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Everything posted by Thunglom

  1. Yes - so proud of how those plucky little oil companies have stood up to those money-gabbing scientists.
  2. OMG! just about every premise in this post is incorrect. - I really underlines the lack of comprehension of the basic science of MMCC, It would be impossible to start to explain as it requires starting for 2+2 = 4
  3. they aren't skeptics - skepticality is the basis of all science, climate deniers are not scientific, thy do not engage is critical thinking, they are "believers" in baseless hypotheses
  4. sorry but there IS a consensus - and sealioning is the response of someone with no answer.
  5. No you are incorrect - a one stat wonder....the facts of climate change are exponential - they start small and will increase exponentially. you're not even looking in freight place try dipping into some of these.... https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?q=exponential+effects+of+climate+change&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart "since then there have been other reports concerned with sea levels - Since the publication of the 2013 IPCC assessment, attempts have been made to include more physical processes and to develop models that can project sea level rise using paleoclimate data. This typically led to higher estimates of sea level rise.[62][57][95] For instance, a 2016 study led by Jim Hansen concluded that based on past climate change data, sea level rise could accelerate exponentially in the coming decades, with a doubling time of 10, 20 or 40 years, respectively, raising the ocean by several meters in 50, 100 or 200 years.[95]" - wiki. However if you are dealingsolely with sea levels, you are missing the whole picture. Sea levels may well effect Thailand more than some other effects as there is a lot of the kin=gom only a matter offer above sea level. the are maps used by surveyors that show which areas are most likely to be flooded.
  6. do we then deduce that climate change isn't happening because some claimed 60 degrees Celsius on Thaivisa? I think it's more persuasive to look at the map below.......courtesy of Yale Climate connection.....
  7. Indeed - I can't understand why people see all this evidence and yet seem to take the oil companies' line. Maybe they work for oil companies?
  8. no millenia - it seems you underline a basic problem, that of many people to understand big numbers.
  9. Hilarious! Wrong on so many assumptions - ware expands when it turns to ice a certain part is always over the surface - but the are talking about the "arctic and antarctic circles circles under which there is a lot of "land". However the addition on water doesn't remain in one place I have pointed out some of the effects already
  10. Time and again people grab hold ozone misunderstood "fact" and erroneously think it means that they have an argument against climate change - You are not understanding the full picture.. Ice floats. It also holds back other fresh water - 68% of the worlds fresh water is held in the ice caps and glacier th includes places Like Antartica and Green land. Te advent of huge amounts of "heavier" cold water into the oceans not only affects sea levels - we know this from studying ice ages - it also affects the currents and thus the climates, flow of rivers etc etc.... the melting of tundra also brings about the release of methane the most powerful climate warming gas. which intern accelerates the melting. As I said the significance of ice is that above zero it becomes water so it doesn't need a major hike in temperature, only on degree and it's state has changed. "This sea level rise has been driven by expansion of water volume as the ocean warms, melting of mountain glaciers in all regions of the world, and mass losses from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. All of these result from a warming climate. Fluctuations in sea level also occur due to changes in the amounts of water stored on land. The amount of sea level change experienced at any given location also depends on a variety of other factors, including whether regional geological processes and rebound of the land weighted down by previous ice sheets are causing the land itself to rise or sink, and whether changes in winds and currents are piling ocean water against some coasts or moving water away." - Royal society "it is projected that sea level may rise, at minimum, by a further 0.4 to 0.8 m (1.3 to 2.6 feet) by 2100, although future ice sheet melt could make these values considerably higher." Royal Society. Remember to that it won't suddenly just stop. Part of the problem is the frequency of extreme weather coupled with sea rises - storm surges and high tides can greatly exaggerate the effects of sea level rise - see the recent floods in BKK. These are going to be more frequent- the BMA has sought Dutch advice on this and have various plans for sea barriers - most of which look pretty pathetic..
  11. Sorry, I don't know what you mean by "floating" - can you explain?
  12. The banks have a problem - for the most part they are in denial - but of course they make money on loans so refusing major loans would cause a collapse in the system. If the priory gets flooded they cn s=till claim the money on the loan. there are of course already areas in BKK where you won't get a loan and of course many people wouldn't want a loan as thy don't want to buy the property.
  13. Bangkok is sinking because of the wright of urban development and unregulated extraction of ground water. The flow of ware into Bangkok is affected by climate change as the quantise and surges are from the Chao pray cachement area. On top of this you now have sea-level ridsing with is accelerating the results of flooding - it may well be permanently or semi permanently underwater in 15 years.
  14. So you don't think it's being exposed? and presumably you don't know why?
  15. with the melting in the poles there is already a lot more water in the atmosphere. Sothunderstroms come more frequent around the tropics - the problem is if you get too much water crops and soil wash away and other crops can be flooded or waterlogged blown down and lost. There is also a problem of shifting seasons which change insecurity behaviour and subsequent pollination. things are not just singular regional events they are interconnected and there is likely to be a domino effect -
  16. 2 basic mistakes. Firstly things have changed and it is the concentration and frequency that has changed. Sealevels are changing already. but the second part is that people expect a sudden change which is incorrect the change is exponential.
  17. the poles are suffering the most dramatic changes of all. These changes ae most likely to impact quite quickly on the rest of us. The problem with the poles is water - above 0 degrees it turns to liquid and then flows away - subsequent re-freezing doesn't place the ice lost, but the extra water in the oceans raises sea levels changes currents and climates and jet streams. Ice also forms dams - and these are wasting away too.. I think people have a belief that there will be some sudden event - the reality is is already happening and will accelerate exponentially - the problem at the moment is we can't admit to seeing the results because they aren't what we expected at depicted in movies and media...
  18. Floods, drought, politics and post covid standard of living - what about the authorities pledges at COP 26?
  19. Why is it that Thai ministers always reply to a problem in the same way; they tell OTHERS to do their job. Don't they realise it is THEIR responsibility and they should be telling us what they are doing, not just telling others.
  20. Unfortunately that's all you get - I don't get involved with arguments about God - I'm not twelve - but if you'd like to learn a bit about critical thinking please try again later when you have.
  21. It's not a dilemma - and you are now making a false dichotomy
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