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Everything posted by tonypattaya

  1. Reader's cannot know the full story. There are always two sides to a story. If the whole thing was caught on CCTV then the outcome should be a simple affair.
  2. The owners of this dangerous animal should be jailed for a very long time, maybe for life. It is about time a strong message be sent out to people who want to own such dangerous, so-called pets. Better still, make it an outlawed breed.
  3. Travel the world, some to exotic countries. No need to take precautions, even if you are elderly. No need to ensure that you have proper medical insurance cover. If you get ill or have an accident, just beg through gofundmesomethingorother
  4. Nothing less than DISGRACEFUL. The government must do more. Maybe appoint a minister whose job it is, solely, to improve the English proficiency throughout the land. Some think that their own language is the one that everyone should learn, not understanding that if a foreigner learns Thai, it will only hep in Thailand, but if a Thai learns English, it will help him all over the world. Wake up government, you were appointed to do a job!
  5. Fundraiser (begging) again. What about the family paying; or what about insurance beforehand. Many travelers fork out for insurance. Those who dont know the consequences.; or what about a funeral in Thailand!
  6. I thought having a place to stay was necessary to get a visa.
  7. It is very advisable to only pay for property when a project is completed, and the payment and the transfer can be made simultaneously. Look at what happened to all those hundreds of unfortunate buyers of the Waterfront Suites and Residences opposite Bali Hai Pier.
  8. With wines and champagne as expensive as it is in Thailand with 300% duty, Thailand attracts ONLY beer drinkers.
  9. A Thai company owned the properties. Period. Why, cannot a claim be made for the ownership of this company?
  10. Dogs wearing shoes? Oh my, what next? :)
  11. A long prison sentence, no less, for manslaughter is appropriate for the directors of this company. 1. As a punishment for their misdeeds and, 2. as a deterrent to others. It is understood that buses often get a "pass certificate" for a bribe to those issuing the certificate. These people also need to go to prison for the same, above reasons.
  12. They should get a bigger pension than if they had stayed in the UK. Older people cost the NHS a fortune, whereas there is no such cost once they move abroad,
  13. !00% agree that she should be jailed for manslaughter. For a long period. Not only for a warning to others but for the deed itself.
  14. Three times caught stealing! I dont think so. Unless he has been medically diagnosed with Kleptomania. At 82 he should be setting a good example not one of taking things which belong to someone else.
  15. Same, like all these anti this or anti that lecturers, always taking their advice beyond the extremes, totally ignoring individual freedoms.
  16. Very sad. We all, anyhow most, have done regretable things in our lives, which may have led to a bad end. I, for one have been tanked up many times but awoken safely. So, I say, "there for the grace of God go I". My condolences to all his family and loved ones. RIP poor Theo.
  17. Dreaming! Thailand is so far behind advanced countries when it comes to tech. Most web-sites are so poor in their quality and functionality. I am talking about those of major companies, forget about the smaller ones. It might be helpful if more emphasis was put on Thai people learning good English, Thai teachers included. Thailand is behind its neighbours in Vietnam and Cambodia, in this respect. A ministry ought to be created specifically for this purpose.
  18. The most likely cause was that the baht bus pulled away before the passenger took his seat. thereby jolting him backwards. The fact that the driver sped away when the public were shouting at him to stop is reprehensible and, for that alone, he should serve a long prison sentence.
  19. You are probably correct but its about freedom of choice! I drink alcohol, maybe because I am afraid to be myself. crutch. LOL 🙂
  20. Trying to pass off forged currency, often in huge amounts, is a theft of the highest order. All thefts reverberate to the general public, who have to incur the costs of such. A long prison sentence is wholly deserved.
  21. A big part of any price is the cost of transportation. Naturally the heavier the item, the more the transportation. A durian fruit, which is heavy, here, say 500 baht, would cost 5.000 in London. The couple should not be outraged but should be more aware of simple economics. Always look for produce which is more locally.
  22. This Human Rights BS is why there is so much dreadful behaviour in the world.
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