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  1. how do you work that one out?
  2. Well you are totally off the mark there! Perhaps you should care more for the country you are living in?
  3. no such thing in Thailand - the only "general" involved is the ones in the military
  4. Even the new roads in Thailand are bad. However a competent driver needs to understand this and be aware that a road covered in water can conceal all sorts of dangers. The image is not clear but it looks like the truck is a fair distance from the road which would suggest it was travelling at some speed. Of course a proper analysis of the scene by the police would tell exactly how fast the vehicle was travelling. unfortunately the RTP aren't trained to do this properly so they'll just rely of the statements of amateur witnesses.
  5. We are hearing more and more reports of foreigners in crashes on Thai roads. My guess is that car ownership amongst expats is on the increase - the next thing will be a clampdown on foreign car ownership. There is a serious problem with foreigners driving in Thailand - they simply don't understand the driving environment here and think that everyone should drive as they did at home - wherever that may be - and then they don't think they need to abide by even the most basic driving laws ad praise not being in a "nanny state" - you can't have it both ways.
  6. My point entirely...
  7. so far Putin has been getting his own way. He manipulated the UK out of the EU, he can blackmail the west with fuel supplies, he got away with Crimea - however with conscription, he has mobilised his opposition like never before - there are demonstrations all over Russia at the moment and mass exodus on the borders. Putin will try to clamp down but his span is limited and in the end Russia doesn't want to be an international pariah...
  8. Apparently ALL men between 15 and 50 will be forbidden from leaving Russia from next Wednesday - 31st September
  9. Yes like back in the 1970s they assumed that of Japanese cars.......
  10. China already has the biggest motor industry in the world and the biggest market. They can dictate price and just about anything they want.
  11. Thailand is hoping for 10 million visitors this year. Pre-Covid was nearly 40 million. Tourism represented about 20% of GNP. This is a massive chunk out of the economy and it's hard to see how they will get anywhere near previous levels War with Russia soaring prices and inflation in USA and Europe will reduce the numbers from there able to come.Russian tourists are going to find it hard to leave the country. People of conscription age are forbidden, and they will need to be able to move cash around to get here. Chinese who represented between a quarter and a third of the intake are still subject to lockdown.
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