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Posts posted by alex_aka_P

  1. Well, thats good to know. Wonder why alex_aka_P is having so much trouble to get the loan then??

    They (at banks) said that this "new law about foreigners" has come to power since this Jan.

    Well, I did not read that "law" by myself yet, and not even see a piece of that - but those clerks say this. All of them, at several banks. Seems they know what they're talking about. :o

    Maybe alex_aka_p is having a problem because he's asking for a 6,000,000 baht loan. hmmmmmmmmmm

    That's the second "why". Yupeee, I got a huge house to be built (~420sq.m x 2 floors) :D

  2. Ok here is the problem, It's pretty much impossible for a foreigner to get a loan to build a house because a foreigner can't own land. The bank will only give you a loan if the name on the Land Document and the name of the person getting the loan is the same. If it's not they won't even look at you application. It will be denied right away.

    Is there a way to apply as a "family"? :D Because I went to the bank with my wife along, and she's the one who own land, and Im the one who provide the income for both of us (include the amount for the land purchase - but it is out of the question, of course). Is there an option to "combine" these two parts into one loan? Can she apply for this loan by herself (as a land owner), but can I guarantee the return from my side (as her spouse)? Or something like this - Im not an expert in these "bank games", frankly speakin'...

    Because my wife is just a homesitter for her pleasure, she doesnt have to work (thus no income could be shown from her side). And I can easily handle this loan by my income (and able to confirm that by papers). Thus we really need a way to "combine" these two means into one but "bank-positive". Any thoughts? :o

  3. Runned to UOB-Main office (Sukhumvit) today. No luck. They not even look through my papers.

    "The loan for foreigner buying a condo is OK, and we able to give you the credit even you'll ask us 10M baht or even more....but not for the new built. We are sorry abt that, thanks for interesting in UOB services, blahblahblah...". dam_n. :o

    Will try GSB this week.

  4. 1. Wifes ID and Your ID

    2. Marriage Certificate

    3. Thai Address Book

    4. Saleray Slip or if you own a business, Business Registration Certificate

    5. Bank Book showing incoming coming in. ( This is more if your a business owner )

    6. You need the Chanote Land Document proving you own the land.

    7. Map to get to the land where the house will be built

    8. Need a Stamped Document saying how much the land is worth. You can get it from the Government Land office.

    9. Plan of the house from the company who will build it for you

    10. You need a document from the Government stating you can build a house on that land( I think you get the document from the Government office where you register to get a new home address, but I'm not 100% sure )

    11. You need the contract from you builder stating how much everything will cost.

    I'm going to try to get a 1,500,000 baht loan. The fixed mortgage rates at GS Bank are around 5% but they have many different ways you can do your mortgage. You'll have to go in and talk with them. Hope this may help you a bit!

    Yes, we do have all of these (and even more). The problem is that me (myself) unable to get the loan due to this logicless rule about farangs - see above, and my wife already has a few opened credits (just a small ones - such as buying a notebook with PowerBuy or something like this). She is not blacklisted and always pay in time, but her name is in the Credit Bureau - or how you call that - and that is the first place where the banks checking our names, and where they got an answer that her name already has a few active loans. Than they replied NO to her too. Seems we are to close those small credits firstly...:o

    PS: And more than that - we need an amount much more than your 1.5M..... :D

  5. Look at this from the bank's perspective. You have some land to build on. I don't know how much that land is worth, but let's say it is worth no more than 2 million baht. You want a loan for 6 million baht to build a house on that land (a very nice house I would imagine for such a price). They give you the money. Three years later you stop payment on the loan. They go to find you where you built the house and find a shack with squatters living there. They now own a piece of land worth around 2 million baht that cost them something a bit less than 6 million baht.

    Tell me, if you were them, would you make such a loan?

    Firstly - it's always a risk. For them - and for me, too. They'll risking only money - and I'll risking the piece of my land (which is more valuable at all times than just a a pieces of papers+paint).

    Secondly - they're free to inspect the land, the documents, the account history, my background (and my wife's, too) - and find that there was no any troubles so far. They are free to check my income for a past 10 years (hope that will be enough...?)

    Thirdly, the building plan reqiuires not a single payment - but a bunch of separated payments splitted by time, part by part based on a building's plan (and surely they're free to inspect the things at the side, at any step they would).

    As for me - I just do not care who'll get the interest. I have no difference in paying to who....I'll sign&pay to the one who will help me out of this case - UOB, SCB, MammaMia or whoever... It is just a simple case, requires a very common risk from their side - and there is no any known trace of cheating from my side.

    I just requesting for a very common help - and ready to pay the agreed interest, that's all.

    If they think that a Farang can pay them hardly than a common Thai (whose always have troubles in paying back) - it is just a nonsence. Just a fun to discover that by myself. :o

  6. We got a loan for almost 6M (last october, just before the crisis got more obvious) via UOB.

    They were very helpfull, but indeed for a finished house, at a decent project.

    They could be more carefull now though, but hey, on the other hand, they also need to sell to hit their targets.

    Thanks pal - I'll visit them next Monday. :D

    But I afraid that a "finished house" subject will come up again.....we need not that. :o

    Anyway, let's visit them and have a try... I'll post ste results here once available. Thanks!

  7. Have runned to Std.Chartered Bank today.

    They said:

    a) They will be interesting to credit us, but for the house ready for purchase - not for a new build from scratches.

    :o They no need me at all (only Thai's applications are preferable)

    c) Those "preferred" Thais must be their valuable clients (good credit history for 5 last yeares at least), have current/saving account(s) at this bank with a good money flow, with the deposit not over 150K baht for a saving account (more is better, for sure).

    d) guarantors of course (also must be Thai's)

    The fact is that we alreedy have a few pieces of land, thus step A is unacceptable. And my wife is a homesitter - all income being made by me so far. And we do not want killing our time about open a credit card with this only bank, spend ages to build a good credit history blahblahblah.... Instead of that, I (she) can guarantee the loan by our land itself, and I can prove enough income too.

    We want to have the loan of 6M baht (+\-) and pay it back part by part - with an agreed interest, of course. That's all. Someone see the way out?

    PS: what is the difference for the bank to approve the loan for "purchase a property" but not for "build your own property on your own land"? The amount of $$ is similar, the loan's time is the same, the persons are same, the guarantors...all the same. Thus what is the difference?

    PPS: why not a "private banks"? Anyone has an experience, pls?

  8. Thanks for those who'd replied.

    The question is that my wife has already checked with several TH banks (BKK bank, Ayutthaya, SCB and a TMB)...and when those clerks seen the "farang name" (even as a spouse of her) - they immediately rejected the application, all 4 banks. They do not ask even for a next document, guarantees, collaterals, building plans etc - they just close the conversation by saying their very direct "Sorry, but you have married to farang - and we have a new rule to reject any applications like this one" (even my wife has tried to apply by herself - as a local Thai person).

    The problem is that she has married to farang, they said. Divorce for a few days, submit your application and marry again when (if) the loan is approved - this will work, they said.

    "Green tea offers" or "alternative ways to deal with" did not work (checked).

    Of course I do not want to play these logicless games about divorcing etc - I better collect the whole amount in cash, however it will take a bit of time. :o

    PS: Do they have kinda of a "private banks" here? Chinese maybe...? Any ideas?

  9. Hi all.

    Looking for a proper Thai bank to raise a long-term loan (target: building the house on my wife's land). Foreigner, married to Thai, legal employee with WP + 2nd business owner. Long time in TH.

    Do I have a chance wiz any of TH bank? Can csomeone point me to a good trustable bank which's dealing with foreigners in TH? AFAIK they have new rule about rejecting such of "foreign applications" (correct me if I wrong?)



  10. the suspect, whose name was withheld, had confessed to killing 46-year-old Munich resident Astrid Al-Assaad-Schachner on Saturday night because she had been stalking him.

    The reason is big enough to become a KILLER, indeed...... he better kill his paranoidal thoughts when "being high" after some pills...

    Stupid. Hope he'll get a death sentence. Flying high, baby boy... :o

  11. What a farce.

    The courts here will be looking for direction from any sources of authority while going through the comic motions. They'll be on the phone to the PM's office asking what the judgement should be.

    The Thai government will be 'selling' Bout to the highest bidder.

    The lawyers will be trying to extract cash from anyone or any government prepared to hand it over.

    Why the shackles and the orange suit? He is not even charged with any crime in Thailand.

    Viktor Bout must be freed sooner rather than later.

    Well said.

  12. All of this sh_it is started to be SO boring. When will they stop?? How long will it be for more?? Dont they realize that NOTHING ever changes on this country - but just a faces on the street banners? Red t-shirts, yellow, pink or black.... Rainbow'ed id_ots.

    Oh God, pls give them some brain... :D "They said they wanna revolution...??©"

    Still dont understand - WHERE IS THE POLICE AND THE FORCES??

    Oh sorry - I do, I do...they are too busy collecting the tip money from the drivers, motorcyclists etc - I've seen them doing this today's morning, EVERY morning... :o


    Last month I've (as a company) lost around 500K euros from that airport case - the money which would come TO THIS COUNTRY and up the wealth of the locals as well.

    Pls, continue...Rainbow'ed id_ots. Just keep doin'. :D

  13. Any news regarding Korean Air flights? I cant find ANY info, and it is impossible to reach them by phone.

    Scheduled departure was KE654 BKK-Inchon (Seoul) at 01:30 (afair)....failed, of course. Daytime all of their phone lines were totally busy, morning\evening - noone has picking the phone, and the ONLY "office" - is the desk inside the airport (where of course nobody exist till now). The main KE office in Seoul keeps me on hold by robotic voice on Korean (I guess I must make a selection - but I do not understand Korean).......

    Any clue?? :o

  14. A note: No, you don't get a physical addiction after the first try. Not even to cocaine, crack or even the sweet-slimy heroin. Continuing to use it is always a choice.

    Yes, but they are STILL around and watching you when you think about "second try". And they ALWAYS offering you the second "free trial" or something else to catch you. And the third.... until you are their.

    It is their business, man.

    PS: with some types of drugs (mostly synthetic ones - LSD for example), you'll get involved after the 1st try. Those pushers can easily "make a mix" for you - you won't even notice that until you're in. :o

  15. correctly , kids have a choice. Like everything with demand and supply be it sex or drugs , there will always be a trade (despite the many attempts to stop them.. why do they bother?) , and kids like everyone else have the choice to get involved or not.

    Pls show me even one Thai teenager with such of strong position and thinking. :D

    When you're a teenager, it is VERY difficult to say NO if your buddies offering you to "go and try something as adults do".

    C'mon, man...havent you be a boy earlier? :D

    PS: drug pushers mostly looking for the "fresh members" especially within this age. High-schools, colleges, universities...etc. It is almost impossible for the parents to control their teenagers (they think they are "adult" already) all the day round, so those buddies doing their black business. :o

  16. Your precious kids can always say no you know. Its not compulsory to take drugs .. its a choice.

    When i was a kid there was much peer pressure to smoke cigarettes. I never did. I had a choice and exercised it. The same with alcohol and drugs. I had all these choices when young and made my own decision (no on all counts in case you were wondering)

    Dont make me laugh pls. You're not smoking nor drinking - that's good. But I am pretty sure that you've tried smoking and drinking earlier (perhaps for a several times - who knows), and you not like it that time. So you've stopped that. Dont tell us that you're an angel with no experience in that. :D

    With the drugs, it is very difficult to stop after a few tries. You get addicted to that (more or less) after the 1st try.

    I know no one who was addicted to drugs, but had quit that without the medical assistance. No one. There are only 2 ways to go after the 1st try - to the clinic, or to the graveyard. And most of them have selected the 2nd way. :o

  17. head of village made lists of drug dealers but put instead his enemies on the list etc....

    Sorry, but I did not talk about any lists nor village leaders.

    I talk about the adequate justice AFTER the drugs distribution is confirmed - not meaningless talks or lists. EVERYONE in the village (especially head of village!) able to point you to the exact person who ALWAYS have some "packs" for sell (sometimes they're giving you the "starters" for free, FYI). Always. EVERYONE know them - its kinda of "good but hidden business" around the poor people there. Just come and check by yourself if you still in doubt... :o

    Which list do they need for more? More papers, MiBs, advocates, more bureaucracy...much more undertable money (of course!!)? C'mon, man..... This way will never stop the drugs - check the world's history.

  18. Mr. Somchai remarked also that he believed the policies set by the Thaksin Administration against drugs were effective in reducing the problem while admitting that the issue of extra-judicial execution would have to be examined by the court.

    Yes, after 3 years....

    Yeah...and during this time YOU and ME will be his\her feeders, paying his\her food&etc from our pockets (by paying the taxes).

    And much longer - if he\she get a lifetime jail sentence....

    Why not overdose the pushers by their "product for sell"? It will cost taxpayers just a single injection and 10-15min of time. No courts, no jails, no budget wasting...

    Rude? Yes. Strong? Yes. Impolite? And so what? All of those pushers doing THE SAME to our kids. Lets just turn the process back...

  19. The premier continued to request all facets of society to help prevent drugs from entering into communities

    Well, why than I pay my part of tax to all of those Men-in-Brown, to all of those clowny "Anti-drugs Ministries", or how you call'em...WHY, if we must do that ourselves? WHY??

    Just gimme these money back (and I'll buy the shotgun) + gimme rights to use it, and show the nearest drug-pusher's point.

    And the whole problem will be fixed by the people themselves VERY soon - without tons of useless speeches, believe me.

    Goddamn politicans... Once again: THEY are our servants (they get their salaries for that). Not WE are their 'helpers'.

    So, WHY must we do their part of their prepaid job? :o Maybe because somebody NEED the things in this only way?

    Crazy world.

  20. Go out for a couple, and then find oh it's and election?

    Or it's a holliday? What blinkin hoilliday??? No one told ME there was a fekin' holiday.

    Hey I'm on MY holliday. No work in the AM I want a BEER!

    BTW, bro, you can ALWAYS get your beer at the nearest VILLA MARKET shop. They do not follow those meaningless "bans" - and you can get your Heineken, Black Label or whatever - at ANY time ANY day.

    Have checked myself - many times since previous "alcohol ban" came to power. :o

  21. launched his camฌpaign to ban alcohol sales on public holidays

    Goddamned politicians with their ridiculous, logic-less ideas...!!! :D

    Ban alcohol on holidays?? Ohh Lord, than I'll load my boze stock on Fridays, and I WILL drink on holidays, WHOLE holidays - if I want that. And I will share the drinks with my buddies, if they wish. Someone cares? Than sue me! :o

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