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Posts posted by thecyclist

  1. 9 hours ago, Andre0720 said:

    De-criminalising was a nice try in Thailand.

    But the result was too astounding.

    Did not take into account that, particularly young men here, are attracted to drugs like flies on .....

    Nicotine, alcohol, lots of hard drugs as well, and now a multitude of cannabis shops opening all  over....

    Quite unreal when you drive around. Cannabis, cannabis, cannabis. Given the sheer numbers, impact on public health will show too many people affected in absolute numbers.

    Even recreational drugs should be banned in a country where men have so much difficulty to attain adulthood and maturity.


    Cannabis or no Cannabis, the attainment of maturity in this society is near impossible. Might as well keep it legal, so that mature a ND rational beings can blunt their sensitive minds when dealing with all that childishness around.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    If that's what you like to think!  In the case of Thermae, anytime you get what you want, you pay. 

    Well,in the old Thermae , decades ago, you would occasionally get a freebie, that is to say "score ".

    Doubt that is still possible. This new generation of professionals is much more professional and mercenary than their mothers and grandmothers.

    But too old now to really do field studies and score. Strictly pay for play when you over 60.

  3. 8 hours ago, Yagoda said:

    Here is a blast from the past.


    Anyone ever been to Woodstock, used to be in the top corner of Nana?


    How about Tahitian Queen in Pattaya?

    Woodstock was one of the first bars on Nana, they got things started in the mid eighties. I was a regular back then, have a few beers at Woodstock, and then head to the Grace hotel or the Thermae. The Grace back then was mainly farang, in the late eighties the Arabs took over, the Thermae would remain farang for another decade.

    The attraction of the old Thermae was that it was owned by the police, and could stay open all night. Before 2 am it was deserted, but quickly filled after the go go's closed at 2.

    • Agree 1
  4. 16 hours ago, AreYouGerman said:


    Thai Girls:

    - Cute faces

    - More petite / slimmer

    - Less emotional

    - you most likely will land a former bar girl

    - Probably older than you

    - More money focused

    - More dominant later in relationship

    - Voodoo religion and fear of ghost

    - Western feminism is coming

    - Will replace you if you don't feed the water buffalo



    - Not so cute faces

    - Petite girls are not unusual but lesser

    - Can be very clingy, 1st date on Airport and it's already a marriage

    - You can even land a virgin if you are serious about marriage

    - 10-20 years younger than you

    - Money is a factor, but not to extreme levels

    - will stay submissive if you don't export her to your country

    - Christianity

    - Western feminism is coming as well, but at a much slower pace (divorce still illegal?)

    - Chances are slim that she will actually divorce you

    Filipinas have become more similar to the Thai chick's in regard to their focus on money over the years. 30 years ago way better than their Thai counterparts,  now a lot less so.


    • Like 1
  5. On 5/12/2024 at 1:22 PM, Hellfire said:

    “He confessed to venturing outside his abode only during evenings to procure essentials, all in a bid to avoid run-ins with law enforcement”


    Does simply living in Pattaya justifies this kind of sacrifice of having a count Dracula lifestyle for 6 years?



    Pattaya is perfect for vampires. Sleep during the day. Party at night.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 5 hours ago, riclag said:

    I care ! You dont mention what country you’re from.

    I still get pissed when Marxist burn my flag, that I pledge allegiance to as a student!

    I get pissed when people in my country chant death to America!

    Im like wtf , screw, get out!

    America was the greatest nation on earth until Obama came along and started his cultural Marxist  BS that biden is promoting with DEI & Wokeism.



    Obama was a cultural Marxist??555

    You gotta go for an IQ test and have yourself checked in.

    Have you read any books by the founders of the cultural Marxist tradition, Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Lukacs etc ?I am sure you haven't . Your small mind wouldn' t understand them anyway. You'd better stick to Fox, it's made for nitwits like you.

    To call Obama a cultural Marxist is an insult to the genius of Adorno. Obama is very much within the neoliberal right wing corporate fascism tradition. The total failure of his administration  brought us the orange one, so following the reasoning of the cultural Marxists,  we have gone  backward from the soft totalitarianism of the totally administered  society back to the hard totalitarianism of outright fascism.

    Back to Fox for you . they will feed you more of these easy to digest ,easy to understand -even for the dumbest of dumb- soundbites that will get you all riled up , so that you can use concepts you don't have the slightest idea swhat they refer to.

  7. On 5/9/2024 at 7:11 PM, Fritteboy said:

    The Laos immigration doing shady things at the border, they wanted different prices from all 3people I talk with. 

    They say you should pay in USD, 2 of us got charged 1600bath and another guy had to pay 1800. And when we stamp out from laos they ask for 50,000kip or 100bath. But it's just to take your passport and go, there should be no fee to stamp you out country.

    They are doing that at the Savannaket border crossing too now.?

    They used to do that at the Lao/Cambodian crossing, asking for an exit fee. 

    Corruption spreading.

  8. 7 hours ago, Scouse123 said:



    This is why the Pakistanis in the UK open shops side by side to each other, mainly empty, they are selling Indian Curry and KFC style takeaways, very few people buy from them, but they carry the air of respectability and are a ' front ' to launder their drug proceeds, which is by far, their prime source of revenue. The Police are well aware of it.


    I've been inside them, unfriendly guys with beards sat behind the counters playing with their I phone, surprised when somebody walks in and places an order.

    Not that different from Thailand. Lots of Indian tailor shops with virtually no customers.

    Half of  the Indian restaurants in "Indiatown" in Pattaya Tai are almost always empty. How fresh is their food?

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  9. 3 hours ago, JoseThailand said:


    When I was in Vietnam before covid, it was already more expensive than Thailand (except booze and cigarettes of course). Food in supermarkets is easily 50% more expensive. Fish, fruit, juice, milk etc. Clothes, electronics are more expensive too.

    We must have been in different Vietnams.

    Fruit more expensive in Vietnam 5555.

    Clothes, yes.

    Electronics no idea. 

    Juice, Tipco imported from Thailand, obviously. 

    Milk, exactly, the same. 

    Maybe when you talk about food, you mean dog or cat food. 

    I eat human food, and that is definitely not 50 % more expensive in Vietnam. 

    Dog food might be 50 % more expensive, but never bought any in either of those countries. 

    • Confused 1
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  10. While Danang is a great place to visit, for living/retirement Vung Tau is better. 

    The weather is more like Thailand,  hot all year round  , and minimal chance of Typhoons hitting it.

    5 years ago, I would have said that prices in Thailand and Vietnam are approximately the same, with Vietnam having a slight edge. 

    But post pandemic that has changed. Prices in Vietnam haven't changed much, but was shocked to see how expensive Thailand had become over the 3 years I was stuck in Vietnam due to the pandemic. 

    No retirement visa, but if you marry a Vietnamese, you get a temporary residence, and you are even allowed to work. 

    Corruption here is ,as incredible as that sounds, way worse in Vietnam. 


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