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  1. I was,hoping he would have taken the donkeys years old buses off the streets in BKK and replace with new when he was the .minister of Transport :(
  2. Air Purifiers,in every room .Air Con Open Doors and windows firmly closed. Moniter the Air before going outside ,use quality N95 polution masks and by a BYD Car that has built in Purifiers,. That's how I deal with it .
  3. Foreighners are banned from giving legal advice anyway under the alien employment legislation
  4. Indeed it is normal to add 3 % as thats what the bank charges the merchants .Foreighn CCs are the highest with Amex being even higher .So this is normal procedure in Thailand .
  5. Yes I cross both many times and have been doing so for many years
  6. Plus the fact the insureance we pay for is to mop up the mess otherwise it's pointless having it in the first place ..The Porshe no doubt will be fully insured plus the government insureance will have large figures on the polices in case of accident ....The Insurears are the ones the injured parties should be dealing with . Ok.the driver may have been over the limit but that's a different case if the police want to push it ...what ever it is still an accident and it's the insureance company's job to sort out the compensation etc etc
  7. Think you are a bit naive and really don't get the bigger picture .Without these mega foreighn funds holding massive holdings , they can dictate and help put pressure on unwanted government's ( not just Thailand) They indeed determine where your baht is heading on the exchange rate .Remember ...they can dump the shares and do so at anytime and right now they will be simply reloading and be net sellers again , which will favour the exchange £€$ when they reverse . Without the Foreighn funds this country would be in a bigger mess . They are here to make profits whatever it takes and after a buying spree ( only just started again yesterday for this month ) then they of course sell and in turn brings the exchange rate more user friendly too ..Do some homework as this is how it works ...... Hence the force of the BOT trying to keep a stable bht by buying stocks heavily too and now the interest rate cut .....
  8. I do and they work fine together .
  9. Is,the Sealion not big enough ? As that would be close OR the BYD M6 which is a 6 starter and both less than 1 million. I have 3 Attos but waiting list on those ..
  10. I believe he was in power at that time ..??
  11. Texas Chicken is no longer ...its going ,going ,gone ..
  12. Here we go, tried that in 1997 and bang went the baht the BOA ran out of funds .Good News for the ecchange rates if that happens ..dont cash in just yet ,)?
  13. Hence i bought 3 in that campaighn above but all 2024 2 premium and 1 long range . Saveing a fortune on fuel .

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