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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. The BMA has recently imposed a stern regulation, banning mahouts from bringing their elephants into Bangkok. Violators will be subject to a 6-month jail term or a 10,000-THB fine. The law, which has been put in effect since 22 June, also applies to people who buy food for the elephants.

    And the government wonders why tourism is down? Some unknowing tourist that buys food for the elephant that is there illegally, is subject to the same fine as the manhout. Brilliant! That's sure to encourage people to tell their friends what a great place Thailand is to visit.

    No Kidding!

    I have woken up some mornings and realized my "small brain" must have been in charge of the last few decisions the previous night.

    But not even my "small brain" could come up with something this moronic.

    Don't you think it might just be a mis-translation.

    I would guess that it meant "care-giver' i.e. the person who actually buys its food to maintain a subsistence level for the animal.

    Most mahouts almost certainly work for somebody else so it would mean the man higher up the chain would also get punished. Sound like a good idea to me!

  2. It is not only the protests. Many currencies are down against the baht. With the internet there is continuous bad news coming out about scams, corruption and crime on blogs and forums like this. There is a perception there is no rule of law in Thailand and the Police are corrupt and inept unless there is an earn for themselves in something. Many tourist areas are now over-developed and filled with illegal immigrants who are rude and pester tourists just trying to walk down the street. Places like Phuket have let the natural beauty and charm be ruined with the endless building of ugly developments. The TV adverts currently running in Australia promoting Thailand are lame and boring. Classic cause and effect, the causes listed above and the effect is less tourists. You don't have to be Nikola Tesla to figure this out.

    Please tell me; based on your experience of these over-developed tourist areas. Where are these rude and pestering illegal immigrants from? Are they Russian, English, Korean or from another country?

  3. Decdember 13, 2006 Chiang Mai 5.1 did no, zero zip nothing damage. :o

    yah...tell that to my friend with his 35 million baht house... his pool cracked so bad that all the water ran out.. his rear entryway dropped about 1/2 in and there are still major cracks visible in his 14 foot high walls and ceilings....

    Are you serious? After three and a half years he hasn't filled the cracks in his walls and ceilings. "Major cracks" don't just disappear, even in Thailand. So, if they're still visible it's because he has bothered to repair them. He's Thai presumably. Lol

  4. Surely a buddhist wouldn't do such a thing. :rolleyes:

    Well, think again! That shit hole is full of Buddhist thugs. Does jet ski vendors, brutish tuk tuk drivers, and villainous taxi operators come to mind?

    They may claim to be Buddhists as do most Thais but they are no more Buddhist than the Pope. A Buddhist would never kill another person. If they did then they would not be Buddhist. QED

  5. 50 foreigners a week committing insurance fraud a week in Patong? Is that a statistic or something made up? It seems like it would be in the news before this, if there were 50 cases a week...

    I think he probably meant that 50 people each week report theft to the police in order to claim on insurance rather than insurance fraud, otherwise it would have been in the press a long time ago. Don't you think?

  6. Much as I appreciate TV's email alerts pertaining to important events in the Kingdom, I do feel that this announcement was not quite worthy of a place in my inbox.

    Incidentally, 259 is a very precise number. Anyone running a book on the final total?

    Of course it's a precise number. They counted the number of people they arrested and that was the number.

    If they had said "about 260 people" you would probably have commented about the lack of accuracy wouldn't you?

    Can't please all of the people all of the time ....................."

  7. this is no real surprise to me at all. i teach, i see, i cry

    (Oooh, nice new board format!)

    84% failure rate in mathematics! That's, like, almost half!

    Thank you for injecting some humour into this rather depressing thread.

    It will, unfortunately, take at least a generation to change anything. When students are encouraged to ask questions then there will be changes but not until then. Once those children have gone though the education system and finally become teachers themselves then maybe it will be different. IMHO

  8. No curfew in Pattaya!

    If it's going to be meaningful then it should be nation wide ... otherwise any trouble makers can just go to the location where there is no curfew ... so it's not really a curfew!

    Why would someone travel dozens if not hundred of kilometers just to break a curfew?

    Surely if there's been no trouble then there's no need for a curfew.

    I'm sure that if trouble does occur then the powers that be will extend the curfew as required.

  9. I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

    Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

    Smells a bit fishy.

    They were not weapons of mass destruction, they were small arms with, of course, the exception of the car bombs.

    That doesn't make it right but mass destruction is an unnecessary exaggeration.

  10. as Thai mother I am shocked and angry that a Thai mother (or father) could even think of doing that, one reason I would apply death penalty to the parents. Children MUST NOT be there and that's it! Whoever even discuss it is a criminal.

    About the futile effort to disperse the reds; welcome to the result of a "mai pen rai" society: complete failure in whatever we do.

    I hear you.

    These so called parents should be shot dead so that they don't have a chance to raise these poor kids and repeat history.

    Are you really serious.

    You want execution by firing squad for being bad parents? What sentence would you get for smacking your child in this land of yours? 5-10 years.

    Who looks after these orphan children? Have you ever seen Thais queueing to adopt children? Been to any orphanages in Thailand?

    Finally, what exactly does "repeat history" refer to?Does that mean they can't take their children to a protest again or raise them again?

    That's a lot of questions in reply to one sentence. Hope you're not too busy!

  11. Thailand is a buddhist country, we don't believe in god

    well, i can see the buddhist way is working out a treat!

    someone better start paying for a lot of merit, before this stuff thats going on is done.

    If you knew anything about Buddhism you would know that the Thais are not following the Buddhist way.

    Sadly Thais have introduced a lot of superstition into their faith which have nothing to do with the fundamentals of Buddhism.

    Merit is achieved by actions not gifts to a temple.

    oh god, why did i even think about giving a reply on this thread.

    smokie got any room down their on your little island?

    If the smokie comment is directed at me. I don't live on an island, I now live in HCMC, Vietnam as clearly indicated in my signature.


    Saigon Sam

  12. Thailand is a buddhist country, we don't believe in god

    well, i can see the buddhist way is working out a treat!

    someone better start paying for a lot of merit, before this stuff thats going on is done.

    If you knew anything about Buddhism you would know that the Thais are not following the Buddhist way.

    Sadly Thais have introduced a lot of superstition into their faith which have nothing to do with the fundamentals of Buddhism.

    Merit is achieved by actions not gifts to a temple.

  13. Firstly, I'm neither red nor yellow nor any other colour for that matter, I'm just curious.

    Many people on ThaiVisa refer to the reds an being controlled by Thaksin. Someone just now used the word Thaksinista.

    From what I understand, these protesters/insurgents,terrorists, whatever takes your fancy, were historically Thaksin supporters when he was in government. Does being a supporter of someone automatically mean that you are controlled by them?

    I no longer live in Thailand but follow the news, albeit mostly "headline news" about what's happening there and I don't remember seeing anywhere a piece of evidence that Thaksin is the person controlling the red's actions.

    Why would he? Could he ever make a triumphant return to govern Thailand?

    I genuinely look forward some of your answers. Educate me please.

    Seh Daeng and other leaders have claimed to receive orders directly from Thaksin and follow them without question.

    Thanks, that's a start.

    Links to any media sources would, I'm sure, go further to help me understand. If anyone happens to know any.

  14. Firstly, I'm neither red nor yellow nor any other colour for that matter, I'm just curious.

    Many people on ThaiVisa refer to the reds an being controlled by Thaksin. Someone just now used the word Thaksinista.

    From what I understand, these protesters/insurgents,terrorists, whatever takes your fancy, were historically Thaksin supporters when he was in government. Does being a supporter of someone automatically mean that you are controlled by them?

    I no longer live in Thailand but follow the news, albeit mostly "headline news" about what's happening there and I don't remember seeing anywhere a piece of evidence that Thaksin is the person controlling the red's actions.

    Why would he? Could he ever make a triumphant return to govern Thailand?

    I genuinely look forward some of your answers. Educate me please.

  15. its been frustrating sure but why does it sound like people want the army /government to hurry up and kill people? Isn't calling for the crackdown, getting the reds out etc calling for people's deaths (probably on both sides)?

    Where did someone post that they wanted people to die?

    What do you propose? Maybe you would like the government to get the contractors in and build some proper housing for the protesters.

    Of course they've got to go in using force if the protesters are not willing to leave voluntarily.

    Lethal weapons would not be appropriate but the use of non-lethal force in inevitable. Or.... they could change the political system in Thailand from democracy to anarchy.

  16. who cares man....... I mean really......... thanks for that Thailand!!

    Have to wonder though.... what foreign advisor is on the payroll...

    you wouldn't think the local government came up with that on their own..... who do I send the thank you note to??

    Better yet, can i get the email of the English ambassador who put this in affect...

    England doesn't have an ambassador however the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland do have an ambassador. A contact email address for him will almost certainly be on the FCO website.

    Why would you assume that the idea came from a foreigner? I accept that most foreigners here only ever meet Thais working in the hospitality industry and are therefore, almost inevitably, going to meet the less intelligent members of Thai society but.............................

    I have worked with many intelligent, forward thinking Thais for whom a decision like this is obvious.

  17. I'm surprised to see that the US government is putting their two cents worth in the Thais mess. Better be careful because if the Us elected officials don't start listening,maybe facing the same or similar protests in America.

    America has its own back yard to clean up, and they need a wide broom to do it.

    US has supplied a new sonic weapon ( to Thai military ) for crowd controll. Rest assured, western " boots on the ground " are a radio call away. They are already in country. They will operate AS western " ADVISERS ".

    They will have Thai faces. They will engineer an excuse FOR A PRE-PLANNED ACTION. Thai military authorities have had the device for years. It will cause perment hearing loss. designed for "crowd controll.They will warn you, and advise you of your risks if you dont comply, and you will be responsible for ignoring " fair notice ". and sustain permenent hearing loss.. people want strong leaders. bloodshed is inevetable.

    you will see " big farang brother increasingly covertly assist in controlling this . TO KEEP CHINA AT BAY. SEE:VIET NAM indo/ natural gas is and will be protected by western interests. Always has been. IT'S ABOUT SECURING " COMMODITIES" AWAY FROM CHINA.

    the rest are only puppets.

    The red shirts are simply pons in Thakis'n populist game.......he could care less about them. like any military campain, ( calculated losses )the lower class are put up front to take the casualties.. war 101. You wont see intelelectuals on the front line.

    I am so sad and afraid for my beloved Thailand. I AM ALSO SAD THAT GOOD FARMERS WERE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY A MADMAN,who promised everything, and will deliver nothing. These guys will screwed/blued/and tattued. and selling their genitically modified rice to Austrailia, for prices so low, they will dream of the day before they gave their soul for 1000 / bht. to TKSN.

    Where do these farmers expect " prosperity " to come from?.......... exports to U.S. consumers?.............. Austrailian rice contracts?.......... that went to uncle ho's guys ................................................Ignorance is bliss.

    and amazing.............foreign investment into Thai economy is white hot..........? <deleted>? Thai economists are hot wireing the bhat to be proped up?.....................spooky................it dosent seem to add up.

    I wish compassion to all.............and maybe a little education.

    My Thai family are Intelectuals, MBA PH.D all western degrees. They are so Angry ( and very well connected )...................And you all know what happens when Thai man & woman become angry.......................................

    CHOK DEE MY BELOVED THAILAND. I PRAY FOR OWER BELOVED KING, HE'S A GOOD GUY. I THINK THE WORLD CAN LEARN FROM HIS WISDOM..........................................................................

    ..... I HAVE. :)

    What has that got to do with selling alcohol at Songkran?

  18. We call this lip service in the West. Say a lot and do nothing. I'm certain Songkran will be no different than last year. hel_l.

    My sentiments exactly. They talk about checking establishments that are selling alcohol. That's a start, I guess.

    Hasn't it occurred to them that breathalysing people who are driving erratically is an obvious way to curb drink driving.

    Ah! I've just realised why they don't do that. It would involved police doing work and that's an anathema to them.

  19. These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

    The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

    "Radical terrorists" is a little strong don't you think? Do you have any evidence of this?

    When did Mr. Shinawatra commit a terrorist act? I must have missed that one. Maybe I was in the shower at the time. I'm surprised it didn't come up on Thaivisa.

    It seems to me that the fairest way to resolve this dispute would to be to hold an election and let the people decide.

    By the way, your spelling and grammar are atrocious. Do you have any self respect?

  20. "forecast the number of foreign tourists entering Thailand in 2010 would increase by between 8 and 10 percent, or about 15 million over last year"

    Maybe I'm just no good at maths but if an increase of 10% is 15 million doesn't that mean that last year 150 million tourists visited Thailand.


    I thought the total number of tourists who visited Thailand last year was 13-14 million.

    Dr. Sethaput Suthiwart-naru needs a proof reader. :)

    You're just no good at maths. If 10 million visited last year, and you get an increase of 10% this year, that means an extra 10% of 10 million = 1 million, therefore 11 million visited this year. If 13 million visited last year, an increase of 10% would take it up to 14.3 million, exactly the sort of figures they are talking about.

    It says quite clearly that there will be "about 15 million over last year".

    Surely "over" in that context means "more than".

    Therefore it's wrong.

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