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Everything posted by Thunglom

  1. try this for size...... https://herebedragonsmovie.com
  2. It is not unscientific at all - science and skepticality is the OPPOSITE of religious belief.
  3. so very sad that you are unable to see the difference in these two premises.
  4. disgraceful! Traditionally the military has made a lot of money out of logging. Their promises to replant are just examples of how little they understand about a first eco-system. it's hard to understand how a country that relies so much on its natural resources to attract tourism is prepared to destroy them willy-nilly.
  5. usually it's to get at the dead dog on the other side.
  6. The tourist industry desperately needs to reopen for the high season. I think like many governments around the world, they have decided that even if the death rate goes right up, it is a sacrifice they are prepared to make for industry. I'm not sure the oldrpopulationm inform and some younger folk will appreciate this a few months down the line....
  7. You really don't seem to understand the premise do you. the fact is that it was introduced via the US troops and in fact your assertion is not true - you have no hard evidence to support that - you probably saw a group of Chinese guys whilst you were using one and decided they were all Thai.
  8. ALL countries have a sex trade of some kind - Thailand has had a socially accepted if often illegal trade involving women girls and even slvey for centuries - THAT IS NOT THE POINT ,,, the US forces entered an undeveloped country and took advantage of that and exponentially expanded it it into a major industry - SEX TOURISM - they allied to government and business signed treaties and deals to supply the forces with sex. The higher wages and depressed economy in rural areas ensured a supply of girls and women. Don't forget the child prostitution etc was common and in public unit the 1990s. The types of prostitution still used by foreigners are not the same as used by Thai nationals and the two seldom meet....the types use by foreigners were developed to meet th US demands - this included introducing "wash'nwank* introduced from when the US occupied Japan. Most countries recovered from occupartion by US forces - but the Thai elite helped to sustain the trade and its infrastructure into the 21st century as a major tourist attraction.
  9. FHS!! - You should know how the Japanese got their prostitutes - they were enrolled as slaves - there are Korean women still trying to get compensation for this today!
  10. don't think so - it's still a cheap place to retire and now the Brits who can't get into Europe will focus elsewhere - Thailand may look like a good deal. Personally the politics put me off.
  11. with Google planner you are able to study "large numbers" - this is the key to correlation and just a cursory glance at sites that release figures will show you that the correlation is very good. however this little survey is done even year and is really more for entertainment although Google Planner is a serious tool.
  12. Post Brexit you need a long term visa for France - before you could basically just move in and stay. In France, expats need to show they can at least match the local minimum wage, For 2021 this is €18,655, but falls to €14,667 once social insurance charges have been deducted. The French authorities will use the lower figure, which works out at around £12,550 a year at current exchange rates. That is above today’s new basic State Pension of £9,339 a year, so expats must show they can generate income from investments and retirement savings. "A couple with two State Pensions should be okay,” he said. Portugal also demands Brits have enough income to match its national minimum wage, currently €7,980 (£6,838 a year) for an individual and €11,970 (£10,250) for a couple. As this sort of thing applies throughout the Eu, places like Thailand have gained in interest as anyone retiring outside UK will have to apply for a visa wherever they go now.
  13. The OP is about how the US effected the sex industry in Thailand - what I was describing is the changes - women who engage in the sex industry do so because of the earnings - as this is becoming less attractive, I can see that it may change in the future - this is not so much to do with the US influence. In future the sex industry in Thailand is more likely to cater for the Chinese tourism sector so it may well adapt to what thy want. howeve, prostit=ion is illegal in Thailand which leaves it wide open to interference by future Thai governments. The Elite of the 1960s and 1970s has no qualms about selling off their women...this may change.
  14. An IDP needs to cover the class of vehicle you are driving - e.g. motorcycle or car etc..... BUT they are only valid for your first 3 months in the country, more than that and you need a Thai licence.
  15. historically, Thailand has been very good at attracting outside investment - they have the 10th biggest motor industry in the world, for a start. The EEC is a massive project that will industrialise most of Rayong and Chonburi. However the world economy is of course slowing that. since the 1990s industry has attracted workers from Issan and other poorer areas of Thailand to the extant that it actually subsidises the farms these people came from. Initially it was men who got the better paid work but now their are increasing numbers of career women working in industry and even the production workers are getting salary that makes protitution look less attractive.
  16. My ex summed it up well for me whilst looking down Soi 6, Pattaya. She said "I do feel sorry for them" "what the these girls?" I asked "No the men" she replied.
  17. It doesn't help to blame the riders - however Thai roads have always been bad and due to poor construction and maintenance (including neww roads) the surfaces are prone to damage and repairs aren't carried out quickly enough. As a motorcyclist since I was a kid, I look ar road surfaces of habit and still have been caught out on occasion. I also notice that resourcing often leaves roads in a very dangerous condition for motorcycles with long lines of different levels of asphalt with not warning or bollards. sadly though this is one one of several issues that need to be addressed.
  18. I think the message is more important than the messenger - at least we know =w he has first hand experience.
  19. Absolute tosh! Are you suggesting that the Americans and British sen't responsible for the slave trade? The US forces moved into a country en force and took an ancient tradition and turned it into a major commercial enterprise - they effected the economy in such a way that forced many women = and girls - into prostitution
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