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Everything posted by Thunglom

  1. You don't need to contest it - just ignore it........ just look at how countries in Europe deal with it - Thailand simply can't do that.
  2. From the moment of the offence to the time of collection ,Thailand doesn't have the infrastructure to do this. The roads are not marked sufficiently. How are instruments calibrated and checked" There is no specifically trained police section to deal with traffic Not only can they not make a proper arrest of notification they can't measure up and analyse incidents or offences. Then even if a penalty is allegedly incurred, there is not legal/court system to deal with issuing a penalty and then the final step, chase it up. To operate a proper road safety system, there need to be fundamental reforms to the police (constitutional reforms, that is) and to the legal system. I can't see the military dominated government acceding to this.
  3. It's sad to say that the same cavalier attitude to "health & Safety" - still exists to the this very day - in [places I've worked, factories educational establishments, student dormitories etc etc....and the reasons given when you point this out are rise;le However this appalling attitude is shared with may expats who spit out the words "health and Safety" as if they are some sort of derogatory term.
  4. Unbelievable - absolutely irrelevant as ever - you ability to not understand is breathtaking!
  5. As ever, totally out of touch with whatever the topic is about, but it doesn't stop you from posting, does it?
  6. How very sad - ....am=nd that is your justification for leaving the EU? - for years and years, the only thing Brexiteers can come up with is the curved banana cliche'd misinterpretation,,,seriously??
  7. You'll know today - and he is not allowed to pass any major legislation as of now.
  8. Johnson isn't at the helm......actually Johnson will do anything to make himself popular - that would include doing deals with the EU to improve the UK economy.
  9. In the next few months, the UK will have to review and change its relationship with th EU. At present we are second from bottom in the G7 ahead of Russia. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/jul/08/six-charts-that-show-how-the-uk-economy-is-in-crisis?fbclid=IwAR0Byr-xVmbpR9TjyGBjXRmIW4RiYAhZ2mNMeBM0WJ_tnvzGy9XBzoINYQ4
  10. It doesn't seem to follow - I can see your comment is sarcastic - hence you are sure I couldn't do better. So....you think that Boris's record of ineptitude is justified?
  11. I had no problem getting SIMs in Laos - I've used , Lao Telecom and I think the other was Unitel. I also used a mobile phone shop. coverage with Lao telecom was pretty good and there rates were similar to Thailand I got my SIM fitted and sorted at there headquarters in Vientiane - they were very helpful. I also used there office in Savannakhet.
  12. I hope you don't think that justifies Boris's ineptitude?
  13. Have you not noticed how megalomaniac dictators always have weird hair? Kim Jong-un, Trump, Hitler, Gaddafi and Boris all have weird hair.....
  14. It will inevitably be reversed...but how long and in how many stages is debatable
  15. Brexit is a cockup Covid - 10,000 necessary deaths caused by Boris's inaction at the start
  16. Democracy in UK is broken -has been for years - simple majorities are not democracy, they are mob rule.
  17. Democracy in UK is broke=n -has been for years - simple majorities are not democracy, they are mob rule.
  18. So Boris has signed - except he never used the word "resign" and is to be replaced by the new prime minister, Boris!?!?!
  19. One wonders how much damage this would do. Firstly to actual tourist numbers but secondly to Thailand's reputation. They could be the pariah of the world tourist industry. Most hotels in Thailand resort areas are set up to welcome foreigners - Thai holidaymakers are a minot=r part of their custom so how would this system work. The minister should resign.
  20. Against the UK pound- in the 1990s the baht went to nearly 100 baht At the beginning of the 21st century is was in the high 70s the current rates are nowhere near that. for Thailand to recover form Covid it needs foreign key in the form of selling exports what does Thailand sell? Tourism electronics and motor vehicles - the cheaper the baht, the better for recovery. aS one of the worlds top exporters of rice they will do very well.
  21. Only a matter of time before we got a racist point of view.
  22. There's no distance in the drive. Are you going permanently in V/N or is it just a jolly? I've met people in Laos on Vietnamese motorbikes. this is about 5 years ago. Thailand has introduced very draconian laws for importing or temporarily importing cars, how much of this applies to motorcycles I don't know. You've been on GT Rider - who are probably the people to ask. leaving Thailand you'll need a re-import form. It used to be that Laos wouldn't permit motorcycles to cross their bridges into Thailand - some theory about smuggling or theft go figure. I get the feeling that using a less popular land crossing might be the way to go. The main problem taking a car into V/N was they had to be LHD or in unaccompanied convoy. This obviously wouldn't apply to M/Cs.
  23. Be careful! Pride comes before a fall, one serious health issue and you end up in debt paying for it, or that girl you took for grants takes you for everything.... or the government decides to change the property laws and all foreigners lose their "ownership" rights......and those guys in their shoe boxes suddenly look at lot more comfortable.
  24. the OP looks like the food market on Prayasaja Kiri Rd, Chonburi.
  25. weapons and planes are very accurate these days.... https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/05/myanmar-military-onslaught-in-eastern-states-amounts-to-collective-punishment/
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