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Everything posted by Thunglom

  1. ...and I made no diagnosis - you see unlike yourself I don't need to make false accusations and I know what I'm talking about.
  2. "Obviously they hadn't drunk them , cos' nobody I know puts empties under their seats" So what???
  3. This amateur apportioning of blame needs to stop. It has nothing to do with road safety and is counter-productive. These comments are made by people who have no details of what happened but just love to make assumptions. The issues here are not to blame people but to find out what happened and how it can be prevented from happening again. There are a lot more factors that need to be taken into account than simplistically blaming a drunk for everything. What about emergency services? were they quick and well equipped? did they receive car on the spot? What was the road surface like? What about street lighting and vehicle lighting, what were the road and weather conditions, Was the scene of the accident analysed by a trained crash crew? - where is the crash report. In all likelihood we will never know, we'll just get a quick off-the-cuff hypothesis from the local cop who is trying to justify his job. Until this attitude amongst the authorities, the public and expats changes there will be no improvement in road safety in Thailand.
  4. those comments you've quote appear to be examples of pure racism.
  5. It is a symptom of many expats that their grasp of their native tongue is pretty tenuous.
  6. That I have great difficulty reading and writing Thai is a constant source of shame for me........... I do however speak conversational Thai and in the last few years it has improved exponentially. I have not had formal lessons, but I like to communicate with my neighbours..... People's ability to learn a language varies. But I'm surprised at how many expats don't speak any Thai. The reasons are often very disturbing. many don't because they just haven't got the skills and try to take some racist stance that it isn't worth learning because" nobody speaks it outside Thailand" - what a silly thing to stay - it's incorrect - :aos and Thai are very similar for a start - but they wouldn't know that would they? Secondly, never mind about anybody else THEY are in Thailand and everybody speaks it here! There is an attitude too amongst expats that they are living here on the cheap but feel no need whatsoever to communicate with the local people. "I get on fine with Thai" - and then sit in bars theorising about how stupid Thai people are. a pretty brazen attitude to take as they can't even speak a word themselves. "I can't speak Thai ,but I can understand them" - no you can't, you just make it up and then wonder why they "keep getting things wrong"!! I'm almost illiterate in Thai but every now and then I make an effort - it helps amazingly with speaking and speaking for an expat probably the most important thing Time after time I'm regaled with tales of how "Thai people are rip-offs" they can't do this, they have no "spacial awareness" - basically they are just racist slurs from idiots who re too incompetent to learn even the basics of the language. Then, irony upon irony, they are the first people to insist the immigrants to their own country should learn their language.
  7. Well I don't see how they think it's permanent. It is fairly obvious that returning tourists will spend less if there is less to spend on. Many small businesses have gone out of business - As said about a year ago, unless the government makes more effort to support small businesses to recover the damage COLD be permanent to longterm, but one hopes they'll raise this. It should also be noted that Chinese were some of the consistently highest spenders on a daily basis and they used to compose about 25% of the market - they are yet to return
  8. It is not surprising to encounter people who can't be bothered to read on this site.....it astounds me that they think they have an opinion - surely their friends would tell them?
  9. ..and you feel that puts you ia position to make a medical diagnosis on this situation? you could take up self brain surgery next...... you might be disappointed in what you find.
  10. so you have a price list - You know te "public" hospital you have in mind will do this? You realise that they have the surgeon to do it? Or did they pass him on to a private hospital -
  11. You are qualified to diagnose this patient or are you just trying to justify your untenable original position.?
  12. The synovium, is connective tissue that lines the inside of the joint capsule. it's a joint capsule, or articular capsule. It is a bubble-like structure that surrounds joints such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, knee, foot and ankle. If inflamed it can be removed by surgery.
  13. An amateur Sherlock? You have no ideaof te medical details - he may even have had a diagnosed or undiagnosed pre-existing condition. You have no idea of the physical condition of the child - regardless of which corporal punishment is cruel and archaic.
  14. I think what we really should e worried about is an eduction system that in this day and age allows teachers who think like this to stay in a job. Thinking like them and trying to mete out the same punishment is just as bad.
  15. Duties and taxes are usually based on C&E valuations of the items concerned - they have the final say. So your problem is to communicate with those who are actually doing the valuations and show you care!
  16. This is an interesting topic. Whereas I realise water companies and local authorities may not be too keen but I think it is worth PUBLISHING as many companies/laboratories as possible who will do this sort of testing. I'm particularly interested to find out what is in the water around Rayong and Chonburi.
  17. And you speak perfect Thai? Unless you are a native speaker it's unlikely your English will ever be perfect.
  18. nothing to do with language limitations, then?
  19. I took my ex for a drive down Soi 6 one time. She said "I feel sorry for them". "These girls?" I replied "No the men"
  20. It's so sad...all these men without a cue/Thai women have feelings just the same as anyone else - so there's one hurdle to get over. How any Thai person expresses their feelings has cutlural and linguistic differences from "westerners" - but surely after being in a relationship for a year or two you can work that out. Tere is tendency towards fridge magnet philosophies, but you're meant to understand what they mean when they talk like that.
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