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Posts posted by Mormolin

  1. Best places to get your daily dose of 'Thai massage therapy' without accidentally joining a contortionist class?"


    Which ones have you found to be the most effective? (not interested in the soapy happy end type)

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  2. I am using pseudoephedrine exactly for this purpose. I take 1 pill 1 hour before any flight. Unfortunately, you need a prescription in Thailand for it. You may have some luck in some shady pharmacy, but it would surprise me.


    A friend from Canada visited me this month and I asked him to bring me a full box of Sudafed, as it's so hard to get it here.

  3. 3 minutes ago, connda said:

    For the guy buying 200 tabs of Klonopin for sleep. Best of luck when you either run out or decide to stop.  You'll probably need this link below and you'll wish you didn't.

    Those 200 tabs will last for at least the next 2 years or more! I take Benzos since about 5 years now. I often spend many days, even weeks, without taking it without any issue, as I am taking a low dose and not taking it everyday to avoid the dependence.


    But I agree that users need to be careful with Benzos, as some people can develop addiction very quickly to this stuff. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Will B Good said:

    I was prescribed Lorazepam after getting rather stressed following an initial cancer diagnosis, which turned out to be benign lesion!


    The Lorazepam did nothing for me at 2mg, can I ask what dosage you are/were taking?

    I take only 0.5 mg (sometime, 1mg if I feel really stressed or anxious). It's doing the job nicely for me, without any side effects, and I am waking up very well rested the next morning. However, I am trying to not take it everyday, as Benzos addiction is very common and in some case, the withdrawal can be a real nightmare.


    Also, I often prefer to take Clonazepam over Lorazepam as the effect last longer, so you are less likely to wake up in the middle of the night. But Clonazepam can take up to 1.5h to feel the effects (it takes only 10-15 minutes with Lorazepam).


    In some extreme case, like if I am surrounded by a lot of noises or if I know I will not be able to sleep because I drank to much coffee or something like this, I am taking Zolpidem 10mg. That, it's really strong stuff. It will knock you out for sure, but you will feel a little bit hangover the next morning. But still, it's better to feel a little bit hangover than not sleeping for 3 days!

  5. I am alternating between Lorazepam, Clonazepam and Zolpidem. They are all very effective to put you to sleep and rest well.


    I got no issue having them prescribed in many different hospitals over the last years. A pack of 200 Clonazepam costed me about 3000 bahts at Bangkok Hospital, but you will pay cheaper in a public hospital.


    Hope you'll sleep well soon!

  6. Hi guys, I recently rented a condo in a big condos complex in Chiang Mai. I asked the owner if they have insurance and the answer was negative.


    I was then wondering what would happen if there is something accidental happening like a fire, a flood or something like that.


    Does the owner can take me responsable for the damage or it's totally on his own as he doesn't have insurance?

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    • Haha 1
  7. Without mentioning the used needles everywhere on the beach. My girlfriend didn't understand why I always wear special water sandal when I go to beach, until we saw 3 used needle in the same day.


    That's why I prefer to pay a day-pass in a private resort. At least, they do an effort the clean the beach in front of the resort.

  8. @DDJJ, I am in the same boat then you. I arrived in February 2020 and I have been on amnesty/covid extensions since.


    I am very grateful to Thailand for those special Covid visas as I have an underlying condition and boarding on 4 different flights to can go home is a big NO for me. I am actually waiting to finally get my vaccine so I can go back home with reduced risks (finger crossed!)


    If you really have trouble getting the extension where you are, try flying to Chiang Mai or Phuket, do your TM30 there, and get your extension. By experience, those offices are way more friendly than the ones in Bangkok area.

  9. So I spotted between Patong and Kamala a little coffee shop with a big cannabis leaf as logo. So I stopped and asked If they sell cannabis, and they told me that they sell it in tea bottle. I bought a bottle out of curiosity, but haven't try yet.


    Then I'm wondering how they could possibly be selling and advertising themself selling ganja. Isn't it highly illegal to sell it? The authorities don't care at all?


    • Haha 1
  10. Hello! I am curious to have your opinion about the dangerousness and odds of rabies transmission from bats in Thailand.


    This evening, I was fixing something on my rooftop and I didn't notice a bat that suddently flew away very fast because I disturbed it. The bat was maybe at 3-4 feet away from me, and I didn't have direct contact with it. And then, it was inevitable, my hypocondriac brain start spinning and I asked myself : What if while flying away, some saliva of the bat could have came in some way in contact with my mouth. I know the odds are probably very low, but who knows!


    My girlfriend and I are now wondering if we need to get post-exposure vaccine or if I am just totally freaking out for absolutely nothing.

    • Haha 1
  11. Hello! I am a little bit confuse regarding the new rules. I am currently living in Phuket, but I want to leave for a 1 month trip in Koh Samui.


    If I understood well, when I will come back from Samui, I will need to show a Covid PCR test from an hospital? If I don't have it, they will not allow me to come back to Phuket ?

  12. Hello!

    I am a Canadian citizen actually living in Thailand, but for some reasons (Ex: SMS validation, 2-factor authentification, important calls from banks, etc.), I would need to have access to a Canadian phone number, on which I could receive calls and SMS. Does any of you would have a company to suggest? I found many online, but i'm not sure if there are legit or not. And some people say that Virtual Phone Number may have many issues with 2-factors authentification as some institutions like banks doesn't allow it.


    Skype and Google Voice offer this service and would have been perfect but unfortunately, they don't offer Canadian phone number. Only US and some other countries.

    Thank you in advance!

  13. Hello!


    I am actually living in a villa and I am having an issue with a noisy water pump. The water pump is located outside and every 2-3 minutes it activated itself automatically, even if nobody is using water. When it's activated, the pump is making a loud high-pitch noise that last 5-6 seconds. It's very annoying if we want to relax outside, swim in the pool or even just letting the door open. I can also hear it when I want to go sleep, so it's disturbing my sleep. I don't understand why to pump is activated automatically without anyone using the water.


    My girlfriend told me that it's like that everywhere in Thailand, but I have my doubts.


    Did you ever been confronted to a noisy water pump problem? Is there any quick-fix to that?


    Thank you!

  14. 43 minutes ago, Upnotover said:

    Reading here https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/flying/covid-19-testing-travellers-coming-into-canada it seem pretty clear its the test date not result date that counts (which makes sense).  It also states 72 hours before your scheduled departure.  It's probably best to assume that it's the departure of the final flight into Canada that counts in this case (as is the case for the UK for example) not the original departure from Thailand.


    Perfect, thank you!

  15. Hello!

    I will need soon to do a PCR Test in order to come back to Canada. My question is, does the date indicated on the test is the date when you did the test or the date when you get the result (so basically +/- 24h after the test).


    I hope they indicate the date that you receive the results, however, it will be very short in time with all the flights and connections ...


    Thank you!

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