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Everything posted by tonypattaya

  1. Decriminalisation of weed should be supported; adults should generally be free to choose their indulgence, which causes no harm to others, and jails should not be full of persons having a smoke. However it should be treated like the worse, big brother, tobacco products. It should not be able to be put on display and advertisements should not be allowed. Furthermore it should not be permitted to be sold in food products.
  2. Reading between the lines and seeing his pictures, face tattoos and all, he does not seem like he was a great contributor to mankind. Sad anyway; the damage was done a long time ago.
  3. Thailand was one of the first to ban advertisements for killer tobacco products. Hats off to them. I would not oppose Western Countries to follow their lead and ban alcohol advertising, particularly to under sixteen year olds.
  4. Thailand was his destination for a holiday, not an open mental health hospital. Maybe his family should have accompanied him if he had mental issues.
  5. Can you please tell us how to clean up the air in Chang Mai. I would like to know and I promise to send on your recommendations. BTW this discussion is about the air quality in Chang Mai!
  6. Why should the Thai authorities be disbelieved in this instance, by contributors on this bb? It is so obviously the correct explanation. Chang Mai is not an industrial area and nor is it known for over-congested traffic.
  7. People dont just fall off hotel balconies for no reason. Was he pranking about? His insurance is apparently withholding paying out.
  8. Amazingly, in Thailand, unlike advanced countries, you do not need a special driving licence to carry paid passengers.
  9. The owner said "This was the first time they had killed anyone." Great news!!!!!!! (sarcasm). He should be locked up for 20+ years for manslaughter.
  10. Proper learning to drive, proper tests, and stiffer penalties for dangerous driving, are needed to save many of the 20,000 who will otherwise die each year.
  11. "there was an appeal for information to track down the driver as the plate was indistinct." There are so many vehicles whose plates cannot be read. Some vehicles do not even have plates. A major crime in advanced countries; not so much in Thailand!
  12. It is time for various football associations to leave FIFA and form a new world body. How can it be fair, one country one vote, which means a banana republic in Africa of, say, 2 million people, having the same say as England, France, US, etc. There has to be a different system. SACK FIFA!
  13. It is time for various football associations to leave FIFA and form a new world body. How can it be fair, one country one vote, which means a banana republic in Africa of, say, 2 million people, having the same say as England, France, US, etc. There has to be a different system. SACK FIFA!
  14. Why not, at the same time, ban alcohol and tobacco, and candy for children causing obesity and tooth decay, and cakes and biscuits which are partly responsible for me putting on weight. I say, only government approved things should be sold! lol
  15. A big LOL. What a surprise for a new tourist who has no knowledge of ladyboys. Another heart attack casualty foy the local hospital. LOL
  16. Humour is often based on adversities. Nothing wrong with that; it does not condone those adversities but helps us to overcome them.
  17. Crazy to buy second-hand laptops or computers. Technology has moved on so far.
  18. I need extra wide footwear. I cannot find in Thailand and I therefore order from the UK via the internet, from widefitshoes.co.uk
  19. Going "upmarket" doesn't mean increasing prices. It sometimes means reducing them, especially in the case of wines which are priced to put off wine drinkers coming to Thailand. Wines and champagnes in Thailand, as a result of import duty, are the most expensive anywhere in the world.
  20. "CCTV footage shows how the female driver accelerated across the road onto the outside lane straight into the path of McVeighty" So often, Thai drivers pulling out of sideroads and needing the outside lane, try to do it in one go, rather than taking the nearest lane and then gradually changing lanes to the one which is desired.
  21. I spot at least five vehicles blowing out black smoke, in illegal quantities, during my daily trip of 20Km. Why do the police not spot them and order the vehicles off the road until they satisfy the law? Like so many things in Thailand, the laws are adequate/good but there is almost zero enforcement. it seems that the most important thing in a Thai policeman's life is to enrich himself.
  22. "Didn't see any Chinese or Russians." Thank God for small mercies!
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