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Posts posted by skipvice

  1. I tend to belive she was leading him along, He could get in a lot of trouble and even lose his job so I do not think it would be worth it to him.

    But of course he could be realy stupid.

    I considered that she might have led him along too (we all know most women love to do that), but she's not the kind of person to do that and the messages sounded fairly aggressive. He mentioned that he knew some Thai girls in Phuket when he was in the navy :) , just to give you an idea. I'm just worried this thing could turn into blackmail for her if she keeps using that airport.

    The best thing to do is report him. if in fact that he is doing what she say's he is doing his supervisor should know and deal with it.

    (prevent it from happing to others)

  2. I have been Home over 3 Months now and enjoying the peace and quiet but I do miss the weather. It is too bad that there is not a place where I could live were I could get the best of both worlds. Will return to Thailand Next Year but only for visits. :)

  3. Just to confirm that Lopburi Immigration is open for business, I got the wife to phone and get directions using the number supplied by BAYBOY 036-424686.

    From Saraburi it's on the first Roundabout you meet, past Big C, Lotus and Carrefour. The turnoff into the Police station is actually on the roundabout just past the first turnoff on the left, if you imagine a clock face it's at about 10 o'clock.

    if your approaching from the North it's the roundabout after the Monkey Temple roundabout, and using the clock face again is situated at 4 O'clock.

    The entrance takes you into the Police station carpark, the Lopburi immigration building is (as you look at it) off to the Right (about 50 meters) and set back a bit. It does have car parking in front of the building and the building is clearly marked "Lopburi Immigration".

    The office is on the first floor, top of the stairs, turn right and it's on the left, There were no other customers when I arrived at 1430 hrs and the officers (5 in all) were relaxed, friendly and helpful. If I had not lost my prepared 90 day report form, we would have been out in less than the 15 minutes it took to complete the process.


    Can you do a google maps location or give us the longitude and latitude ? That would be a great help.

    I have a friend who will be retiring there next year.


  4. Your ranking in the family will depend on how much you bring to the family, if you are a lazy useless drunk with no money then you might get your meal before the dog. If you are wealthy with a Uni degree, contribute lots to the family you will be number one.

    ..not to beat too heavily on Drum's drum.. but garyh has basically nailed it to the wall.. you get what you put in, the give and take of all relationships, with communication at the heart of the matter

    Thats what I said only different :) (same same)

    My quote

    I think its all about how much money you pass around to the family :D

  5. Bankok bank have just setup a deal where you can deposit money intp thei NY account and it will hit your bank in 2-3 days... check it out on their site

    I have been doing that for 5 years already, also do a bank to bank wire to the BBK Bank NY and it shows up in my account in thailand next day. Cost my bank US$20.00 BKK Bank NY $5.00 and than local bank in thailand charge up tp 500 BHT for handling fees. Check out the Bangkok Bank web site.

    all with on line banking from my Credit union. :)

  6. Its to bad they have not open sooner, my wife is a Diabetic and we have had her suppilies mailed to us fron The States. Sorry to say we are leaving Thailand this week. Its good to know that they have a place were Diabetics can get supplies.

    Maybe we will came back to stay next time.

  7. what would you do

    Well we appear to have concluded that said person is burning the coconut husks as there is a perception or a reality that it keeps the mozzies away, therefore I would buy said person one or more of the mozzie machines with a year or two's supply of mats and go and talk him and say, you had noticed he was burning coconuts to keep the mozzies away, yes it works, but this machine works even better and give him the mozzie machine and mats...small cost you...

    Everybody saves face, and you dont get the stench of burning coconuts...problem solved....if he carries on burning husks then I would the hose pipe out... :)

    The best reply, it wins the prize :D

  8. no tiene vello


    I have always heard inmates use this term to describe someone who has no body hair or is bald (calvo). Here's a couple of definitions.


    body hair.


    smooth hairless body.

    Info from a google search

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