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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. When I went to live in Vietnam I went to the embassy and got my visa without a problem. When I arrived at the Cathay Pacific check-in desk at Heathrow they wouldn't allow me to check as I didn't have a return or an onward flight. They told me this often happens. I had to go to and buy an onward ticket from the Cathay Pacific sales counter. The deal was that I could go to the Cathay office in HCMC and get a 100% refund. Within 12 hours of arriving in Vietnam I had my 100% refund in my hand without a hitch.

    There are always ways around these rules.

  2. A computer connected to the internet with a digital projector would be a much better way to spend the money. That's what I have in my classroom.

    It allows me to use any digital resource I can find. I use powerpoint shows on a daily basis.

    I'd be lost nowadays, teaching without my computer and projector.

    The government could then produce interactive CD ROMs of each subject for use in the classroom.

  3. Many of the men and women of the USS Boxer group – about 1,500 sailors and 2,500 Marines from the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit – volunteered to paint a fence and wall at Muang Phuket School today and Wednesday.

    All of them with regular work permit?? :whistling:

    I was wondering the exact same thing but we residents cannot be allowed to offer our help on a voluntary basis without so much red tape.

    I think we're all wondering the same thing. I was also wondering how long and high this wall is. If it takes 4,000 people 2 days to paint the wall it must be "The Great Wall of Phuket". :)

  4. I hope the people who are recommending Vietnam actually lived there. If not, let me be the one to say it: VIETNAM SUCKS. Beautiful place to visit (more interesting than Thailand), horrible place to live in. Three times more expensive and 100 times more primitive than Thailand. DONT DO IT.

    I lived in Thailand for five years and have now been in Vietnam for six years. It has everything I could ever want from a country. Salary is higher than Thailand and cost of living is lower. They also understand that they can benefit from learning from westerners which is something that Thais don't seem to understand.

    Not even Cambodia is 100 times more primitive than Thailand. What a stupid thing to write!

  5. This story sprang up last November when I think he'd already been in jail for sometime.

    However, it said that he'd not been charged at that time, or he'd not been brought to court yet.

    In Thai law a person must be charged after 7 days. An extension of another 7 days is permissable in some circumstances and only terrorism or les majeste is unspecified, however, he wasn't suspected of these.

    What was the embassy doing while this man was in jail rotting away without charge, without hospital treatment or waiting for a drawn out court case for a minor offence which I understand was along the lines of behaving like a beggar? Why couldn't they lodge a complaint with the Foreign ministry, Interior ministry and human rights groups?

    I would say that the British Embassy in Thailand is probably one of the worst in terms of helping its citizens. They actually prefer to help the Thai police and support their unfair treatments.

    You really should distinguish between the Embassy / Ambassador - who represents the British Government to whichever host government they are sent to - and the Consulate(s) who carry out the day-to-day relationships between citizens of the host country and provide British citizens with necessary assistance.

    The two main duties of consular officials - visa application approval and assisting distressed nationals of their own country - are often contentious and are the focus of the man-in-the-street.

    Ambassadorial duties are on a government-to-government basis and are conducted in a totally different way to consular actions. In most countries now Britain seems to have sub-contracted the consular duties to private companies (or at least one private company). For instance, here in Vietnam I cannot renew my passport any longer - I have to go to Hong Kong. Must be because it's a more pleasant life for the HM Government consular staff in Honkers. Watch out in Thailand - you may be next! And don't send passports by post or courier - too likely to get lost.

    You do not have to go to Hong Kong. You send your passport via DHL. The British Embassy have negotiated a preferential rate with DHL for sending passports from Vietnam to Hong Kong. I've never been to a consulate of Embassy to pick up a new passport and never lost one in the post or by courier.

    Don't you think you're over-dramatising a little?

  6. How do you die from acute diarrhea.. i've had it for years and it's never gone away. Those people are really weak or what?

    In medical parlance symptoms are often described in one of two ways; chronic or acute.

    Chronic - (of an illness) Persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.

    Acute - (of a disease or its symptoms) Of short duration but typically severe.

    It sounds like you have chronic diarrhea not acute diarrhea.

    You'll have to take my word for it but you'd know about it if you had acute diarrhea.

  7. thats bad... but in now way unquie !, i count 5 odd relationships around me which are very similair

    To say "that's bad" has got to be the understatement of the year. It's completely insane.

    How could any sane person put up with that sort of behaviour for 10 weeks, let alone 10 years.

    I feel great pity for any man who is so desperate to hold on to a relationship that he will allow his partner to behave in that manner.

  8. of coarse there would be water inside his body if he was knocked out and nearly dead before being thrown into the water.

    Maybe he did die from drowning but i am guessing that someone could be unconsious before being thrown into the lake which is why he could not climb out.

    if he did die offically from drowning what happened before he fell into the lake or was thrown into the lake.

    just to be fair with the story to move out any question that he hit his head or back on the way down. was there anything sharp that he could have fallen on on the way down.

    Just being nutural. Is it possible the marks on his body could have been on the fall on the way down. or are the marks from the angles and the type of marks impossible to be from an accident.

    if he had puncher wholes on his back then sounds like he could have been stabbed from behinde.

    If stabbed from behinde then i do not think that it was a scrap between mates,

    seems like a proffessional hit as the person who would have done it would not want to show his or her face.

    in a scenario. for example if someone wanted to kill someone in the lake in the dark. then someone who does not reckonise could get up close stab him in the back then push him in the water to wipe away evidence,

    not saying that is what happeneed because i do not know but in thriory someone could do this

    I guess from this well written analysis you must be a forensic scientist or perhaps an English teacher!!

    I appreciate that your reply was sarcastic but that's still no excuse for insulting English teachers.

    I am a fully qualified professional English teacher and was shocked by the quality of English in his post just as you were. I can only assume that the poster is not a native English speaker otherwise there is absolutely no excuse for such atrocious grammar and spelling.

  9. For many years in the West the right age for a wife was considered to be half the man's age plus seven.

    That means that as a single man aged 49 I should be looking for a wife aged 31 - 32 years old. That sounds about right to me, although maybe a little young.

    If you're a man of 35 then a 17 year age gap is a bit much but at 50 it's not so unreasonable. :)

  10. Maybe you can find them in backpackers' area..Pham Ngo Lau near the Ben Tanh market...do a google search..

    I live in Saigon but can't recommend a hotel. You're right about the Pham Ngu Lau area but to mention Ben Tanh market is a bit misleading.

    The area with most cheap hotels is around Pham Ngu Lau Street, De Tham Street and Bui Vien Street. It's known as the backpacker area for good reason. Cheap hotels, cheap food and cheap beer.

    Hope that helps.

    Have fun.

  11. What would you say if the US brought in a law that you couldn't say anything bad about the president (whoever he happened to be)?

    You are comparing apples to space ships. Not even a remotely close comparison.

    If someone deserves respect, then they will be respected. It shouldn't be forced on people.

    You are being naive if you believe this to be true. People go to jail all the time in the US for showing a police officer disrespect.. they call it disorderly conduct among other things. Kids are disciplined all the time in school for showing teachers disrespect. Adults are fired from their job for showing colleagues or bosses disrespect or gossiping negatively about others.

    But Thailand is not our country and its laws were created by Thais to serve Thailand and its people. Their laws should not be our concern except to follow them while in the their country. If an outsider feels so strongly that human rights are being violated then they should stand up and do something while being prepared to face the consequences of such actions .. if no then they should mind their own business and follow the laws. Bottom line is if Thais want the law changed they will change it and it is should not be up to foreigners to decide what is best for them.

    I have no issue with somebody disagreeing with the law but I really can't see a reason to get worked up about it since the vast majority of Thais don't and most believe in the law. However, I can surely understand a Thai being upset about somebody breaking the law as much as I would be upset about somebody disrespecting my mother, father or family.

    What, exactly, makes you think Thai laws are created to serve Thailand and its people? They're made to serve the people who make the laws! Next you'll be saying that Thai governments serve the people and not themselves.

    Wake up!

  12. Standard fare for Asia pay them the lowest possible wage you can get away with. I was in Vietnam a while back and near the place I was staying there was a huge Nike factory manufacturing footwear. Daily wages were US $1. Seen the price of Nike shoes in the shops ?

    Interesting that you should mention Vietnam. There is only one hamburger fast food franchise here. A Korean company called Lotteria. The hourly rate for staff there is 7 - 8,000 VND (US$0.34 - 0.39).

    Low wages, as you point out, are not exclusive to Thailand. The average wage of an unskilled factory worker is currently around US$100 per month in Vietnam.

  13. Beer has always been cheap in Vietnam, but inflation is much higher than Thailand and a lot of other things are not any cheaper and some are more expensive.

    I have lived in both places and much prefer Thailand for most things, but beer and Western food is better in the Nam.

    Sure, nothing grows into the sky and Thailand of course has its own charm. One things I have found yet in Vietnam, is copy DVD movies. Wonder why thay are not here?

    It is not just that Vietnam is cheaper than Thailand, it is off the chart a lot cheaper to dine and wine in Vietnam.

    Visa is of coursemore expensive. What else have you come across that is more expensive?

    Never had a problem finding DVDs in Ha Noi.

    I have a 5 year visa for VN (cost $20), can't get one of them for Thailand?

    How did you get a 5 Year Visa? Do you mean temporary residency through a company?

    $20? Last time I was stopped on my motorbike it cost me 500,000 VND, which is $25. Do you mean $200? That I can believe if you've already got a company.

    If you have any contacts for residency or long term visas please let me know. I've been offered 2 year temporary residency for $800. Subsequent extensions would be considerably less. I'm always looking for alternatives.


    Don't tell everyone, we've been trying to keep this secret so the place doesn't get full of the professional whingers that inhabit Thailand.

    VN is expensive, unfriendly and you can't get Western goodies there OK ;-)

    Dead right, and don't forget it's a communist country where each westerner has to be guided everywhere by a party member, even to the toilet :shock1:;) .

    I was in a bar a while back listening to some guy saying they should relax the visa regulations so as to attract more tourists. I said no way, leave them exactly as they are, the riff raff can have Thailand and Thailand can keep them.

    For me the main attraction of Viet Nam is the scarcity of western stuff, the place is still Asian though unfortunately that will change, and is already doing so albeit slowly. There is already KFC and Pizza Hut here and it's said one of the burger chains is set to break into the market place here. However if you want a good burger there's always the Black Cat restaurant in Pham Van Dat.

    btw if you think HCMC is cheap, you sould go up country.

    After six years in Thailand I've been in Vietnam for five years. No way am I going to live in Thailand again? It's too expensive and I can't earn enough.

    There are a few speciality shops in HCMC where you can find most of the western products you're looking for but there are more American than English speciality brands available. When I saw Bisto for sale in Thailand last time I was there I had to buy it. I haven't seen it here.

    That having been said, you can buy everything you need at Lotte Mart (a Korean company), the largest supermarket in HCMC. There are also a few branches of Big C. There's also Metro which is the same company as Makro. In fact, if you can't find what you need then you don't need it.

    Black Cat Burgers are good but I prefer their sandwiches, which are exceptional. They also have an amazing range of fruit juices, shakes and smoothies.

    Vietnam - Land of Value for Money

  15. I've heard that female company can be expensive and difficult to enjoy ;) ...is that true?

    Yes. Exactly as it should be. Courting is an important part of Vietnamese culture whether its Vietnamese with Vietnamese or Vietnamese with Foreigner. Many girls wait a long time; weeks, months or sometimes until marriage, before they allow sex to become part of a relationship.

    One of the most appealing parts of life in Saigon compared to expat life in many Thai cities in the complete lack of in your face "sex industry". If that's what you're looking for then Thailand or Cambodia would be your best bet.

  16. Beer has always been cheap in Vietnam, but inflation is much higher than Thailand and a lot of other things are not any cheaper and some are more expensive.

    I have lived in both places and much prefer Thailand for most things, but beer and Western food is better in the Nam.

    Where's the best place in HCMC for a pizza UG? :D

    Al Fresco is know for its Pizzas but they're not cheap. Domino Pizza have just arrived. Two for one on Tuesdays. Da Vincis also for take aways. There's a long list.

  17. I live in District 7 in Ho Chi Minh City, also called South Saigon.

    This should give you some idea.

    I live in new 2 bedroom, two bathroom house with open plan living, kitchen, dining room in a quiet, friendly residential cul-de-sac. I pay US$550.

    An apartment in Phu My Hung, also in District 7 would range from $350 - $700 depending on size and furnishings.

    Serviced apartments in town go for up to $2,000.

    A villa or big house could be $1,500 - $5,000.

    My electric bill for a small house, living alone, is 600,000 - 900,00 VND per month. ($30 - $45), depending on use of air-con.

    Water is about $3 per month.

    Internet with reasonable speeds and free unlimited downloads is 400,000 VND ($20).

    Draught beer in an expat bar is $1.50 - $2.50 for a small one.

    Cooking at home, you could live on $500 per month, but you wouldn't have a great social life.

    Hope that helps.

    What's the visa situation like?

    It is getting stricter. My employer deals with mine and they're having problems at the moment. I'm pretty sure you can still get a 3 month visa through the many agents in District 1. It'll cost about $100. Basically, you give a man your passport and 7-10 days later it comes back with a 3 month visa. There's no limit as to the number of renewals you can get, you don't have to do any paperwork and you don't have to leave the country.

    Things are changing rapidly here so it may be different next month.

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