    Sorry Biff. At first you had me questioning your progress with Thai but when I clicked on comments, the comment function did not engage. It could be that she just forgot to turn on that functionality for her blog being as this is her first try. I tried two different browsers and the only difference was the annoying soundtrack was not blocked on the second one. The little iPod controls work on that problem however.

    The text formatting is in need of a little work as well but overall not bad for a first try.

    Sorry? The BG soundtrack was annoying? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. *lil sad*

    i like reading blog with the music on tho :)

    anyway, i fixed the comment thing already, please try again :D

    Hey, Annilicious . Nice Blog.! ....... Nice Music. ! .... Just do your own thing Girl. ! ...... Don't take notice of anyone on here over 60 unless there your Grandparents or a fully paid up member of the CR Womens Institute ;)

  13. Its what Thais say when they want to get away with shit B)

    So, what is scorpio trying to get away with? He isn't the one feeding the chicken poop to the fish, is he?

    Don't know but it can only be muttered by a Guy wearing a Sarong or Pakama :D

  14. 700 baht for a 14 year old tree !? . Thats cheap.

    what are you going to do with it. its green wood, needs drying. or are you going to build with green wood. young wood is kiln dried these days I believe.

    Traditionally it was left in a pond for a while to season.

    14 year old teak is relatively young and if used 'green' will probably be eaten by Insects .

    Don't expect bug resistant teak at this age.

  15. We don't have a rubbish collection but the next Village does.

    So anything thats not recycled, and that generally come down to just plastic bags I used to burn.

    burn it on a good hot fire and it seems to burn clean. not the awful smouldering fires like the neighbours.

    I have been putting my rubbish in the bins in the next village until I found the dump where the authorities take it.

    its a huge open Air dump of smouldering plastic and other <deleted> a few kilometers away in the countryside. These Dumps are constantly Smouldering all year round.

    It gets burned regardless here, all I can suggest is you show the woman how to get a hot fire and incinerate it.

  16. I think I've got dengue. not been able to sleep for two days as my bones are aching and won't support my body in any comfort.

    I've been taking paracetamol and it does give a bit of relief but I suspect I've taken enough.

    Any thing out there I can get from a Chemist ? Don't relish another sleepless night :(

  17. Indeed, I found it today, the office is down near the food courts end and an ATM is about half way along to Robinsons.

    I did go back to the old ATM at the Top mall prior to this and it was working today.

    I found two ATM's at the office. it takes the space at the back of both escalators.

    So we have more choice. Its all good :)

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