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Posts posted by tiffanystoyz

  1. I my self prefer a lady for sex without the hassle of fighting, jealousy, who will do want I enjoy and not hold me ransom when mad by cutting me off. But also I want times to myself to go out do as I please too. Not a sex manic but do enjoy sex without the hassle. Besides 99% of men hate being stuck with one woman all the time. If you say no your lying. As a man I look at other who are beautiful not ashamed of it either. Make it legal and safer for the ladies Yes I said ladies for they are ladies and should be treated as such. I know a few ladies in this trade and have at times employed there services time to time. Sometimes I paid for others I didn't but wasn't asked to pay because They enjoyed being with me after all there are human and have feelings too. So you see them maybe hold open the door for them might be surprised. But forced and underage I don't want freelance who choose it as a line of work and are clean and STD free not an issue PIMPS and MAMASANS give them prision time.

  2. Look at it this way want sex why lie better than men raping women. Just do it under control where the women who choose this line of work get checked each month. What the men pay they keep it all. If working out of a bar bar owner keeps bar fine for lady. Have a clean and safe place for then to work. After all if you think of it a wife cooks cleans takes care of kids provides sex for husband in exchange for money roof over head security.

  3. Ok a little education here twin tubs are normal you can get any type you like here. As far as you wife washing in tub might be she was a mudhut in pass life LOL just joking mate. I myself send mine out why wash when people need money and it is cheap I got better things for my lady to do on her knees. Take a boat ride watch them wash there clothes in the big muddy here, Maybe she'll seek out a place to send clothes to get washed and ironed Less work for her maybe benefit for you. If you get my drift?wink.pngw00t.gifwai2.gif

  4. You need to think what important to you? Money? fame? just getting by? Then sort out your issues being abusive is not cool ,being abused isn't either. If you decide to return to Thailand what is your plan for work? Once you get sorted your answer will be clear then go with it. I myself love it here, politics aside it is nice. But that's me and I don't need money or have to work. So good luck remember Home is where you rest your head. Money isn't everything But being happy has alot going for it.

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  5. I got a couple near hit's of me being the victim both time's an police officer saw it and ticketed the drivers. But since this happened close to where I live the police got to know I was local so that might have been the reason too. It is best you have your own medical insurance so you don't get rude awaking. Who do you think will pay if driver has no insurance? Can't squeeze blood from a turnip but you can bleed a farang as the saying goes.

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  6. I myself I guess a bit different Don't like the Russian scammers The Indian's are rude then the whacky Pakies, The rest are here to over pay the girls and ruin the bars. Buying veruses renting Renting You don't have to deal with the repair work don't like where your at move besides you can't pass it on if you die so your condo goes to the country. These thing you have to think about.So the choice is this if civil war breaks out own place you lose a few million baht rent a few thousand baht I'm not cheap but I worked hard for my money not going to throw it away besides have a home back in the states if all else fails. besides I'm older when I die cremate my butt and do as you please with the ashes. I'm not going tocare cause I'm dead, and to old to impress the neighbors. It's about me now But that's just me Up to you whats important roots or freedom? Good luck.

  7. Hua hin rent condo there for my weekends since short van ride from BKK pay 3400 baht a month and tap the owner every few weeks good deal place clean no pool but beach 100 meters from me rent motorbike by month so always new one each month food ok but hell I can cook poddy tat good fresh one each month visa office great no wait there. Guess it depends on ones needs Don't need women that bitches so I'm good.

  8. Your comfort should not be the issue as you stated you love her as if you yourself fathered her if you fail to be there for her now you can undo all the time and love you put in to it. It is her father who should be uncomfortable and you must stand tall to show her you understand no matter what he is her father and you as a man of principal understand that but your still proud of her , Also give her credit I'm sure she knows who got her to where she is now. Been there done that with three stepdaughters never said a bad thing about there deadbeat dad let them discover for themselves. And to this day the girls love as if I fathered them that my friend no amount of money can buy. Don't make this a money issue being a father is being there for the good and the bad Oh by the way when time came to get married all three asked me to give them away. So who do you think is proud? So my advice be there be willing to stand on the side if you raised her as I think you did you may get something worth more than money can buy. Good luck. You Sir are a rare man stand tall now if her father can't afford to be there ask your daughter if she wants you to pay for his ticket to be there for this special event, If yes do it get him hotel room nothing fancy but ok , Maybe give him a couple thousand baht to take his daughter out afterward. Just never say you gave him money to take her out. You'll know and I'm sure your wife will and nothing else matters but your stepdaughters happiness here That what a real dad would do. Be the example not the <deleted>. And again Goodluck.

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