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The Now Factor

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Posts posted by The Now Factor

  1. On 11/19/2020 at 8:21 PM, jomtienisgood said:

    Myself, and why is it different doctors have different opinions???  Now YOU tell me.....

    It's b/c of conflicting data. Most people are too busy to delve into the nuts and bolts of this phenomenon.They turn on the telly news and just accept what's put out as truth ,kinda like being brainwashed in a cult. Of course they're only going to air 'experts" who reinforce their narrative.I don;t trust what they say.It would be beneficial for people to do some critical thinking for them selves. There is alternative science out there on the net by well informed people unfortunately these platforms keep getting removed.Why do you think that is..

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  2. 3 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

    Heard it all before fella,, "dont be sheep", "dont believe everything you read", the governments are all liars",,, blah, blah, blah,,, yawn.. Just because someone does believe the virus is serious does not mean they are plankton brains following blindly. Get yourself properly informed with facts, apply some serious thought and then decide.

     I've gather info from many reputable sources,not mainstream media bunk as lazy people do. I also personally know a Doctor.Can't get more properly informed than that.

  3. 17 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

    They do it now because we are experiencing a global pandemic,,, dohhh! Nothing to with freedom, the conspiracy theories are rife and i guess someone must believe them. The precautions are to protect you and your fellow man and to try and halt the spread of the virus, what you call "people expressing freedom" i call "people behaving like irresponsible idiots".

     They've gotten it wrong in the past.Swine flu,bird flu.sars flu.All were touted as  potentially catastrophic ,yet that didn't happen.This is no different.

    Worse thing to do is let someone else do the thinking for you.#commuter


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  4. 1 hour ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

    If you don't stand up to the fake pandemic, you will never ever have tourists or be able to travel.

    Agreed.I haven't seen one person fall down and die while out n about,nor heard ambulance sirens rushing to pick up the next "victim" and this is supposed to be a pandemic??Sorry i don't see it. In the words of the late great Vince Lombardi "what the hell is going on out there!?"

  5. 7 hours ago, chang1 said:

    This is a common kind of comment I see but little thought seems to be given to the reasoning for it. 

    My first question is how much is a human life worth? 

    2nd - how many people are you willing to sacrifice to keep your job?

    3rd - many of those who get covid19 and survive have ongoing health problems caused by it - how do you put a value on that?

    4th - what restrictions, if any, would you put in place instead of lockdowns?

    5th - how many people will die because they can't get treated in hospitals?

    6th - how bad would it have to get before you would recommend a lockdown?


    The last question is the most important as this is the point where it directly affects you. Remember you don't have to be infected with covid19 to be killed due to it. If hospitals are over run with patients then a relatively minor illness or injury could be fatal for you. Suddenly it is not just the old and fat that are dying. During winter in the UK our hospitals are stretched due to flue so add in covid19 when there is no spare capacity means other patients can't be treated. We are starting our 2nd lockdown this week not due to "hysteria" but due to real evidence about the spread of covid19 and its repercussions if we don't. 

    Your whole thesis falls apart when you state IF hospitals are over run.Reality says they're not and that's world wide.


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