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Everything posted by RanongCat

  1. Such as Aid workers and UN staff would carry passports and official ID ?
  2. Not sure why my question gets referenced to Egypt alone. Surely Israel ( IDF ) can reasonably safely distinguish between Palestinians and foreigners who seek exit from Gaza at the Israeli / Gaza border? While Hamas can be legitimately blamed for creating this current outcome it is Israel that risks resentment by other nations if they ignore the plight of uninvolved foreign nationals kept trapped between a rock and a hard place .
  3. That was not my question. Foreign Aid workers and other etc ? Many Consular questions over that issue.
  4. Is Israel still preventing the exit of non Palestinians from Gaza ? Or by refusal creating a counter hostage scenario ?
  5. Somewhat false humanitarian move. The damage to water pipes is one thing but without electricity to power pumps .....?
  6. Oh ? I thought rumour had it that he was Jew but he pi..sed off his grand Bretheren who lied to their Roman handlers so as to have him topped ? Just today I have both read and heard some amazing claims revolving around specific topic. I was thinking I could possibly write a book titled "The Book of Revelations" but realized I could be sued for both or either misinformation or plagiarizing ! I also missed out on patenting my own DNA ! Unfair world it is !
  7. I do not own one and probably never will simply because my current ICE vehicle performs well that despite age will outlast my safe driving days. That said if I were younger and in the market I think I would lean towards electric simply because of performance. Range in terms of urban travel is really of no consequence and for that simple reason alone has practical appeal. The touted bogeyman negatives over electrical supply generated by petrochem with regard to carbon emissions can be shown to favour energy efficiency even when taking into account losses in transmission vs ice efficiency. Add to that the reduction in urban background noise pollution, environmental distribution of exhaust toxins . Even deadhead boy racers with the inevitable acquisition of high performance electric m/bikescould attempt ritual suicide in relative silence marked only by the Ambulance siren announcement of a reduction in that redundant sector of society. Unfortunately there does seem to be a discrepancy in recognition of the limited infrastructure that is becoming apparent not only in Thailand. A major issue for many SEA countries is that beneficial infrastructure is compromised by a lack of cohesive development planning. Thus it is often easy to witness commercial/industrial enterprises operating next door to food prep or restaurants sometimes situated on the footpath directly outside. Shock horror to those from a society/culture where such is prohibited yet quietly fascinated by such lack of inhibition for entrepreneurs ! Such is the situation with "electrification" of transports in Thailand now. Even to the degree of nasty irritating cheap little unlicenced electric buggies and two wheelers inviting road rage as Granny or a firkin 5 year old cruises down the road at 15 kph to the 7/11 to get 20 bht more 1 /2 call for Granma scamming some farang on tiktok etc ! More genuinely seriously is the advent of Thailand produced all electric vehicles. A legitimate industry providing employment and an associated need for cognizant skills at several levels. That this industry is rising in development and impact has/is generated already partisan opinion is quite revealing about "modern" society. Especially when EV negativity is quietly but primarily funded by petrochem industries. What need for Petrol heads to complain? Crude oil is far from depletion so your ridiculous dragster can continue to compete with a factory std Tesla for quite a while yet !
  8. And?
  9. The reality was that she has to check that in terms of contract that the "class "of room was in excess of those allocated to any agency at the moment in time of interest either at the front desk or via online reservation/booking.
  10. exactly that
  11. Social experimentation with serious glitches with the theory even before the theory is attempted as a reality !
  12. Ever cross checked that with other than Agoda ?
  13. So the "No more rooms available " is deceptive bull droppings ? Or is it that "other" hotels chains offer incentives to stiff the small operators ?
  14. I have learned to look for the website of Hotels listed in any of the "Booking" agents online. Often have discovered that although prices may not be as low direct with hotel availability usually is despite "agents" claiming Booked out or "last room ' etc. Did exactly that last weekend for a room in a 3 star hotel with 85 rooms that was virtually empty !
  15. In years past in my home country there was a distinction by regulation made between Chiropractic and Osteopath. Nether was recognized as a valid health treatment for social health subsidies. In fact it was illegal for an Osteopath to advertise services unless it was coupled n with Naturopathy. A Chiropractor by contrast was required to be registered as a professional health service despite not qualified for subsidies. For those who went to the trouble of investigating Chiropractors were mostly trained in American schools of discipline and Osteopaths in the UK . Clinical approach differed but spinal/joint manipulation was similar. One fundamental difference was that Chiropractors would generally refuse to touch a new patient until xray examination demonstrated no abnormalities that could cause issues. Never did ever discover how Osteopaths covered that issue. But after suffering a whiplash injury in Nepal on a bone breaker bus I did consult a female English Osteopath on subsequent arrival in the UK. Having given a reason for why I was seeking treatment I was asked if any xrays were taken anywhere previously to establish no possible fractures of upper spinal joints she was cautiously happy to perform a short but effective adjustment that brought almost instantaneous relief to my problem. The man who also cut hair in Kathmandu had made an attempt but had quickly conceded his skills were insufficient. I did not ever regret the $2 I gave him any more or less the 75 UK Pounds I gave her for her 10 minutes of conversation and 30 seconds of "adjustment" for the relief attempted or provided ! BUt in more direct reference to the question the OP presents is that I have noticed that over the last couple of decades in Thailand that Chiropractic services have at times been advertised or promoted but Osteopathic? Never yet seen but that does not infer does not exist.
  16. If You say so . Ho hum. Look to intent of source rather than presumed veracity of source.
  17. I seriously doubt that in the short term that msm will be permitted to present anything that can verify such clarification. Not to say that horrific abuses have been or continuing on either side.
  18. Died of or died with ? A question that challenges
  19. No doubt you have personal cause for such comment. I have no interest in the underlying illogic of your angst other than to clarify that the majority of the inhabitants of the Gaza refugee territories are catagorized as juveniles and female due to the imposed living conditions deducing both life expectancy and targeted male gender eliminations. Nor do the majority of the population adhere to the secondary imposition of Hamas control via bogus "election" than in real terms does Netanyahu and his henchmen in Israel. Have you not genuinely and seriously considered why Netanyahu has moved to make his political position superior to the Israeli judiciary ? Facsist Dictatorship in the attempted blatant making or not!? Recent massive protest in Israel had sfa to do with Hamas ! And now information has become public knowledge as to the "intelligence" knowledge that contradicts "surprise attack". ! Dumbest comment? Ok.
  20. You contrive a negative interpretation and determine that I am ranting? Froth muddling? Laughable denial of geopolitical reality. I am objecting ( not riling )to what I see as the deliberate geographical placement of conflict . Could not quite understand or could not bring self to acknowledge ? I care not because I derive my opinion on non sectarian or national compliance to propaganda.
  21. Can you say that with a straight face? Israel had long ghettoized the Ghaza and imposed itself as unaccountable "wardens" and retaliating to relatively minor resistances with gross violence and persecution in territory not their own. Disgustingly sanctioned by UN deliberate blindness dictated by US dictate to comply.
  22. ute Netanyahu's bold declaration is unfortunately taintedy escape with the inevitable mass deaths of non Hamas members . The instruction/ advice given to refugees to depart Gaza has been contradicted by the bombing and closure of the of the border crossing into Egypt. At this moment at least the expected ground invasion is on hold. Maybe because the level of less than totally sympathetic international response has not been in Netanyahu's favor? Inside Gaza are a significant number of long term humanitarian personnel who even now are providing some sanctuary for children in places like UN schools. Israel undoubtedly has the military capacity to bomb Gaza into dust using the proliferate US supplied weaponry and the stock piles of US maintained munitions. Of course that dust would contain the blood and guts of many genuinely innocents. Israel undeniably has the right to defend itself. It does not have the right to retaliate in kind to the extremist actions of the Hamas radicals. From news reports it seems Biden has copied similar fiction as GW Bush Jnr. did when he (Bush) claimed he had seen the video of the first plane hit the Twin Towers. There was no such video available if ever. Biden made a statement that he has seen confirmed images / video of butchered infants. This is apparently based on emotional hearsay IDF statements but in reality not at all confirmed. Such distortions are a sad component of modern "warfare". Global media distribution of images with intent to distort reality under the guise of genuine "intelligence" but in reality propaganda is not at all exclusive to the "badGuys". More often than not the "badguys" lack the influence with msm to counter the proliferate output from monopolistic dictators. A moment of consideration should perhaps be given to the fact that the assault on Israel with missiles has not been a one day flash in the pan event as has often been reported in historic events. A mass invasion by IDF would/will face totally unknown resistance. If Hamas has achieved the capacity to unleash thousands of missiles who knows what resources they possess to counter troops? Interestingly it has been claimed that the arms taken from defeated Hamas fighters are of US origin. Further to that claim is to path of origin? Ukraine features in such question. It is at this point I would suggest that there is very little difference between the ideology of extremist factions regardless of religion that are often utilized, manipulated, dictated. The outcome is most often not the winners perse'. It is so often the "compensated". Has/is Israel about to divest the remnants of it's compensation?
  23. I wonder if that is why a couple of familiar courier drivers faces have been replaced with random new ones providing erratic services recently?
  24. As previous....choices
  25. If you are suggesting disproportionate risk that might be a mistake in current times. As with so much in social acceptances now the reliance on medical mitigation to protect expectation of normal life spans regardless of risque lifestyle gives me good cause to be selective as hell !
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