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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. So sorry to presume that his was all US-based.

    However, I was not very far off the mark, Canada is next door, and from what I hear also very much into stupid laws, being a neighbour of the US.

    I still believe it is illegal to withold your passport while not being in your own country!

    Bringing back the validity, I have heard before.

    But leaving a citizen without a passport outside your own borders, now that is criminal, and in my view, higly illegal.

    But who am I?

  2. I guess some Amphur could help you, but bring someone who speaks Thai. or is Thai.

    And bring a lot of paperwork, proof of income, proof of bank account and its contents, proof of ownership of condo, visum, passport, and anything else you can think of!

    And make copies of all beforehand and do not forget to put your signature on all copies.

    And then go for the try!

    Maybe, maybe, you can find someone (Thai) who might guarantee you.

    That definitely helps very much!

  3. GDHM,

    As you are only renting the house in KK, and your wife still owns the original house, do leave all as it is, no problem!

    The whole business of changing everything is not worth the trouble, and time, because you only rent the house temporarily!

    Lot of people living in KK are registered all over the country, no problem.

    Me and my wife own and live in two houses in KK, and have only Tambien Baan for one house!

    Do not rock the boat too much, or much better, not at all!

    As long as the original adress is viable, (mail etc) you remain there for the law.

    And you live in the rented house for the time being!


  4. It seems to me that not granting a new passport to one of your citizens for a non criminal reason goes against a human right!

    Alimony is a private or family concern, not criminal.

    Maybe the foreign authorities will aid the US authorities to cash the alimony, but I do not think an international request for an arrest will be made out for not paying alimony.

    On the other hand, back in the US with a valid passport, and want to leave the country, then I guess you will not be allowed to leave the country.

    However, the US has some strange laws and reasoning,

    Maybe not paying alimony to your ex is a criminal offense in the US.

    But I doubt if the private law of the US will be recognised outside the US very much.

    I should protest vehemently!

  5. I would like to receive comments from Dutchmen living in Thailand, married with a Thai woman, about obtaining a visum for your wife to accompany you on a trip to the Netherlands.

    In Dutch is OK, but English is better, maybe some other nationality can learn from it.

    Did you try to find info on "ind.nl" ? it's in both English and Dutch. You can find another lot of info on "buitenlandsepartner.nl" and "mixed-couples.nl".

    Reading your message you probably would like to apply for a tourist visa (up to 90 days). If you're married (some time ago) it wouldn't be that difficult. You have to apply for a touristvisa at the Dutch Embassy in Bangkok.

    Sometimes they decide for themselves, in other cases they send your fial to Holland and let the IND decide. In that case it might take a while... :o

    Good luck.


    Thanks for the answer, however, I know about the IND, I know about the rules, but I also know about getting the visum from the embassy.

    And I have a distinct feeling that might not be the same.

    I would like to know fromother people about the procedure, what they think about it, and what the comments are!

    Just follow this link:


    If a (your) Thai girlfriend/wife has no income, no other prove of 'assets' or otherwise (like a child) it will be difficult for her/you to prove she will return to Thailand (to the Embassy or IND) and the application will not be rewarded in many cases.

    The problem is that many 'Schengen'-partners, not just from Holland, met a lady/man and invited them to come to one of the Schengen countries and didn't return.

    If that's NOT the case you will have no problem. PROVE, in the form of correspondence, photo's of both of you and or family will help a lot.

    Good luck.


    The above or a proof of income of yourself here in Thailand would be a benefit

    Personally I have never had any issue

    Embassy staff always treated us OK and by the rules....so follow the rules

    Answering your question is a little difficult because as you have read in this thread

    it depends on your and her personal position how easy or difficult it can be


    To clarify some points:

    I have emigrated to Thailand, I have a regular income (pension), we own a house in Khon Kaen, have two children still at school (12 & 14 year old), have submitted all the documents and more to be "proactive", I have a yellow housebook, I have a Thai ID number, my adress in Thailand is registered with the embassy, in short, there is no reason whatsoever NOT to return to Thailand.

    Still, I would like to know if indeed the rules are as they should be, the way your, or my wife is treated, if indeed it is logical to fill in a form in which one guarantees his legal (TH & NL) wife in which the wife has to sign that she agrees with the guarantee.

    I do have an idea that the Dutch laws and the Thai laws are clear: married partners ARE always responsable for each other, period.

    I think there should be different rules/treatment/ etc for legally married people LIVING in Thailand

    In view of the general pardon coming up in the Netherlands for all those people illegally living in Holland trying to fish in the pond of the social security, the strict rules of the Embassy in Bangkok (and maybe all the others) are a farce!

    Let us face it, the rules are so strict because the stream of people wanting to go to Holland needs to be stopped, or at least forced to smaller proportions.

    In the case of Thailand we are talking about stopping the influx of "working gilrs".

    Just the people that will probably NEVER try to get social security.

    However, I do have a slight feeling, a feeling mightily heightened by talks with and emails from Dutch husbands living in Thailand, and by talking to my wife and other wives of Dutchmen living in Thailand, that the treatment the wife gets when making the application is, let us say, not entirely up to what might be expected?

    Why is it, that the husband is not allowed to accompany his wife when making the application?

    Why is it that my wife came out with tears in het eyes?

    Why is it that applicants with a partner living in Thailand are also suspect to want to stay in Holland.

    The thing is that when making an application for a visum one is as a matter of fact suspected of planning a crime: to become an illegal alien in Holland!

    The reasoning should be that every applicant is wanting to return to Thailand, it is up to the staff of the embassy to filter out the bad cases.

    The treatment one gets should be based on the fact one does not want to stay in the Netherlands.

    NOT the other way around.

    Not guilty untill proven guilty.

    Who wants to stay in the Netherlands anyway?

    Not me!

  6. I would like to receive comments from Dutchmen living in Thailand, married with a Thai woman, about obtaining a visum for your wife to accompany you on a trip to the Netherlands.

    In Dutch is OK, but English is better, maybe some other nationality can learn from it.

    Did you try to find info on "ind.nl" ? it's in both English and Dutch. You can find another lot of info on "buitenlandsepartner.nl" and "mixed-couples.nl".

    Reading your message you probably would like to apply for a tourist visa (up to 90 days). If you're married (some time ago) it wouldn't be that difficult. You have to apply for a touristvisa at the Dutch Embassy in Bangkok.

    Sometimes they decide for themselves, in other cases they send your fial to Holland and let the IND decide. In that case it might take a while... :o

    Good luck.


    Thanks for the answer, however, I know about the IND, I know about the rules, but I also know about getting the visum from the embassy.

    And I have a distinct feeling that might not be the same.

    I would like to know fromother people about the procedure, what they think about it, and what the comments are!

  7. I am living in Thailand, married to a Thai woman, bought a house (yes), pay taxes (yes), and follow the rules. (Mmmmmm.....well........nearly all of them)

    I must confess I do have some help from my brother in law, who is in law, as they say!

    But, I need some enlightment.

    I read all the postings about doing visa-runs, getting info about the easiest way to dodge the rules, etc.

    My understanding about wanting to stay in this country goes out to all and everyone.

    However, why do I always get the idea that people from countries with very restricting visum-rules always complain most about the rules for getting and holding a visum in Thailand.

    Can somebody give me an answer?

    I know, I have a non O visum multiple entry, have to leave the country every 90 days, have to apply for a new visum in Amsterdam or in Thailand, and who knows what will change for me?

    Maybe I will be in some bind next year, or the year after.

    Tough sh*t.

    I decided to live in Thailand, and it is most certainly up to the Thai government to do with the rules whatever they want to do, wise or unwise! (maybe the latter is paramount)

    I just try to ride the waves, so to say.

    And hope that one day I will not be anxious if I am allowed to stay indefinitely, because I have nothing in Holland any more!

    Now, getting a visum for my wife to accompany me to Holland, that is easy!!!!!!

    Have to go to Bangkok for the interview (have done it before), have to endure to see how my wife is degraded by the official who thinks that all Thai women are prostitutes and want to go to Holland to work or enjoy the social benefits over there, have to call next day what is happening, and have to return again on another day for collecting the passport with visum.

    Mind you, I live in Khon Kaen, so that is two days lost per journey, travel expenses and/or hotel costs, the indignation because of the implied treatment, in short......pure joy and entertainment.

    Well, I am lucky, a visum for a legally married wife is free of costs, yessssssss

    Having the visum, travelled to Holland, then try to renew it IN Holland for staying longer as allowed in the visum.

    Entirely impossible!

    Having been there, as a Thai, returned to Thaialnd, then try to get a new visum within a specified time.


    Being in Holland, to the immigration police for extra control of your whereabouts, extra stamp and sticker in your passport, another day lost.

    But, lucky again, for a legally married wife, no costs.

    So, who is complaining about Thailand and its rules!

    Of course it is a shame that the world is not as we want it to be, that we cannot stay in the country we want to stay, but that is life.

    I think the rules in Europe are very much stricter!

    However, I also wish that the rules were simpler, and very much easier.

    In Thailand and in Holland.

    Be assured that if I can, I will publish any loophole I can find, or get from bro in law.

    And yes, I check all info relating to visum rules for Thailand.

    Salutations and good luck with staying in Thailand and of course, the visum!

    For all of you, tourists, semi tourists, visum holders, non visum holders anbd even illegals!

  8. I know about april 1, and all the stupidity that people have to unload and endure.

    I really had hoped, in vain, that living in Thailand would have freed me from all this bloody nonsense.

    I think it is bad enought that the Thai government is blocking Sites for me, as it is!

    However, everything even a little relating to sex is under scrutiny, but I tried to obtain some info how to fabricate bombs, kill people, in short, very dangerous things in the hands of people that want to do wrong.

    Guess what.....all free to view.

    I think that looking at male and female "meat" and so on, is infenitely much more dangerous as looking at bloodshed, murder, killing, blowing up things, and more of those very nice things.

    I think all readers of ThaiVisa will agree with me!

    But please, no more April stupidity.

    Please do not fuel the "blame the farang" mentality.

    Thank you so much.

    However......it was a good one!

    WARNING.....WARNING.....sense of humour failure ALERT....ALERT....

    I am so very sorry, Thailand Tony.

    There was I really hoping to make a kind of understated humourless statement.

    Seems to me I succeeded.

    Oh dear.....how sad.......never mind.......shut up (Quote of the day Number 1)

    Thank you so very much for the warning, but to include alerts is going a bit to far, don't you think so?

    By the way, anybody knows an adress for used dongles?

    Serial, USB, even pararallel, mai pen rai!

    Must be cheap, of course!

    All dongles get a respray in Thailand pink and will be sold on the night market in Khon Kaen only!

    Only for Farang, special price!

    Retirees get a discount in view of old age, senile decline or alzheimer.

    Or maybe all farang get a discount for the reasons mentioned above


  9. I know about april 1, and all the stupidity that people have to unload and endure.

    I really had hoped, in vain, that living in Thailand would have freed me from all this bloody nonsense.

    I think it is bad enought that the Thai government is blocking Sites for me, as it is!

    However, everything even a little relating to sex is under scrutiny, but I tried to obtain some info how to fabricate bombs, kill people, in short, very dangerous things in the hands of people that want to do wrong.

    Guess what.....all free to view.

    I think that looking at male and female "meat" and so on, is infenitely much more dangerous as looking at bloodshed, murder, killing, blowing up things, and more of those very nice things.

    I think all readers of ThaiVisa will agree with me!

    But please, no more April stupidity.

    Please do not fuel the "blame the farang" mentality.

    Thank you so much.

    However......it was a good one!

    WARNING.....WARNING.....sense of humour failure ALERT....ALERT....

    I am so very sorry, Thailand Tony.

    There was I really hoping to make a kind of understated humourless statement.

    Seems to me I succeeded.

    Oh dear.....how sad.......never mind.......shut up (Quote of the day Number 1)

    Thank you so very much for the warning, but to include alerts is going a bit to far, don't you think so?

    By the way, anybody knows an adress for used dongles?

    Serial, USB, even pararallel, mai pen rai!

    Must be cheap, of course!

    All dongles get a respray in Thailand pink and will be sold on the night market in Khon Kaen only!

    Only for Farang, special price!

    Retirees get a discount in view of old age, senile decline or alzheimer.

    Or maybe all farang get a discount for the reasons mentioned above


  10. I know about april 1, and all the stupidity that people have to unload and endure.

    I really had hoped, in vain, that living in Thailand would have freed me from all this bloody nonsense.

    I think it is bad enought that the Thai government is blocking Sites for me, as it is!

    However, everything even a little relating to sex is under scrutiny, but I tried to obtain some info how to fabricate bombs, kill people, in short, very dangerous things in the hands of people that want to do wrong.

    Guess what.....all free to view.

    I think that looking at male and female "meat" and so on, is infenitely much more dangerous as looking at bloodshed, murder, killing, blowing up things, and more of those very nice things.

    I think all readers of ThaiVisa will agree with me!

    But please, no more April stupidity.

    Please do not fuel the "blame the farang" mentality.

    Thank you so much.

    However......it was a good one!

  11. Nice, very nice indeed!

    So the Don is open again!

    Can I ask if there might be someone who maybe might have shed some thoughts about a shuttle system between the two airports?

    Departing from Khon Kaen will I be confronted with an lengthy (impossible?) connection to my connecting flights to Holland, maybe?

    Maybe up to 4 hours extra for changing planes, instead of 1,5 or 2 hours?

    And if there is a shuttle system, does it run for 24 hours, or maybe from 9 till 5?

    Nowhere can I find the info I need, the only thing I can find is that there should be a shuttle system.

    On the other hand the Bangkok Post sports an article about the service to connect passengers between international and national flight is the business of the aircraft operators.

    I really had an idea that this service should be the business of AOT!

    But of course I will be wrong assuming this idea!

    Anybody can supply more info?

  12. Will Nok explain in their advertising that they are not located at the International airport at which you arrive in Thailand?

    Or will you find out when you look for your connection when you step off the plane?

    Is there maybe somebody at AOT who maybe had the bright idea to create a shuttle service between Don Muang and Suvarnibhumi?

  13. Here I was in the new airport, waiting in line for the check by the immigration officer, holding my passport with a O-class visum. At long last it was my turn, handed my passport to a sullen officer, opened on the page with the 120 Euro visum, accompanied wih the immigration slip, and told by me to the officer that I had a O-class visum. After checkup, and stamping the passport was handed to me sideways, closed, while I was standing in front of this officer.

    Arrived in the hotel together with my Thai wife, I looked in the passport, and yes......I was admitted for 30 days instead of 90 days! Anybody had the same experience? Of course this faulty stamping would probably not have been rectified by this officer if I would have asked her if this was ok!. I live in Khon Kaen with my wife, I am on a pension, 55+, so I answer to all requirements, but I will have to go to Nong Khai for rectification. A time consuming and/or costly business, I presume. I guess the immigration offfice will not reimbourse me?

    So everybody, check your stamps before you walk away!!!!!!

  14. I presume, Sir, that you are not a Thai national, and that you are a guest in the Kingdom?

    Maybe you are completely right in everything you say, or maybe not, or maybe halfway.

    However, since you are a guest, you might behave as a guest?

    If the Thai Government and/or the Thai people take a decision, however strange or misguided in your eyes, you have a choice:

    1 Accept it and shut up

    2 Do not accept it, and leave

    3 Try to change things in a more subdued way.

    However, as things go, I can supply a few stupid things about any country, even my own country, Holland, things that need to be changed, or not, that should be the decision from the Dutch!

    But, whatever you think about it, it is the decision of a country/government/people, and as a foreigner you accept that, or stay away, or try to change things from within on the off chance that this might not be acceptable to the local authorities.

    Like you, probably, I am a guest in Thailand, and try to behave like a guest.

    Not much has changed in Thailand..

    Still the same old half-arsed way of dealing with things.

    I agree with HM the Queen's remarks and actions should be taken.

    Everytime however something makes the headlines, the powers that be in Thailand (whichever government that is in place) jump on the bandwagon to get a resolution out first without thinking things through.

    So after the 'you are an adult at 18' but you cannot drink alcohol

    now we are going to have the

    'you are an adult at 18' but you cannot do promotional work anymore.

    Why don't we just get over with all of the crap and raise the legal age to 20?

    That will clearly say to the young people.. you are not mature enough yet at 18 to drink or dance ... so you are also not mature to make a political decision and vote for us or vote us off.

    Will someone please start a crackdown on stupid laws!! As long as these ambiguous rules are still maintained Thailand will never progress.

    Start education people. Stop repressing them.

    Trust the people to behave and you will instill responsibility.

    Treat the people as little kids and you will instill vice.

  15. This rule is rather strange, if the government tries to guard its own (Thai) people.

    Oh well......

    I applied today at Chiang Mai for a 1 year extension to my returement visa and provided proof of funds by presenting my Joint Bank Account with my Thai wife. I was informed that the rules have been changed and they no longer accept Joint Bank Accounts for retirement visas unless both parties are foreigners. The account must be solely in the name of the applicant.

    Luckilly I had the passbook for my own savings account with me and enough time to visit my bank, transfer money between accounts, obtain a new letter from the bank, and return to the office where my new visa extension was issued.

    The new rule was also confirmed by the Police Captain that gave the final OK to my application. No mention was made that the funds had not been in my sole bank account for 3 mths prior to my application.

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