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  1. So that’s about 85% of the Thai population then. 🤷🏼
  2. Referred to how it is in your eyes. Everybody else is having a good time enjoying themselves but in your posts you try to bring them down. Relax and get a life. Stop being negative on everything. Mr Grumpy.
  3. They noticed all right just didn’t keep up with the brown envelopes 🤷🏼
  4. Just diluting all the 💩that’s in the water on Pattaya beach 🤷🏼
  5. I’m afraid the convict’s just can’t handle Thai beer. Just used to that cat p**s fosters 🤷🏼
  6. Benefit the tourism industry 😤 Benefit the brown envelope brigade more like the greedy 🐖🐖
  7. Another scam insurance claim. They are well known for it. And of course the the 4 straw carry on. 🙈
  8. Bet you are great fun to hang out with on a night time. 🙈
  9. Sympaty to the lady. But a thai complaining about foreign drivers has got to be a joke. I’ve actually took the thai driving test, you would have to be a complete moron to fail it is a joke. You don’t actually get in a car and drive on the test i could not believe how easy it was. No driving skills required whatsoever. They also gave me a motorcycle licence without taking any test. After leaving and seeing this clown show now i understand why thais are complete idiots on the road. 🤷🏼
  10. Better hope he get’s plenty farang business. He will go broke cutting thai’s hair. 🤣🤣
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